Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Chapter 41 Spitsbergen (5)

Huang xuan's first business in Spitsbergen was very successful

He traded 20,000 pounds of wheat for 60,000 pounds of whale meat

In the unit he was familiar with, he traded 10 tons of wheat for 30 tons of whale meat

If he did not take into account the energy consumption and risk in the plane, such a deal would be the best

At about 12 pm, Huang Xuan's stall began to be surrounded, and more and more shipowners heard the news

The whale guts that had been abandoned in the port dump were also picked up, but because of the inconvenience of land transportation in the green port, the transaction was extremely slow

Mainly by selling spices, Huang Xuan already had cash worth 3000 Florin, which could buy 600 manhattan islands in america

Many shipowners took note of these small, light, and expensive items

They were more willing to return to europe with spices in one cabin than to leave all the whale oil and convert into food

Many of them believed that in europe this year, the price of whale oil would definitely rise, and huang xuan was an insider who knew the news

However, this did not affect the other parts of the whale he purchased

The merchants had their own judgment and were happy to sell the whale meat, as well as the whale bones and viscera to Huang Xuan

These parts were supposed to be thrown into the sea

It would take another 50 years before they could ship them to europe and find a way to make use of them

But 400 years later, the textbooks were good, and the whales were full of treasures

Its internal organs are rich in vitamins, and the price in the new century is far higher than that of whale oil

Whale bones and whale whiskers are good raw materials for handicrafts

Therefore, under the principle of getting what they need, the transaction went smoothly

Several warehouses that went straight to the port were rented at 100 Florin prices to disguise as ships

Every time a deal was made, Lorraine would place the required quantity of goods in one of the warehouses

Huang xuan only needed to show the goods to the other party

After the goods were paid off, there was no need to take care of them until the other party finished moving them

This method was safe and effective, and huang xuan only needed to hide it for three days

As for the later suspicions, they put it in the x file

However, the speed of doing so was very slow, and it seemed that tonight needed to be spent in the extreme daylight

The wooden door opened and closed rhythmically, and the creaking noise made Hu An anxious

As a spanish businessman, this was his third year in svalbard

Before that, he had bought and sold iron cannons in hamburg and wool in london

He was familiar with european business and was proud of his clear judgment

However, the lack of funds made this judgment almost ironic

Hu An wanted to keep the stock in Huang Xuan's hands, especially the refined white sugar

The barbarians in front of him only cared about the wheat and spices

Although the quality of the food was good and the price was cheap, Hu An knew that the real value was the white sugar

With the current technology in europe, it was difficult for sugar to reach enough sweetness

Of course, brown sugar and even black sugar had already satisfied them, but Hu An believed that the nobles would definitely like sugar that was whiter, thinner and sweeter

After Huang Xuan had made a deal with a french man, he grabbed him and said, "Mr

Fei Lipu, I have informed the fleet that they will arrive in three days

We can deal in cash

If you wait for three days, I will be willing to buy all your goods at the price of 12 Florin per thousand pounds

He shook his head apologetically and said: " Mr

Hu An, I can't wait three days

"He was telling the truth, but Hu An thought it was an excuse

Sailors are the most patient

They can wait a year for a monsoon

They can't wait three days

They can't even prepare food and fresh water for a boat

A portuguese pushed Hu An away

When he saw Huang Xuan busy in the crowd, he could only stomp his feet and leave

Wei Lu Wei sat quietly in his chair, his elbows flat on the armrest as if he were a nobleman

A few of his men stood on one side and focused their eyes on the table

There was a handful of sugar on the table

It allowed people to take the goods from the stalls as samples at will

Of course, only the well-dressed shipowners or merchants could do so

Big nose stuck a few pieces of white sugar in his mouth, smashed his mouth a few times, and then put a few more

Sugar was commonly obtained in europe along with the conquest of the american continent

Before that, the price of sugar could be equivalent to gold, and the europeans even used it as medicine

But in the 17th century, many wealthy citizens could also get sugar

However, it could never be as sweet as modern white sugar

For a child born after the 1990s, white sugar might not be sweet at all

They were already used to sugars with higher sweetness, such as fruit sugar

However, for europeans who still feel extravagant eating brown sugar, white sugar almost represents an advanced technology

" It's really sugar

"The big nose licked his lips with his tongue and said," it's much better than the sugar we produce

"" Could it be a new domestic product

"The tangerine also tasted a few sugars and said," maybe a lot has been produced in china, otherwise how could it be sold to svalbard

"" Maybe not a lot

"Another tall dutchman joined the discussion

Wei Lu Wei still sat there, listening to his men's speculations

Governor general, the East India Company, is a very powerful person, but this theory is not widely used in the world, such as svalbard

In history, there were several organizations named East India Company

Of course, the most famous was the british East India Company

In the 17th century, the Dutch East India Co was competing fiercely with the spanish and portuguese for the dominance of svalbard

At present, Holland has the advantage

In a few decades, the dutch will completely monopolize the whaling industry in the arctic

But so far, Wei Lu Wei has not dared to slack off at all

It would cost thousands or even more gold coins to buy the food in people's hands

Without that money, what would the company use to buy whale oil

Whale oil is a strategic material

Is there going to be a war

Thinking of this, wei lu sat up and said anxiously," are there any people from home or europe recently

"" Psyche just arrived last month

What's wrong

"The big nose was a little strange

" What about the domestic situation

What about europe

"" Everything is fine

"Big nose took a breath and said," except for the british, without them, everything in europe is peaceful

"" The british

"Wei Lu Wei chewed on the name gently

He liked to do this, just like the earl of his hometown, but everyone who knew him knew that although there was a model before the name of van hogg Wei Lu Wei, he was not a nobleman

Perhaps when svalbard became the territory of Holland, Only then could he obtain the title of nobility

" Lord Governor general

"Wei Lu Wei regained his senses and put his elbow down from the armrest

He stood up on the table and said," Kerry, we also need to take whale oil at last year's cif european price

"" What about these

"His big nose pointed at the white sugar and food on the table

Wei Lu Wei swept it off the table in disgust and said," we must first ensure the supply of whale oil to the country

Let the spaniards buy these things

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