Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Chapter 45 Galadia

Huang Xuan called out ominously

One of his water bottles caused as much chaos as a grenade, and the most direct victim seemed to be the one in front of him

At that time, he was wearing sunglasses

Just now, he looked from the side and did not recognize him

A subconscious smile of his revealed the mystery

Paulino was still teaching passionately

Huang xuan shrank his head and said in english, "Who are you

"" Galadia

" The golden-haired beauty's eyes were raised, and her eyebrows were bent into a new moon

With Lorraine's translation, Huang Xuan quickly said," the goddess of waves

" Galadia was the name given to his most perfect statue by an ancient greek sculptor in the mythical era

He was deeply in love with the statue, so god of love gave his infatuation to Galadia

But the awakened Galadia regarded the sculptor as his father, and many pursuers fought with each other, even fighting for a look at galadia

The kindness of her nature made her cry and blind

She felt that she should not have come to this world at all, and finally secretly committed suicide by the river at night

After death, she was called the" goddess of waves

" Lorraine explained the meaning of the name in as simple a language as possible

Huang Xuan felt that this was perhaps the most useful of Lorraine's nonsense since he met Lorraine

Galadia's eyes widened in surprise

In greece, of course, her name was understood by many people, but this was Brazil, and the other party, she glanced at Huang Xuan with curiosity - the younger boy was not even a westerner

As soon as paulino spoke of the word structure in spanish, huang xuan whispered in the east wind," we brushed past each other

You made up your mind to look at the blue eyes that floated past alosojitosa zulesque ahoravana turado

I'm looking at you

From the moment I met you, I took a quick look at you

A moment of silence" was a little awkward

But it did not stop the heavy bomb from hitting the cruiser from greece

Galadia could no longer hide her surprise

Her red lips parted slightly and her bright teeth and starry eyes

God Li Ao once said that when a man sees a beautiful woman, he is soft except for one hard spot

What a simple thought

Huang Xuan asked himself that although he was not a legal adult, he thought he was already a man

Now, facts speak louder than words

" My name is Huang Xuan

" The man used english and introduced himself to Galadia in a soothing tone

" I understand spanish

" Galadia seemed to have forgotten about Huang Xuan's homemade grenade and happily said," we can communicate in spanish

" Shrugging his shoulders, he finally understood the importance of Lorraine's foreign language

When you talk to a beautiful woman, who wants a guy to butt in, but his understanding of spanish is as poor as his understanding of spain itself

He can only say in dry english," I

" He immediately closed his mouth again

Galadia stretched his snow-white neck, and his blond hair fell from top to bottom

Huang Xuan said to Lorraine regretfully," Lorraine, is there a way to make me speak a foreign language quickly

" The warden praised comrade Huang Xuan for his learning spirit, but said apologetically," there is no quick fix

Even if the base reaches level 21, it will take two months to complete a language

" Hearing the first half, Huang Xuan thought he expected the second half

However, practice has proved that the future can be expected

He made up his mind and decided to leave a good impression on Galadia first

He glanced at his phone, then stood up and said," sorry

" The back door went straight out

On the way home, huang xuan did not forget to tell Lorraine," remember the characteristics of Galadia and tell me the phone number

"" No problem

" Lorraine's answer was really pleasant

He decided to learn a foreign language well, only then did he realize that he didn't even know who Galadia was from

Huang xuanshang, who was still a middle school student in china, was not used to skipping classes

He sat at home panting

He wanted to do something, but his mind was in a mess

He sat in a daze until dinner and almost ate the rice in his nose

" Lorraine, should I write him a letter

" According to the usual analysis, Huang Xuan was in a state of turmoil

" To whom

"" Galadia

" Huang Xuan read the word very smoothly

" Then it should be called a love letter

" Lorraine was a real child, but Huang Xuan's face turned red in an instant

He said something to Luigi Nono and then picked up the pen to write

However, the problem soon came

He had never written a love letter before, nor had he laid down the foundation of writing a love letter

Now he had to write a love letter directly to a foreign friend, and the difficulty of his work seemed to exceed his ability

He had no choice but to ask Lorraine for help

" Hey, do you have any good ideas

"" What

" Lorraine really didn't seem to know

" Love letters, can you write them

"" No

" Lorraine did not know how to politely refuse

You hurt my heart so much that you rejected me when I needed you the most

It was certain that comrade warden would not be hit by the enemy's silly shells, but in the spirit of communism, Lorraine organized some information and said," I can suggest that you translate ancient chinese love poems

"" Poetry

" Poetry is a good thing

Huang Xuan nodded with satisfaction

It was said that his father had disguised himself as a literary youth

However," which love poem should I translate

"" Cao Zhi, luo shen fu

" As Lorraine spoke, he began to translate and showed the chinese and greek versions to huang xuan in an energy projection mode

At the same time, he read softly," the beautiful neck, the white quality is revealed

Fang ze is not added, the lead is not imperial

Yun ji is beautiful, and the eyebrows are beautiful

Her red lips were bright, her white teeth were bright, her eyes were bright, and her dimples were supporting her

She was graceful, graceful, and relaxed

Although he had heard the story of Cao Zhi's seven-step poem, Huang Xuan did not seem to have a chance to get to know luo shen fu in his short study, even though it was so famous

More time, he should be making trouble with Liu Penggang and others

Even though most of them did not understand, the gorgeous parallel prose still conquered Huang Xuan in an instant

Art is interlinked

To understand beauty, one should be able to understand art

Lorraine imitated Huang Xuan's tone, then began to read the greek" ode to the gods" he translated, using the same gorgeous and classical" carving language," with a slightly suspicious, detached, and calm tone as the indifferent moonlight in the morning

After Lorraine finished reading it, she was momentarily absent-minded and said," can she believe that I wrote this

"" She doesn't know you, and as long as you have this quality the next time you meet her, this is what you wrote

" It must be admitted that Huang Xuan was very moved, but he was still very self-aware

Not to mention writing poems in greek, he would have been happy to write a good article in chinese for half a day

In fact, he often couldn't write a composition in a few months

But for some reason, Lorraine was paranoid about wanting him to learn a few foreign languages

He spread out his hand and said," I'll learn greek with you, but I have to stop at any time

"" No problem

" Lorraine only needed Huang Xuan to take the first step

" When will it start

"" Upgrading to level 21 will take a week

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