To You Who I Yearn For

Chapter 38

A moment later, Feng Shao's voice sounded outside the bathroom: "Tao Yaoyao, you fell down the waterway!" Tao Yaoyao "......" dizzy! How long has she been in here? She cursed her for falling into the sewer. Feng Shao, you poisonous tongue man. Tao Yaoyao angrily locks his cell phone, throws it aside, and then takes a formal bath. While washing, he thought about asking Feng Huo to beg her for mercy again. After taking a bath, Tao Yaoyao scolded Feng Shao and said, "I said to you, I never urged you when you took a bath. I just went in for a while and you cursed me for falling down the waterway, you poisonous tongue man!" Feng Zhuo sat on the bed and ignored her. She just looked at her coolly. At this time, Yang Xiaoran's voice outside sounded: "Yao Yao, Yao Yao, why don't you pay attention to me." Catch up with Qing Fengjiao and call her because Yang Xiaoran has been barking. She was ashamed: "what are you shouting? I'm taking a bath. How should I treat you? Be honest, or I'll throw you out." After a moment of silence, Yang Xiaoran's voice sounded aggrieved outside: "Yao Yao, you are really fierce." Tao Yaoyao replied rudely, "I'm a tigress." Yang Xiaoran smiled: "it doesn't matter. Even if you are a male tiger, I will like you very much. You must marry me in this life." Tao Yaoyao, who originally planned to argue, suddenly felt that the explanation was really useless. Some people just couldn't make sense!!! With a sly turn of her eyes, she leaned over to Feng Zhuo: "play a play and cooperate."“ Huh? " Feng Zhuo's posture was quiet, and her voice was a little scattered and sexy“ Yao Yao, I can't sleep. Talk to me. " Yang Xiaoran shouted at the door again. Tao Yaoyao deliberately pressed his throat, but the voice was enough for Yang Xiaoran outside to hear, and suddenly shouted: "Oh..." Yang Xiaoran outside the door hit an inspiration: "Tao Yaoyao, what are you doing..." "let's go to sleep, you go to sleep.". Feng Shao raised her eyebrows and suddenly bit her arm, little villain“ Ah, pain... "Tao Yaoyao ate the pain, subconsciously shrunk back and bumped his head against the head of the bed... Yang Xiaoran outside was extremely depressed and upset, especially the dialogue inside, which made people think about it“ It hurts? " Feng Shao asked“ Yes. " Hit your head. Of course it hurts“ Let me check. "“ It must be bleeding. " Don't break your head“ No. "“ Would you like some medicine? "