Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 1035: create race

Shi Tian Wuliang Daozun stared at Han Jue and said, "So it is, no wonder you are so confident, the creator of the Tao can\'t kill the creator of the Tao, since this is the case, then we will wait and see to see who\'s Dao world can laugh to the end."

The voice fell, Shi Tian Wuliang Dao Zun disappeared out of thin air, and the blood covering this blank area disappeared.

Han Jue didn\'t know what this fellow thought, but he didn\'t care, anyway, he didn\'t take Shi Tian Boundless Great Slayer in his eyes.

[Shi Tian Wuliang Daxingzun has hatred for you, the current hatred degree is 3 stars]

Han Jue smiled, then jumped back to Chaos and returned to the Taoist temple in the third dojo.

Han Ling opened his eyes and asked, "Father, where did you go before?"

Han Jue replied, "Put my Dao world outside of chaos."

Hearing this, Han Ling was moved and quickly asked, "Why? Didn\'t you say that it was dangerous?"

Han Jue didn\'t hide it, he said the truth.

Han Ling murmured: "Is that the power of chaos? This is to attract other Dao worlds. It seems that the difference between the strengths and weaknesses of Dao worlds is greater than I thought."

Han Jue smiled and said, "That\'s right, the chaos will change drastically in the future, let\'s wait and see."

Han Ling nodded, then got up and left.

Nine times out of 10, he was looking for Han Ba ​​Shen to discuss and abuse the vegetables.

Han Jue took out nine Hongmeng fragments and fell into thought.

The Great Fortune of Hongmeng can create exercises, open up the world, create races, and create everything.

He is not lacking in cultivation techniques and magical powers now, and it is not necessary to use them to strengthen himself.

He thought of the final realm.

Shi Tian\'s Boundless Great Destruction Zun has already set his sights on the Yuanyuan Realm, and he has to compare the Dao Realm.

It is necessary to strengthen the strength of the Dao world.

Although there are more than 2,900 Chaos Demon Gods in the Final Origin Realm, their growth time is not as good as that of Shi Tian, ​​and besides the Chaos Demon God, most of the final life creatures are still in the process of being conceived, and there is no very strong race for the time being.

It is better to create a race with the great fortune of Hongmeng.

Han Jue thought it was feasible.

He immediately fused the nine Hongmeng fragments.

He began to imagine races in his mind, and the nine fragments of Hongmeng merged, bursting out purple light, dazzling.

On the other side, in the Taoist Temple next door.

Han Bashen waved his hand and said, "Ancestor, I\'m not coming! I really won\'t be coming! What\'s so fun about mock trials, I\'m not interested!"

Han Ling frowned and asked, "Why? Haven\'t you been addicted before?"

Han Ba ​​Shen squeaked and said, "It\'s just for a while..."

Han Ling felt bored, snorted coldly, and left.

However, she wanted to enter Han Jue\'s Taoist temple, but was blocked and could not open the door. She guessed that her father might be in trouble, so she turned to chat with others.

Occasionally taking time to relax during the long years is also a good thing, and it can play a certain role in promoting Taoism.

A few years later, Han Ling just returned to the Taoist temple.

The race created by Han Jue using the great fortune of Hongmeng has not yet been successfully conceived, and he has placed it in the depths of his soul.

Han Ling didn\'t ask. Her father was always mysterious. Even if her cultivation base had reached the limit of chaos, she still couldn\'t see through her father.

Han Jue was not cultivating, but was reading his emails.

[Your apprentice Dao Supreme was attacked by Shitian practitioners] x10928763

【Your apprentice Zhao Xuanyuan...】

[Your son Han Tuo broke through the void, won the Shitian Divine Treasure, and obtained the Shitian Fortune]

[Your descendant, Han Yao, turned his blood into the army of gods, and his Taoism has risen sharply]

[Your friend Shenpao Taoist was attacked by Shitian practitioners] x8022

[Your friend Pangu was attacked by Shitian practitioners] x62033

【Your apprentice Ji Xianshen has stepped into the long river of time】

[Your apprentice Yang Tiandong was attacked by the **** Shitian and was seriously injured]

Tsk tsk, Chaos and Shi Tian is a full-scale war?

How fun!

Han Jue looked at Han Ling next to him, and found that Han Ling was also looking at Chaos and did not enter the practice.

Han Jue began to entrust Han Yao with a dream.

In the dream, Han Yao was very excited to see Han Jue. When he was an adult, he practiced in front of Han Jue for thousands of years, and he always regarded Han Jue as the most respected person.

After some greetings, Han Jue said, "Come back, prepare to assist your ancestor Han Ling."

Han Yao was stunned for a while, and immediately responded.

Han Jue\'s plan had been quietly told him long ago, but after so many years, he has dominated one side, and he really made him surrender to Han Ling. He was naturally upset, but he did not dare to go against the ancestors.

Han Jue ended his dream and gave Han Ye another dream.

Seeing Han Jue, Han Ye was extremely excited.

He will never forget the fairy master when he was a child. Even if he later learned that the fairy master was the ancestor, he always regarded Han Jue as the master, not the ancestor, but he didn\'t find a chance to talk to Han Jue during the chaos event.

Han Jue asked about Han Ye\'s recent experience, but Han Ye didn\'t hide it.

Han Jue smiled and said, "It seems that Dao Zhizun and the others take good care of you. You will tell them later that I will let them come back and sit down when they are free."

Han Ye nodded.

Han Jue followed: "Leave them, come back, assist your ancestor Han Ling, and achieve a great cause."

Han Ye was stunned, help Han Ling?

Different from Han Yao, he has something to say. He said seriously: "Ancestor, why can she be stronger than me?"

Han Jue said with a smile: "Let\'s have a discussion after you come back, this will be your greatest fortune, follow Dao Supreme and the others, Dao Supreme is your limit, if you want to surpass Dao Supreme, this will be your only chance. Creation will be far beyond your imagination."

Han Ye was silent.

He believed that Han would never lie to him, and he couldn\'t help but think back to Han Ling, that fierce woman...

In the end, Han Ye agreed and decided to bid farewell to Dao Zhizun and others, and Han Jue told him the location of Xingchen Universe.

Dreams are broken.

Han Jue opened his eyes, looked at Han Ling, and said, "Linger, are you ready to go out?"

Han Ling was stunned and asked, "What are you doing out?"

Han Jue said meaningfully: "You have been observing Chaos all these years, your cultivation base has reached the limit of cultivation, and your Dao world will continue to evolve by itself. If you want to reach a higher level, retreat is not enough, you already have a plan. , why hide it from being a father?"

Han Ling took a deep breath and said with a smile: "The father is the father. You can guess what the daughter wants to do."

"Tell me about your plan."

"My Dao world started too late. Even if the endless era comes, I will be weaker than other Dao worlds. I plan to recruit talents in chaos. When the endless era comes, my Dao world will have a certain foundation. In addition, I guess The Era of Endless will be an era of unprecedented competition, and if you want to occupy a place without being swallowed up, you have to fight."

Han Ling spoke very seriously, and she was different from the usual her.

Han Jue thinks it makes sense.

Even his Dao world can\'t be hidden in the dojo, and must fall out, let alone other people.

Han Jue said: "Han Ye, Han Yao, and Han Ba ​​Shen will be your team, make good use of them."

Han Ling smiled and said, "Will they listen to me? Han Ba ​​Shen is okay, the other two."

"Prove your strength, and then I will let you fight in the simulated trial. Whoever wins, whoever wins."

"Will this hurt their self-esteem?"