Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 1014: Ultimate Killing Star

The older generation of saints fought **** for tat, arguing endlessly, and as time went on, the new saints also began to stand in line.

Xuandu Shengzun felt a headache, and he somewhat missed the atmosphere when Shenwei Tiansheng was sitting in the heavenly way. Under the eyes of Shenwei Tiansheng, who dared to be anxious?

It\'s just that over the years, the image of Shenwei Tiansheng in his mind has become blurred inexplicably, and he can\'t even remember Shenwei Tiansheng\'s real name.

In the end, the Holy Venerable Xuandu said: "Let the leader of Feitian Sect meet the head of the Han family on the top of Buzhou Sacred Mountain, Saint Han Yu, you have to go there in person to prevent unrest."

Hearing this, Han Yu nodded.

Speaking of which, the patriarch of the Han family is of the same generation as him, but there is a big gap between the cultivation bases of the two sides, and they have never had any contacts.

The faces of the saints changed slightly, and they felt that Xuandu Shengzun was going to favor the Han family, but facing Han Yu, they did not dare to make trouble.

Although Han Yu is a peaceful person, his disciple, Qin Ling, is not easy to provoke. He has a hot temperament. There was a saint who talked about Han Yu, Qin Ling heard about it, and directly chased and killed him. .

This matter was settled, and other saints mentioned another major event.

This is the Qiankun Temple, and there will be nothing to do for ten thousand years. Once the saints gather, they must talk about it for a long time.

The mountains are rolling, and the red sun hangs over the mountains and rivers. Han Jue and Han Ling are walking in the mountains and forests. The forests here are sparse, and there are many monks who come and go, all facing one direction.

Han Jue\'s father and daughter are like immortals and fairies, which naturally attracts a lot of attention, but no one is causing trouble for the time being.

Han Ling asked: "Father, the aura in front of you is not strong, and it is not even as strong as some practitioners who come and go. Could it be that they are swindling?"

Han Jue said with a smile: "Whatever we do, just join in the fun and let\'s go."

The father and daughter went up the mountain and stopped at a stone pavilion. This mountain is majestic and can overlook the nearby mountains and rivers.

From here, you can see that there is a Taoist temple on a mountainside more than ten miles away. In front of the temple is a dam platform. Dozens of practitioners are meditating. There are also practitioners in the nearby mountains and fields. The scene is spectacular.

While waiting for the immortal to preach, Han Jue prepared to use the selection of good fortune.

He has accumulated two good fortune selections, and it is time to use it once.

[Open the selection of good fortune, and a random natural great good fortune will appear in your children]

[Your descendant, Han Ye, has awakened and was born with great fortune - the ultimate killing star]

[Extreme Killing Star: Born with the soul of Killing Star, arrogant and arrogant by nature, the more killing karma, the stronger the cultivation base, and no luck in the world is allowed]

The ultimate killer?

Han Jue was secretly curious, and he began to calculate Han Ye.

Han Ye is not a descendant of Han Yunjin, but a descendant of Han Yu. His bloodlines are separated by thousands of generations, and he has deviated from his family.

Han Ye is only two years old now and is going through great fortune changes.

Han Jue asked in his heart: "The Ultimate Killing Star and the Hongmeng Emperor Star, who is stronger and who is weaker?"

[The great fortune of nature is incalculable]

Han definitely became interested in the Korean industry.

Decided to visit Hanye in the next few years.

A few years were too short for Han Jue.

Between the mountains and the wild, a young man in commoner with sword eyebrows and star eyes walked like a flying, and in front of him was a wild boar whose shoulders were taller than an adult, running through the woods.

"Naughty beast! Arched my home, where can I escape!"

The boy jumped up, landed on the back of the wild boar, and smashed it with a small fist.


The wild boar fell to the ground in an instant, its plump head smashed to the ground, the sound of broken bones was incessant, and blood spurted out.

The young man was displeased and continued to punch, and the wild boar died soon after.

He stood up, grinned, and then picked up the wild boar for the return journey.

Back in the village, the boy threw the wild boar to the village gate, which attracted the siege of the villagers.

"Han Ye is really amazing."

"Tsk tsk, the power of the nine-year-old is so terrifying, like the devil in the sky descending to earth!"

"Nice job, **** that boar!"

"Hahaha, Han Ye, can the meat of this wild boar be divided?"

"Tsk tsk, the last time I killed a big bug, this time I killed this wild boar as big as a car. It\'s too fierce."

Han Ye put his hands on his hips and laughed loudly: "You all should be separated, send your right thigh to my house!"

After all, he rushed towards the mountain on the left side of the village. He was like an ape in the forest. He quickly shuttled and walked for more than ten miles to a valley. The mouth of the valley was covered with vines and weeds. At first glance, it was difficult to find this place. There is a way.

Han Ye rushed in directly, and after entering the mountain pass, there was a small wooden house. In front of the wooden house was a lake with green waves.

In front of the lake, there is a young man and woman fishing. The woman is as beautiful as a flower, and the man is even more handsome, and his temperament is more immortal than the woman.

Han Ye came to the two of them and said excitedly: "Two immortal masters, today I killed a very big wild boar, you didn\'t see that the wild boar was as big as this wooden house, I killed it with three punches and two feet. It\'s gone!"

Han Jue glanced at him and said with a smile, "Does that increase your strength?"

Han Ye nodded excitedly, clenched his fists and said, "Master Immortal, the method of luck you taught me is too powerful. After killing the wild boar, my strength has increased!"

Han Ling frowned, but said nothing.

Han Jue smiled and said, "You came here to tell us this?"

Han Ye scratched his head, hehe smiled and said: "Master Immortal, I want to kill more evil animals and increase my strength, but there are too few evil insects in this mountain and forest, what should I do?"

"I know how to kill, so fierce at such a young age!"

Han Ling couldn\'t help scolding, causing Han Ye to tremble in fright. UU Reading

He had known this pair of immortal masters for half a month, and what he was most afraid of was Han Ling, because Han Ling never gave him a good face.

Han Ye looked at Han Jue pitifully.

Although he was only nine years old, Han Ye looked about the same age as thirteen or fourteen years old. His appearance did not resemble Han Jue at all, but he was indeed Han Jue\'s bloodline.

Han Jue smiled and said, "I\'ll teach you a set of boxing techniques. You don\'t need to kill, but you can also increase your strength. You can go back to practice for a few months. When the boxing techniques are completed, come back to us."

Without waiting for Han Ye\'s answer, he raised his hand and pointed, Han Ye trembled all over, and suddenly fell into a trance.

When he woke up, he had already returned home, and there was a memory in his mind. He admired Han Jue even more, what a fairy!

in the valley.

Han Ling asked inexplicably, "Father, do you like him very much?"

Han Jue smiled and said, "Can\'t you?"

"Although he is a descendant of blood, he has too many seniors and is like a stranger. Moreover, this son is violent by nature, and he does not see any advantages in him." Han Ling shook his head and said.

Han Jue pondered to himself, it seems that there is no way to sense the selection of good fortune.

Han Ling could feel Jiang Peishi\'s good fortune, or it was because of Jiang Peishi\'s good fortune for Hongmeng Emperor Star.

Han Jue smiled and said: "Although he likes to kill, he is still very good to the village. How can there be no murder in the road of cultivation? Although you have not experienced it, it is because of me. Without me, you are just for the sake of cultivation. You have to fight and fight with people.”



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