Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 1009: Chaos is 90% powerful

Han Jue\'s consciousness returned to reality, and the great men in the hall were still discussing the eternal summit, and so was Han Ling.

"It\'s really dangerous..."

Han Jue didn\'t change his face, his heart was full of fear.

Before the end of the dream, the ninth Chaos said something very scary!

"Actually, in my opinion, you are more like the Demon God of Hongmeng. If you didn\'t grow up too fast, all beings would ignore that you are the arrogance of heaven. In fact, you are the arrogance of the heavenly arrogance most like the Demon God of Hongmeng. In front of you, any arrogance of heaven seems mediocre. It\'s a pity. You are just the Chaos Demon God."

After saying this, the Ninth Chaos lifted the dream and did not give Han Jue a chance to explain.

Anyway, the matter is over.

Within 100 million years, the great gods of chaotic ignorance, formless and invisible transcendence will not jump out and make waves again.

After negotiating with the Ninth Chaos, Han Jue lost his expectations for this chaotic event. Even if Han Huang won the throne of the eternal peak, he also lost face.

The dignified Hongmeng Demon God is not regarded as real.

Although he escaped the catastrophe because of this, Han Jue still felt ashamed.

With the suppression of the great **** of Wuxiang and Wuxiang, the Wuxiang world suddenly lost that powerful force and began to fall into the disadvantage.

It is estimated that it will not be long before the world without phase will be eliminated.

The sudden change in the world of Wuxiang caused the practitioners who supported him in Shijue City to curse.

"This fellow is going to lose on purpose!"

"Yeah, why is it suddenly not working?"

"It\'s ridiculous, the same is true of Huang Zuntian before."

"It\'s normal. The two of them have a high support rate in the market. If they lose, the dealer will make a lot of money!"

"So that\'s the case, Han Huang is still upright."

"That\'s right, he is indeed the son of Heavenly Sage, and he is upright and upright!"

Han Jue began to ask in his heart, "Why is the ninth chaos indestructible, chaos, ignorance, shapeless, invisible, and detached from the great god?"

[Need to deduct one billion billion years of life, whether to continue]


[The creator of the Tao cannot kill the creator of the Tao]

Han Jue suddenly realized. This time *m Zhang Si

I see!

No wonder Chaos is so daring and daring, that the gods of Chaos are so ignorant, formless and invisible, no wonder the Ninth Chaos is so benevolent and righteous, they can only suppress each other and cannot kill each other at all! Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

Han Jue is even more eager to become the creator of the Tao!

After this chaotic event, he will go back to retreat, and the next time he will go out, it will be after preaching!

In less than half an hour, after losing the power of Wuxiang, Wuxiang and Wuxiang, the Great God, Wuxiang Tianxia was eliminated by the Great Heavenly God King.

The Great Heaven God King was extremely excited and felt that he was invincible, fighting Murong Qi and Han Huang alone.

At this point in the battle, the Great Heavenly God King is the biggest winner. He also had a reputation in the past, but practitioners from all sides thought that he had the most thousands of kings.

As soon as the phaseless world was eliminated, Han Huang suddenly broke out.

The eighteen dharma images on Han Huang\'s body were all integrated into his body. His body was so high that it reached a height of ten thousand feet. Eighteen arms grew out, each holding a divine weapon transformed by the Qi of Hongmeng, and his momentum reached its peak.

The Great Heavenly God King was shocked and exclaimed: "How is it possible!"

Han Huang\'s aura was stronger than ever before!

Han Huang ignored him at all, and attacked him forcefully, waving eighteen divine soldiers, dispelling all the divine powers of the Great Heavenly God King, and overbearingly suppressing him.

Murong Qi was also shocked. Han Huang\'s aura was just too strong. The energy in his body was enough to make him dare not approach him. The power of his avenues trembled instinctively.

The outbreak of Han Huang caused cheers in the city of Shijue, and all beings seemed to see the appearance of the eternal peak.

Han Jue was not surprised. This kid really hid his hand. In the end, he was still not confident enough. He felt that there were too many enemies, and he didn\'t dare to fully reveal it until the last moment.

Facing the violent Han Huang, the Great Heavenly God King retreated step by step, unable to bear it at all, and was finally nailed to the ruins by Han Huang, eliminated like Huang Zuntian.

In the final battle, Han Huang fought Murong Qi!

Han Ling smiled, no matter who wins, it is his own.

All beings in the ten cities also felt that they had lost their suspense. Although Murong Qi was strong, almost no one had expectations for him.

There is still a big gap between him and Han Huang, and anyone can see it.

as expected!

On that day, Murong Qi was eliminated tragically, and Han Huang won the throne of the eternal peak!

"Hidden Sect Han Huang, become the first everlasting peak at the Chaos event!"

The voice of the Supreme Punishment God reverberated throughout the chaos, not just the ten cities!

The whole chaos shook.

"Father! Second brother won!"

Han Ling said excitedly, but Han Jue did not answer.

He was still reading the words of the Ninth Chaos, and he was a little dissatisfied with Han Huang.

The Supreme Punishment God brought the arrogant people back to the main hall of the Shijue City, where all the juejue Tianjiao gathered, and the next step was the reward.

The top ten geniuses can become the gods of the Dao, or they can refuse, but no genius will refuse.

In addition to the position of the Great Dao God, you can also get the fief, and the Supreme Punishment God Venerable will be rewarded one by one. The whole process took a lot of time, but the atmosphere was very warm.

Only when he arrived in Han Huang, the Supreme Punishment God Venerable did not directly reward him, which made the masters even more curious about the reward of the eternal peak.

"In view of the complete conclusion of the first chaos event, from now on, a chaos event will be held every 50 million years!"

The Supreme Punishment God Venerable opened his mouth and said, which attracted the admiration of all forces. If it is 100 million years, it is still too long.

After the chaotic event ended, Han Jue left with the Hidden Gate Heavenly Dao party, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com quickly returned to Heaven, and he did not forcefully take away those disciples who wanted to continue their careers.

This chaotic event has greatly stimulated the disciples.

Han Jue sent all the Chaos Demon Gods back to the second dojo, and let them continue to practice in retreat. No one has any opinion. They have already begun to look forward to the second Chaos event!

After everything was arranged properly, in the third dojo, Han Jue meditated on the black lotus of the 36th grade Samsara and sighed deeply.

Han Ling sat next to him and asked, "Father, why are you unhappy that the second brother won the eternal summit?"

Han Jue said: "A big event happened during this chaos event."

He spoke out the calculations of Chaos\' ignorance, formless and invisible detachment from the great gods, and also said the ninth chaos, but he didn\'t mention a word about the Hongmeng Demon God.

He just wanted to let his daughter learn more and didn\'t want to drag her into danger.

Han Ling was shocked when he heard this.

Before she could see it, a catastrophe that endangered Chaos happened!

"Father, what realm are they? Dao is the highest and then go up?" Han Ling asked.

Han Jue nodded.

Han Ling took a deep breath, but did not ask any further.

Han Jueyu said earnestly: "Linger, there is a sky outside the sky, and you can never slack off. Father hopes that you can climb to the top with your father."

Hearing this, Han Ling nodded heavily. control the big lord

Han Jue smiled with satisfaction, and then began his long-lost practice.

Han Ling conducted a mock trial. She wanted to see if there was Han Huang\'s latest cultivation status in the mock trial.

Indeed, when Han Jue was in the city of Shijue, he copied all the creatures in the city to one side, and the existing existence refreshed the cultivation base. Today\'s simulated trials can be said to be extremely rich, containing 90% of the power of chaos.

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