Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 1037: Taoist ambition

The rise of the Imperial Court of Creation not only attracted the attention of the forces of fate, but in addition to causing a big storm in Chaos, its reputation also spread to Shi Tian.

Millions of years have passed, Chaos and Shitian have established a preliminary fusion, the two worlds are merging, and the dominant Qi is still Chaos.

Heavenly Court, in Lingxiao Palace.

Immortals and gods gathered and were discussing the creation of the Imperial Court.

"God Han Yao will betray Heaven, who is the emperor who is assisting?"

"The Imperial Court of Fortune is very powerful. Han Yao, Han Ye, and the Han Ba ​​God are all surnamed Han. Could it be that the Emperor is really a divine and divine sage?"

"It shouldn\'t be, the divine power is already above Chaos. What is the purpose of doing this? His two sons are both divine punishments."

"Perhaps this is the gathering of the descendants of Shenwei Tiansheng, who want to dominate the chaos? After all, with such a big backer, it will naturally expand their ambitions."

The Black God will look at the Evil Heaven Emperor and find that the Evil Heaven Emperor has a mysterious smile on his face.

"All right."

The Evil Heavenly Emperor slowly opened his mouth and said, making the immortal gods in the hall quiet down.

Under the leadership of Han Huang, Qingtian Xuanji, Zhao Shuangquan, Han Yao and other peerless geniuses, today\'s Heavenly Court has a strong heritage, Tianjiao emerges in an endless stream, and there are many strong people who have grown up sitting in the town, sitting on the three major domains of chaos, which can be regarded as a detached force .

The Evil Heaven Emperor himself has also become a saint of the Dao.

Xie Tiandi said: "There is no need to worry about the matter of creating the imperial court. I and Tiansheng are close friends. Han Yao was borrowed from Tiansheng. He has made contributions to the heavenly court and is now fighting for himself. , If you meet in Chaos in the future, you should also perform the salute of a god."

Hearing this, the immortals had to respond.

An old immortal stood up, bowed his hands, and said, "Your Majesty, all the heavenly soldiers sent by Heavenly Court to Shi Tianhong have lost contact. I\'m afraid something has happened."

Emperor Xie Tian frowned and said, "If that\'s the case, then send the five gods of Jinzong to lead eight thousand holy soldiers to find a suitable location, establish a station in the heavenly court, and build a teleportation array as soon as possible."

The voice fell, and the five majestic golden armor gods stood up, responded in unison, and then turned to call for the holy soldiers.

The Evil Heavenly Emperor started other deployments, making the entire Heavenly Court move.

release day.

The void here doesn\'t look much different from Chaos. Dao Zhizun, Zhao Xuanyuan, Jiang Yi, and Lao Dan rode on the ancient pagoda.

Zhao Xuanyuan said with emotion: "I don\'t know how that kid Han Ye is. I\'m really not used to it without him for so many years."

Jiang Yi smiled and said, "How about you give birth to a son to accompany us?"

Zhao Xuanyuan glanced at him and said, "Although I am romantic, I don\'t want to be tied down. What about you, do you want to recreate the Golden Crow Protoss?"

"Hmph, I\'m just like you."

"Last time the girl looked at you very reluctantly, why did she refuse?"

"I don\'t have a fixed place to live, why bother her, I can\'t take her with me, and what she likes is not me, but my strength."

"Then you can have a dewy relationship with her. Why should you refuse directly? It\'s a pity."

"I\'m not you."

The two bicker, and Lao Dan is used to it.

Dao Zhizun looked ahead and said, "You said, what would happen if the Dao Qi luck divine power of the four realms of chaos, ignorance, transcendence, and Shitian were gathered together?"

Lao Dan smiled and said: "Don\'t think about it, no one can do it. If it really succeeds, wouldn\'t you be invincible? Even your master is not your opponent!"

Dao Zhizun smiled and said: "I want to try, I have already intercepted the power of the supreme rule of detachment and ignorance, and only Shi Tian is left, and I don\'t know if there are more Dao worlds."

Lao Dan shook his head and said: "I don\'t know, since the appearance of the Dao of Ignorance, the old man realized that everything we know is still too small and too narrow. If every Dao world represents the emergence of the supreme existence, it is difficult to imagine the road to cultivation. What is the end of it?"

Dao Zhizun said with emotion: "Master is so powerful, and he is still practicing. He is still far away from the peak of cultivation, especially for me."

Old Dan nodded irrefutably.

"No matter what, I must win Shi Tian\'s supreme power of rules. As always, old man, you make a battle plan, Zhao Xuanyuan and Jiang Yi will defend against the intruder for me, and I will pass it on to you when I succeed in intercepting it!"

Dao Zhizun commanded Dao not to refuse. From beginning to end, he has been the leader of the team, and even Lao Dan has to obey him.

Zhao Xuanyuan scratched his head and said helplessly: "I hope Shitian\'s practitioners won\'t let me down. I haven\'t had a hearty battle for a long time, and I already feel invincible loneliness."

Jiang Yi put his hands around his chest and pouted, "It\'s really shameless."

Having said that, there was a look of anticipation in his eyes.

It is very difficult for them to meet their opponents in Chaos!

There may be a powerful cultivation base stronger than them, but it is definitely not the enemy of their joint efforts.

Time flies, the chaotic situation changes, there are newcomers rising up, covering the sky with only one hand, and the old generation has fallen, and there are more overlords. It can be said that it is very lively.

For belligerents, this is an unprecedented prosperous age. As long as they are strong enough, they can leave a name for eternity and shock the past.

For Han Jue, as always, he once again retreated for five million years.

Han Jue opened his eyes, showing satisfaction.

When the final realm falls into the blank field, he can practice at will, and the growth rate of the cultivation base returns to the previous one.

In addition to the development of the final world, which can bring about the strengthening of the cultivation base, he can also refine the mana and turn it into the power of the final yuan.

Apart from him, other beings can no longer rely on cultivation to enhance their cultivation, even if they are the creators of the Dao, they can only rely on the Dao world.

The stronger the foundation of the Dao world, the stronger the master can absorb the power of the Dao world. Of course, this is not a one-way absorption, but complements each other and achieves each other.

Han Jue started to check his emails.

In the past five million years, Han Ling, Han Ye, Han Yao, and Han Ba ​​Shen have been extremely active. Han Ling founded the Imperial Court of Fortune, and his luck was outstanding.

After the four Dao Zhizun entered Shitian, they triggered a huge number of attacks. These four were also suppressed by the mysterious power and were seriously injured.

For the four of them, Han Jue was very relieved that they would not die. UU reading

The higher the cultivation base, the more cherished one\'s life is. If the direct disciples really can\'t beat them, they will definitely use the magic trick.

Most of the circle of friends has entered Shi Tian, ​​which makes Han Jue Shi Tian have a little expectation.

After reading the email, Han Jue got up and walked out of the Taoist temple to catch up with the beauties.

After tossing for hundreds of years, he just returned to the Taoist temple.

He was about to practice when he suddenly felt something and moved slightly.

Someone is borrowing his ultimate power!

Han Huang!

Extremely angry star!

Since this fate fell on Han Huang, it was the first time that he borrowed Han Jue\'s power. After all, his strength was already at the top of Chaos, and no one could force him to this point.

During this time, Han Huang stayed in Shi Tian.

Is there such a strong person in Shi Tian?