Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 1007: Incredibly powerful

Not only the foolish sword is sacred, but other great powers have been annihilated one after another, but these great powers have life-saving means, and they will not rashly die.

Soon, Fool Sword Sacred came again, looking at the boundless exterminating general, his heart was extremely heavy.

All the avenues were silent and did not dare to move forward.

"I have to go and invite Shenwei Tiansheng!"

I don\'t know who suddenly said, and let the desperate powers come back to their senses.

For today\'s plan, we can only seek help from Shenwei Tiansheng.

"I\'m here."

A light and fluttering voice came, causing the powerful people to turn their heads to look, only to see that Han Jue did not know when to appear behind Yujian Sacred.

Yu Jiansheng turned his head to look, stunned for a moment, and then let out a long breath.

Han Jue\'s right hand landed on Yujian\'s sacred shoulder, pulled him behind him, and then stepped towards the hundreds of thousands of exterminators in front of him.

Fool Sword Sacred smiled and suddenly felt relieved.

What is bullying us?

In front of Shenwei Tiansheng, the number is meaningless!

As Han Jue walked, seven blades of light were condensed around his body. They were as long as human bodies, and their shapes were different.

Qingtian Xuanji\'s violent shout came: "Stop! Shenwei Tiansheng, do you know what you are doing?"

Han Jue ignored him at all.

"Just try the magic power!"

The corner of Han Jue\'s mouth rose, and the end of the Yuan Shenyan burst out immediately, making a harsh sound that made the soul of the Supreme Dao shudder, and all the creatures in the entire chaos could vaguely hear it.

The seven blades of light attacked hundreds of thousands of exterminators at an extremely fast speed. The strong light burst out, and the sound of the blade piercing the flesh sounded one after another. scattered.

Qing Tian Xuanji\'s eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

Mie Quan put the terrifying body in front of Zhongyuan Shenyan like a piece of paper, and their mana directly vanished when they touched the light blade of Zhongyuan Shenyan.


There is only this feeling in the minds of the powerful.

If they hadn\'t fought before, they all thought that destroying the power would be just an empty appearance.

Hundreds of thousands of annihilation generals roared wildly, no longer attacking the seven supreme rules, but turned and killed Han Jue.

But the seven blades of light fought frantically at a speed that was incomprehensible to the Great Dao, the flesh and blood flew, and the mana was cut into smoke, as if a majestic fog rose up, covering the seven supreme rules and drowning the three thousand avenues.

Less than two breaths time!

Hundreds of thousands of annihilation powers will all be annihilated, and only one hand is left to grab Han Jue, thousands of miles away.

The seven blades of light returned to Han Jue\'s body again. The divine light was radiant and immortal. It had the appearance of the seven supreme rules in the distance.

Han Jue turned to look at Qingtian Xuanji and asked, "What other tricks do you have?"

Fool Sword Sacred and other great powers are still in a state of shock, and it is difficult to recover.

They knew that Han Jue was very strong, but they didn\'t expect to be so strong.

Simply unimaginable!

This definitely goes beyond the avenues!

Qingtian Xuanji trembled all over, and the magical power he was proud of was gone.

The reason why the extermination general was born is that he got the insights from the battle between the divine power and the divine power. He originally used it to deal with Han Jue, but he never thought that he would be so vulnerable.

Qingtian Xuanji said solemnly: "Han Jue, you help Chaos, you will never be able to reach that realm!"

Han Jue said, "You can achieve it by helping the existence behind you? You are not kind to all beings in chaos, how can you rest assured that it may threaten your existence?"

Qingtian Xuanji was silent.

He understood that he couldn\'t convince Han Jue, but the most important thing right now was those detached beings, why didn\'t they show up?

At this moment, the Virgin of Order appeared beside Han Jue and said, "Heavenly Sage, the supreme rule can be repaired by me. As for this crisis, it has already been resolved."

Han Jue glanced at her and nodded slightly.

The Virgin of Order had never appeared before, but after passing through Hongmeng Heavenly Prison, Han Jue could trust her.

Judging from her words, it is estimated that the Ninth Chaos has contacted her.

Han absolutely cannot help but mourn for the invisible and invisible detachment of the great gods and chaos and unconsciousness.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly appeared in front of Qingtian Xuanji and slapped Qingtian Xuanji on the chest, shaking the soul of the first **** out of the shell.

Han Jue followed and put Qingtian Xuanji into his sleeve. As for the first god, he was too lazy to kill it, because he felt that the first **** was not the deity.

As soon as he disappeared, the great avenues surrounded the first god.

"Hey, those guys were your supernatural powers just now? Summon again! I don\'t believe that there is no end!"

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. Yujian Sacred grinned, eyes full of killing intent, as did other great powers.

The first **** was furious and scolded: "A group of reptiles, dare to pretend to be a **** and a majesty?"

Han Jue returned to Shijue City and came to the courtyard where the hidden disciples were. He moved Han Ling to his side.

When Han Ling saw his father, he felt relieved, and the others gathered around him and questioned him.

"how is the situation?"

"Master, what happened just now?"

"Crisis resolved?"

"Junior Brother Han, why did that figure exist just now? It\'s scary!"


In the face of everyone\'s inquiries, Han Jue raised his hand and signaled to be calm.

Everyone shut up and stared straight at Han Jue.

Han Jue gave a brief introduction, which shocked everyone.

Hundreds of thousands of generals who are more powerful than Daoist saints are gone?

As for who is behind the scenes, they don\'t care.

Han Ling couldn\'t help but think of his imperial soldiers...

It seems that even if he proves that the Dao is supreme, he is no match for his father.

The four people of Dao Zhizun have the most complicated feelings. What they are most afraid of is the first god\'s extermination of power. I didn\'t expect...

"My darling, the extermination general that we are most worried about is gone like this..."

Lao Dan said with emotion, which attracted everyone to look at them.

Zhao Xuanyuan spread his hands and told the past of communication between himself and others with the first god.

after awhile.

Guan Bufei scolded: "No wonder you are so strong, so you have the auspicious power of the Great Dao, and you are hiding it from your brothers!"

Zhou Fan was equally indignant, he was eliminated early, and he used to pretend to be against Dao Zhizun, but in this chaotic event, the results of the two were so different that he didn\'t dare to talk to Dao Zhizun.

This time 17B*xWx Zhang Si. Zhou Fan\'s son, the man in black, looked at Han Jue with light in his eyes.

too strong!

He must become such a powerful master as Shizu and slap his father in the face!

"Another Tianjiao has been eliminated!"

Exclamations came from outside the hospital, causing everyone to look up.

Since the Supreme Being and Huang Zuntian, the Heavenly Gang Demon God has been eliminated!

This surprised Han Jue. In the second dojo, the Demon God Tiangang has always been one of the best Demon Gods, and he can occasionally suppress Murongqi.

Make a big tyrant. It was the Great Heavenly God King who eliminated the Heavenly Gang Demon God!

The Great Heavenly God King suspended in the sky, opened his arms, the Great World appeared behind him, and two terrifying forces were entangled in him.

"Very good, I am getting closer and closer to the eternal peak. Han Huang, Wuxiangtianxia, ​​Murongqi, you should stop fighting, let\'s all go together! Die!"

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