Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 1005: Great God shot

When the ten cities were isolated by the mysterious formation, the great powers in the hall also noticed it.

They all looked at the Supreme Punishment God and Han Jue.

The Supreme Punishment God said: "Continue to watch the battle."

The powers could only suppress their uneasiness and continue to watch the battle, but they were transmitting voices in private, asking their subordinates to investigate the situation.

Soon, the practitioners in the Shijue City also noticed that something was wrong.

"What\'s the matter? Can\'t leave the city!"

"Could it be that we are afraid that we will interfere with the battle of the eternal peak?"

"No, I can\'t feel the breath of the battle of the eternal battle, which means that it is not at the bottom of the chaos!"

"The Venerable God didn\'t speak, so there shouldn\'t be an accident, right?"

"Don\'t panic, there are 90% of Chaos forces gathered at the scene, how can something happen?"

In the courtyard, the hidden geniuses also began to discuss this matter.

The black prison chicken shouted: "What are you afraid of, with the owner there, nothing will happen if the sky falls."

Han Tuo and the four God Punishment looked at each other in dismay. They smelled a dangerous breath, which was an intuition for a long-term battle.

Li Xuanao opened his mouth and said: "The duel of the eternal peak is still going on, it means nothing, otherwise the duel will be suspended."

The others nodded, and their attention fell on the sky again.

This time 17**m Zhang Si. Wuxiangtianxia, ​​Han Huang, Huang Zuntian, Murongqi, Tiangang Demon God, and the Great Heavenly God King are still fighting fiercely. All kinds of supernatural powers are emerging one after another. The scene is extremely chaotic, but it is also full of visual shock.

This kind of melee is too **** and infectious, far surpassing the previous duel.

at the same time.

Qingtian Xuanji, who was seized by the first god, came to the gate of Shijue City. He raised his right hand, and endless black energy rushed out from the palm of his hand, rising into the sky, piercing through layers of space, through the chaotic void, all the way beyond the three thousand avenues. , under the seven supreme rules.

The black air condensed into a black beam of light, and silhouettes rushed out of the black beam of light, which was a powerful general.

Soon, the number of destroyers will exceed 100,000, and the 100,000 destroyers will frantically attack the seven supreme rules, and the new destroyers will follow suit.

The seven supreme rules vibrated violently, and the Three Thousand Avenues followed in confusion.

In the main hall, many great experts looked up, and when they saw that the extermination of the power would attack the supreme rules, they all panicked.

Their power is based on Chaos. If Chaos collapses, even if they can live, they will lose their power and status.

"God Venerable! Heavenly Sage! Look at the supreme rules!"

"Could it be that the big world under chaos started to act?"

"How to do?"

"God, don\'t do it yet!"

"Those things look familiar, isn\'t that the supernatural power of the previous Taoist?"

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. Facing the panic of the great avenues in the hall, other avenue saints also began to panic even though they could not see the situation above the three thousand avenues.

The avatar of the Supreme Punishment God said: "Wait, go and protect the Supreme Rules!"

As soon as these words came out, the Dao Supremes quickly disappeared.

However, they were stopped in the sky above Shijue City, unable to break through the formation.

They were even more panicked, and they used all their strength to break the formation. For a time, the entire Ten Absolute City began to shake violently. All the creatures looked up and saw the powerful people breaking the formation. They suddenly realized that the formation just now was not right!

For a while, there were all kinds of speculations in the city of Ten Jue, and there were even remarks that the Supreme Punishment God wanted to harm them.

The four of Dao Zhizun were silent, and they did not explain to their fellow sects, sitting and watching the wind and clouds surging.

A Great Dao Supreme returned to the hall and said anxiously: "Heavenly Sage! God Venerable! Please take action, otherwise you will not be able to break the formation!"

The Supreme Punishment God frowned and said: "I\'m just a clone, but I don\'t have the strength of the main body. Let\'s walk with you first!"

He followed, ready to act.

Han Jue hesitated.

Does he want to act?

Will his performance be contrived? After all, the Ninth Chaos must know his strength. Although the formation outside is strong, it can be easily broken by the gods of the nine descendants.


From the perspective of the Ninth Chaos, he should not be able to beat the gods of the nine descendants.

Then play it.

Han Jue stood up and left a sentence: "Linger, just stay here and don\'t move around."

He followed and came to the sky above the ten cities, and the powerful people broke through the formation together, but they couldn\'t shake the formation at all.

Han Jue found that this formation was really amazing. It was very difficult to break the Great Dao, and at least it took half a step to create hope. It was indeed a means of chaos and ignorance.

He carefully controlled the mana and slapped it away.

the other side.

In the realm of the ignorant avenue.

The complexion of Huang Zuntian, who was fighting, changed greatly, and his avenue of luck and divine power quickly collapsed, causing his mana to drop.

The God King of Great Heaven found the right time, shot a bone mace, pierced Huang Zuntian\'s chest, and nailed him to the ground. Then, a bone soldier rushed out of the bone mace, surrounded Huang Zuntian, and raised their weapons and inserted them into the ground. On the ground, ghost energy spread, forming a great seal formation, making Huang Zuntian unable to move.

"Damn...why is this..."

Huang Zuntian gritted his teeth, not understanding why the Dao Qi Luck Divine Power suddenly fell off the chain.

The Great Heavenly God King would not sympathize with him, only to see the Great Heavenly God King come to the sky above him, concentrate all the mana in the palm of his hand, and prepare to end Huang Zuntian.

The Supreme Punishment God Zun immediately sent Huang Zuntian out, indicating that Huang Zuntian would be eliminated.

At this moment, the attention of the ten cities has been attracted by the powerful attack formation. Huang Zuntian\'s elimination just disappointed those practitioners who supported him.

Qingtian Xuanji stood outside the city of Shijue, UU reading www.uukanshu. com looked at the great powers above the ten city, and his face was mocking.

He said loudly, "Everyone, you haven\'t shown up yet!"

When the voice fell, a thunder cloud suddenly appeared, covering the entire bottom layer of chaos, and the great powers above the city of the ten musts stopped one after another, including Han Jue.

They looked up, and there was a stalwart figure in the thundercloud, which was bigger than the entire ten city, and the part of its body revealed was enough to make people desperate.

Han Jue immediately used a mock test to test the opponent.

[Invisible formless transcendence of the great god: in the early days of the creator of the Tao, the **** of chaos, above order, detached from everything]

It\'s him!

Evil Emperor\'s backer!

Han Jue frowned.

The imposing aura emanating from the invisible and invisible detachment **** is extremely terrifying, at least it makes Han Jue feel that he is not his opponent.


An extremely majestic shout resounded between heaven and earth, and then, the entire bottom layer of chaos began to shake, and the sky was getting higher and higher.

To be precise, the bottom layer of chaos is declining!

The avatar of the Supreme Punishment God was moved, he turned his head to look at Qingtian Xuanji outside the city, and asked through voice transmission: "Daoist friend, what are you doing? Didn\'t you mean to hurt the living beings in the Shijue City?"

Qingtian Xuanji echoed: "Sorry, if you want to truly destroy chaos, you have to destroy all living beings!"

The face of the Supreme Punishment God changed drastically, and he didn\'t care about scolding him, but transmitted the matter to Han Jue.

Han Jue was not surprised when he heard it.

Make a big tyrant. Very good, since you are unkind, don\'t blame me for being unjust!

Han Jue appeased the Supreme Punishment God and asked him to keep an eye on the top ten arrogances below, and he waited for the ninth Chaos to take action.

The creator of the Tao is against the creator of the Tao, and he has to confront the mysterious first god!

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