Tomin in The Alien World

V1.Chapter 14

Of course Tang Yin doesn\'t know magic. What he does is his complicated and pure Kung Fu. He didn\'t give the man a chance to breathe, made progress again, rushed to the man, shook his wrist, pulled out three silver flowers with the edge of the spear, and flew into the man\'s left and right chest and abdomen.

The duel between spiritual warriors is always straight. The competition is who has deep spiritual cultivation and who has superb spiritual skills. There has never been such a false move as martial arts.

The big man couldn\'t adapt for a while. He was in a hurry by Tang Yin\'s fast attack * and had no place to show his high spiritual cultivation.

In the intermittent space of Tang Yin\'s fierce attack, the big man can also fight back with half a move, but Tang Yin, who has understood his strength, doesn\'t give him a chance to fight hard at all. Then he defuses his counterattack one by one with dexterous steps and four or two skills.

The party who was attacked spent more energy, while the party who was beaten passively consumed more physical energy. The fighting time was not long. Tang Yin was not very good. The big man was tired with sweat beads on his nose and temples. At the same time, he screamed angrily, but there was nothing he could do with Tang Yin.

The fight was more like a fight between a fox and a bear.

Gradually, the big man was difficult to support, his strength was weaker and weaker, and his movement was slower and slower. He had been picked up four or five blood holes by the spear. Although it was not fatal, he was extremely embarrassed to fight so badly.

Seeing that the other party was almost consumed, Tang Yin\'s eyes glittered brighter. He seized the opportunity and fiercely stabbed a spear into the big man\'s lower abdomen.

After being polished by Tang Yin for too long, the big man was in a semi crazy state at this time. When he saw the other party\'s spear stabbing, he no longer dodged. Just when the spear tip was about to stab his skin (meat), he twisted his waist and opened his edge. It was only half a step worse. The blade of the spear tip still tore a big hole on his waist.

The big man fought back the pain and screamed loudly. He took back his arm with all his strength, clamped the spear body under his ribs, threw away the silver gun with his other hand, grabbed Tang Yin\'s neck and shouted, "I\'ll crush you!"

Tang Yin reacted so quickly that he simply abandoned the spear and clasped his hands around the man\'s neck.

In this way, the fierce battle between the two turned into a tangled struggle, and what Tang Yin wanted was this kind of direct physical contact.

Taking advantage of the opportunity for the big man to press forward, Tang Yin fell back, and they both fell to the ground. Then, Tang Yin dragged the big man all the way and rolled directly into the grass on the side of the road.

No one in the audience expected that the battle would evolve into this. They were stunned and some couldn\'t react.

At this time, there was a harsh scream in the grass. They didn\'t understand what had happened. They saw the grass mustard shaking. Tang Yin came out of the grass with an evil smile. He was still carrying a group of clothes in his hand. They looked closely. The group of clothes was not someone else\'s, but the big man\'s.

The soldiers of Ningguo and the deserters of Fengguo are stupid. No one knows what happened after Tang Yin and the big man rolled into the grass. Why Tang Yin came out alone and took the big man\'s clothes.

If anyone can understand, it\'s only Qiu Zhen. Looking at Tang Yin\'s face with more brilliance than just now, and the light in his eyes that makes people dare not face up to it, don\'t ask. Just as he said just now, he "ate" the big man, or he burned and absorbed the big man with a dark fire.

A spiritual cultivator who reached the "broken" state of cultivation was absorbed by Tang Yin, which undoubtedly improved his spiritual cultivation by a long way. It is understandable that he can\'t see the fatigue after the fierce battle, but he is energetic.

But until now, Qiu Zhen can\'t understand that Tang Yin\'s cultivation is far from that of the other party. How did he win in the end? And the win was not ugly at all. It can be said that he suppressed the other party from beginning to end.

Or, this man is really the one you\'re looking for!

Qiu Zhen couldn\'t restrain his joy. He rushed out of the grass and shouted like crazy: "the head of Ningguo has been killed, brothers, fight back!"

He suddenly jumped out, startling the deserters of the wind country, but his cry also awakened everyone\'s consciousness. Win! I won! Your brother really killed the leader of the other side!

For a moment, the fighting spirit of the deserters of the country of wind, who had already been thrown out of the nine night cloud, returned to their bodies again. The fear and despair of being chased and killed for days were completely released and vented. Like Qiu Zhen, they also fought back against 200 soldiers of the country of Ning with crazy weapons and scarlet eyes.

On the other hand, the soldiers of Ningguo were frightened. You should know that the big man killed by Tang Yin is not an ordinary little leader, but the commander of Ningguo. He has always been brave and good at fighting. He is very smart and powerful. At this time, he was killed by the other party. The soldiers of Ningguo are not afraid.

