Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Chapter 16

Since ancient times, there have been many talented scholars in the south of the yangtze river, especially in the ming and qing dynasties

According to the list of scholars in the ming and qing dynasties, from the fourth year of hongwu in the ming dynasty (1371) to the last year of guangxu in the qing dynasty (1904), there were 201 royal examinations in the ming and qing dynasties

In addition, they were knowledgeable and learned in poetry

In Manchuria, 51681 scholars were enrolled, including 24866 in the ming dynasty, 26815 in the qing dynasty, and 7877 in the south of the yangtze river, accounting for 15

24 % of the whole country

Among them, 3864 in the ming dynasty, 15

54 % in the whole country, and 4013 in the qing dynasty

It accounted for 14

95 % of the national total

In the ming and qing dynasties, more than one out of every seven scholars came from the south of the yangtze river

Such a high proportion was really amazing

From the perspective of modern people, the leading cultural conditions in the south of the yangtze river are closely related to its economic development

In the northwest region, each person would starve on dozens of acres of land, but in the water country, a few acres of land for the whole family would be enough to support a scholar

Under such conditions, the cultural atmosphere was naturally cultivated

With money, besides looking for yan ruyu and buying a golden house, the scholars would buy some books at least

Even if they were pretending, they would unconsciously leave many precious engravings in the south of the yangtze river

In addition, the jiangnan region was rich and rich, and the children of the family were distinguished

It could be said that they searched the world

Under the deliberate efforts of countless people, the collection of books in the south of the yangtze river gradually became abundant until xianfeng was broken, and the loss of books gradually became the pain of many collectors

Zhou Shuming seemed to be a scholar, but he didn't know if he caught up with the last subject and got the credit

When he heard that Huang Xuan's trouble was to buy books, he laughed and shook his hand, "Why is it so difficult

I may not be outstanding in Jiaxing, but if I were to say books, I would not let them go

" "But I'm not familiar with this place

" "Just leave it on me

" Zhou Shuming said, "I'm Jiaxing

" Without waiting for him to brag any more, Huang Xuan could not help but interrupt

He put on a serious face and said, "My father has a lot of treasures

He came here to buy some rare and good books

It would be best if he had a single one

" Every book must be a good one

Generally speaking, both the rare one and the good one are ancient ones, so the good one in qing dynasty is not necessarily the good one in ming dynasty

In modern view, the good one in 1927 should be counted as the engraved one in qing dynasty

However, if Lorraine's abnormal weight is limited, His vision had to grow

Zhou Shuming stroked his beard and smiled, "But what did Huang Gongzi like

" From ancient times till now, there are very few collectors who have lasted for three generations, and with the political turmoil in china, more and more ancient books have fallen into the market in Jiaxing

Only warlords fought and the government had no time to do so

Therefore, compared to the previous and later times, there are more ancient books available at this time

Shaking his head gently, he pointed to the location of the warehouse and said, "I have more than 1,500 stones of grain with me this time, and more than 200 stones for sale in Rice shop

If boss zhou has the ability, take all the rest

I only need 10 books next

" The trumpets on the dock were ringing, but Zhou Shuming was stunned as if he had been struck by lightning

1500 stones of grain cost more than 20,000 yuan

In other words, the young man in front of him was willing to buy a book for 2,000 dollars

Boss zhou smacked his lips and said in a loud voice, "Huang Gongzi, wait for me for a few days

I will be able to take the grain from this warehouse

" "That would be best

" Huang Xuan also laughed loudly, "But I can stay for five more days at most

Boss zhou, don't be late

" "It's a deal

" "It's a deal

" Just as huang xuan was struggling to protect the cultural heritage of mankind, Zhu shopkeeper was about to break his leg and the capital of Rice shop was insufficient

After informing his owner, he and the The zhu family butler brought out 1000 yuan from the warehouse and quietly contacted the good shops

If he wanted to buy all the grain in Huang Xuan's hands, he could see clearly that it was all good seed grain, and the price was not only 12 yuan, but also from what he said, there seemed to be more on the way, even the less responsible owner was working hard to make a big profit

However, in the afternoon, the news of a large number of grain arrivals was so loud that the entire rice market in jiaxing prefecture was shaken

At first, Zhu shopkeeper wanted to find out who sent the news, but naturally, he got nothing, so he became even more hurried, and without waiting for the agreed time, he pulled the money to the dock

After checking the quantity with Jiang Yisheng, huang xuan ordered the clerk to put the box full of silver dollars in the room, then transfer it to the entrance of the plane passage, and then go out and say to Zhu shopkeeper, "So that the silver goods are paid for, the grain in this warehouse will go to the inclined bridge Rice shop

" "Okay, okay

" Zhu shopkeeper rubbed his hands excitedly and watched his men take another inventory of the grain storehouse

The cold wind blew past him and he went there excitedly

He ran to Huang Xuan without hesitation and said, "Boss huang, I heard you have another batch of grain to deliver

" It was obvious that he had guessed what he had heard

Huang Xuan curled his mouth in disdain

The rest of his food was still in the aisle

Where did he hear it from

But at this moment, he smiled and said, "There are still more than a thousand stones, but there is a Zhou Shuming

Boss zhou said he wants them all

I'm ready to promise him

" "That old man

" Zhu shopkeeper bared his teeth and said, "Boss huang, we have a good deal

I am also sincere

I wonder if you can leave this business to me

" "It's not that I can't

" Huang Xuan repeated what he had said to Zhou Shuming, ignoring the stunned Zhu shopkeeper and saying, "In that case, I'll be waiting for the good news at the inn in town

" Since ancient times, businessmen who valued profits and were regarded as chinese national capitalists by textbooks could not escape the custom

The owner of Rice shop, the current head of the The zhu family, zhu hongren, received the news from the shopkeeper, and once again picked up a cane and circled the small garden

As for the rest of Rice shop, which was one step behind the The zhu family, She was bouncing her legs and asking around for news

There was not much grain in the thousand stone area, and even in this time of famine, it was only to increase the topic of people before and after a meal

However, if the thousand stone area was exchanged for only ten books, the profit would be so great that the shopkeepers in the vegetarian business would smell a bloody shark

Hungry wolves began to wave their fins and swim

Rich chines