To You Who I Yearn For

Chapter 44

Tao Yaoyao left home and went to her cousin's house. Yan Nuo looked at Tao Yaoyao with a dead face and couldn't help but be surprised, "ouch, what's the matter with you? Marriage is not happy. " Tao Yaoyao said weakly, "nothing, just in a bad mood?"“ There must be a reason. "“ Er, just... "Tao Yaoyao doesn't want to tell the truth, so he talks nonsense:" I just met a Bai Fumei recently. She is too beautiful and has a strong aura. I don't dare to stay with her. I have a little low self-esteem. " Yan Nuo was shocked. "Are you kidding? A person as smelly and beautiful as you, who is narcissistic and heartless, will have a time of inferiority. " Tao Yaoyao patted her hand and was furious, "are you my cousin? I'm in a bad mood. I'm blinded by someone else's Baifu beauty ring. Don't you think it's necessary to comfort me at this time? " Yan Nuo glanced at her and made a look of compassion for heaven and man, "Yao Yao! If you are so perfect, you will feel inferior. How do you want us ordinary people to live? "“ Look at you, your skin is so good, without any spots and acne, just like the carved jade, perfect... Anyway, in my mind, you are my perfect goddess! How can you feel inferior! " Yan Nuo picked up the nice words and boasted to Tao Yaoyao. Listen, Tao Yaoyao's face turned cloudy and sunny, and he burst out laughing. She regained her vitality, raised her hands and held her face. "I think so, too. I'm such a perfect person. There's simply no one in the world."“ Ouch! " Yan Nuo exaggeratedly made an expression to vomit, "I'll praise you with my conscience, but you can't be modest." Tao Yaoyao said, "what the hell is modesty! Can you eat? " In Tao Yaoyao's world, you can live as happy as you are. Why care about other people's pointing and images of God horses are floating clouds. Yan Nuo sighed and looked at his lovely cousin: "I tell you, the God of love never likes to spoil a woman who is careless, heartless and heartless, like a snake essence disease." Tao Yaoyao blushed: "cousin, can you not use your book writing skills on me? I see you don't know much about love. "“ I don't understand love? " Yan Nuo seemed to be stimulated and said coldly, "what is love, mutual respect and love? Mutual understanding? Or mutual understanding? Or is it not clear that what is unknown is love? "“ No, these answers are all classic theories turned out from textbooks. They can only be said to be in line with the mainstream outlook on life in today's society, but they can not really explain what is love and what is love? Love is to spoil you. Everything you say is right. " Hearing what she said, Tao Yaoyao's whole heart sank. This conclusion... Feng Zhuo doesn't love her.