Almost without any resistance, more than 200 soldiers of Ningguo began to flee backward and lose the command of the leader. They fled in chaos, trampling and pushing each other. Their chaos increased the arrogance of the soldiers of Fengguo. There were only more than 30 people, but they were all like demons climbing out of hell. They exhausted all their weapons and frantically pursued and killed the soldiers of Ningguo.

Such a scene made Qiu Zhen\'s heart burn with flames. He kept shouting, "don\'t let an enemy run away. We should use the enemy\'s head to get back to work!"

His cry seemed to be stimulated in the ears of the soldiers of the wind country, and they chased and killed the enemy even more recklessly. Some unarmed soldiers caught up with the enemy, beat with their fists, kicked with their feet, couldn\'t move, and even hissed with their teeth. They looked like wild animals.

The situation on the battlefield is so changeable that the party who has just been chased becomes the party who has been chased and killed in an instant. Therefore, on the battlefield, no one can guarantee that he will be the final winner as long as the battle is not over, no matter how great the strength gap between the two sides is.

The one-sided battle soon ended. Under the pursuit of more than 30 Fengren, more than 200 Ningguo soldiers left more than half of the bodies and wounded, and the rest ran away without trace.

Tang Yin didn\'t take part in the chase. He sat on the roadside, tore a cloth strip from his robe and entangled the cracked tiger\'s mouth at will.

Qiu Zhen approached him, looked at the messy bandages on his hands, frowned, squatted down, and said, "I\'ll help you!" Said, whether Tang Yin agreed or not, he opened the cloth and wrapped it up for him again.

Just now he saw Tang Yin\'s hand bleeding and felt that the injury was not light, but now he was looking at the wound, not dripping blood, and had begun to heal, leaving only a faint red line. He was secretly surprised. The self-healing ability of the dark spiritual cultivator was amazing.

"Don\'t do this again!" Qiu Zhen bowed his head and said.

His endless sentence stunned Tang Yin and asked, "why don\'t you do this again?"

Qiu Zhen said in a deep voice, "don\'t take risks like this. It\'s joking about your life."

I haven\'t seen Qiu Zhen with such a dignified face. Tang Yin was stunned at first, then smiled and said, "that\'s my own business."

"It may have been before, but it\'s not now." Seeing Tang Yin raising her eyebrows childishly, Qiu Zhen looked dejected and murmured, "at least when I keep up with you, it\'s not like this. Your life is not only yours, but also mine. I don\'t want you to die, let alone the hope I put on you."

No one has ever said such a thing to Tang Yin. All along, he has been alone. Everything he has done is very simple, just to make himself better survive, but now it is a little different. There is an extra Qiu Zhen around him, which makes him feel as if he has an extra... Responsibility.

"What is your hope on me?" This sense of responsibility makes Tang Yin feel strange, but he doesn\'t hate it. At least, he feels that he is no longer a dispensable person, and there is someone in the world who cares about him.

"As long as we have a great place in the world, I will certainly be able to make great achievements together!" During his speech, Qiu Zhen\'s tone was firm, and the expression on his face became elated.

Tang Yin looked at Qiu Zhen for a long time, suddenly grinned and youyou said, "I always thought you were just black in heart, but I didn\'t think the blood was still hot."

Hearing the speech, Qiu Zhen was stunned and asked blankly, "can you see that my heart is black? In fact, I\'ve never felt so myself." Of course, his saying so is tantamount to acquiescence.

"Ha ha --" Tang Yin smiled up. He can\'t look at people, but his intuition is always very sensitive.

"I wrote down what you said." He stood up, nodded at Qiu Zhen and said with a smile, "but remember, I never joke about my life. The reason why I didn\'t listen to your advice just now was because I thought I could win, and in fact, I did win, didn\'t I?"

Tang Yin\'s answer was not satisfactory, but Qiu Zhen had to admit that it was true.

The more I came into contact with Tang Yin, I thought he was a strange man. It is reasonable to say that with his powerful skill, his spiritual cultivation should be very high, but the fact is quite the opposite. Even he didn\'t even have fixed weapons. He used spear and sword for a while. It seems that he can use any weapons and is very proficient in them.

It\'s still a long time. I always have a chance to get to know him in the future. Qiu Zhen returned to his usual playful appearance. He looked down and looked through the clothes left by the big man. Soon, he found a small military card, picked up it and read curiously: "Zhao Yuan, the 23rd infantry regiment, the eighth formation, commander of thousands..."

Seeing the three words of the commander in chief, Qiu Zhen stared round and said in surprise: "God, the guy you... Ate just now is the commander in chief!"

In the military system of Haotian Empire, 30 people are small teams, 100 people are large teams, 1000 people are arrays, 10000 people are regiments, and 100000 people are groups. In large-scale conflicts between countries, they are basically based on arrays and regiments, and the position of commander-in-chief is not low.

"Now you have made great contributions!" Qiu Zhen said with bright eyes.

PS: please collect! Xdjm collection hasn\'t been a thousand up to now. Come on!