To The Lovely You

Chapter 207

"I haven\'t settled with you today!"

"Settle accounts?" Su Rourou repeated one of his words in a low voice, and then said, "well, I know I\'m wrong... Let go of me first, we have something to say!"

This is at the gate of her house. If her parents see her, it\'s called her... How can she look up and be a man at home in the future?

"Really?" Luo Yichen seemed quite satisfied with her answer. He picked his eyebrows and pressed her body, but he didn\'t move. "Then tell me, what\'s your fault?"

Su Rourou bit her lip, tilted her head and thought seriously for a while, then stammered, "I\'m wrong! I\'m really wrong! I shouldn\'t go to the movies with them!"

"Well, go on!" Luo Yichen\'s lip angle made a curve like nothing, lowered his head and approached her, as if trying to hear her clearly.

Feeling his breath blowing on her cheeks, Su Rourou unconsciously shrank back, and her whole back was straight against the door panel.

"And... And I shouldn\'t eat alone without greeting you... But later, I realized my mistake and gave it to you!"

With these words, she looked at Luo Yichen with a guilty heart and found that his face was darker than the night sky.

She swallowed her saliva with some fear and thought: This narrow-minded guy is really angry because of this matter!

Licked some of her dry lips, and she continued to "repent" and said, "I was wrong. I shouldn\'t have eaten the salmon slices you ordered... You didn\'t eat enough... I still..."

"Enough of you!" Luo Yichen stretched out his slender fingers and pinched her chin. "Try again, believe me or not..."

Su Rourou only felt that her chin was about to be crushed by him. I don\'t know what this abnormal guy said. She turned her face again and again.

Because her chin was pinched by her, she could only vaguely say, "let go... It hurts! What do you want!"

Luo Yichen not only didn\'t let go of her, but also pressed the hand she tried to resist on her head with her other hand, then lowered her head and approached her bit by bit: "don\'t you really know what I want to do? But it\'s all right, you\'ll know soon..."

Hearing his low voice, I don\'t know why Su rourourou forgot to resist and looked at his face slowly close to herself with big eyes.

His deep and charming eyes, like the finest black gemstones, reflect the full moon. Su Rourou felt that she was about to be sucked in by these eyes. After a whirl, the whole person seemed to fall into the abyss.

While she was still confused, Luo Yichen\'s eyes closed slowly, her long eyelashes trembled gently like butterfly wings, and her breathing was hot and rapid.

Su Rourou\'s heart jumped wildly, as if she had just finished the 100 meter sprint, with a trace of pain.

Luo Yichen, this is... Is this going to kiss her? It was the same when I was at the door of the toilet today... But he clearly said that the person he liked was not her. Why did he kiss her again?

But even though she thought so, in such an atmosphere, looking at the tip of his nose closer and closer to herself, she unconsciously closed her eyes

Under the vast night sky, their bodies closely fit together, and the tip of their nose is closer and closer