Thriller Paradise

Chapter 998

Just now, Barney, who has been torn in half by the chopping wave of duankong, looks back with a little sigh It has been restored to its original condition.

At this time, he was standing with his legs crossed smartly, one hand on the shoulder of wise letter, the other hand carrying a carrot out of nowhere to his mouth.

Judging from the shape of his mouth, he said to the captain of the Warring States: "Doc?"

"How could..." In the face of the familiar scene in front of her, smart letter was shocked and angry; like the last time, she was held by Bugs Bunny's shoulder and couldn't move, "even four pillars God can't be safe after being hit by this kind of chop......"

"Tut tut..." Barney chewed the carrot and smiled. "You're right, man, but In actual combat, your idea of comparison is meaningless. "

At this moment, both Takeda and shangshanren are unable to afford to fall down due to their extreme overdraft of spiritual strength and physical strength. They can't afford to stir up the situation. So Barney was very relaxed and slow.

"To use a metaphor, a four pillar defense is like hard metal; I am just a piece of plastic." "Metals perform better than plastics in the face of most attacks," Barney explains leisurely. But... One exception is when HF hydrofluoric acid is encountered. " He paused, looked at Xiangming Zhixin and said with a smile, "your partner's moves It's like HF. It can corrode metals, but It doesn't work for plastics. "

"You..." Hearing this, the wise letter also reflected, "is the chop invalid for you..."

"Ha..." Barney laughed without speaking.

He didn't give the exact answer to the other party, in order to prevent them from falling into passivity when they meet again in the future.

In fact Barney is not immune to chop attack. If it's OK how to chop him, he doesn't need to dodge in the struggle with Zhitian AI just now.

Barney's real characteristic is "immune speed and power above a certain level of chop"; that is to say, when encountering those not too fast and strong chop attacks He's still going to get hurt. It's just He can easily avoid that kind of chop attack by body skill, and won't win at all.

"You know enough." Barney road. "Then Please go back to your own world, stranger. "

After that, he left behind Yes, it's "behind you" He took out a big hammer taller than himself. The hammer also says "one ton is one ton".

Wiseletter still doesn't know how to crack Bugs Bunny's ability of "one hand suppression", so she can only stand in situ and watch each other smash it.

After an earthquake, another player of the Warring States period died.

"So, next..." Barney killed the wise letter and carried the hammer on one shoulder. Turn around and look at Takeda and shangshanren. "I'll give you a ride, too."

At the same time, brother rabbit's side

"Hateful" is watching his teammates in the distance being killed by a blow. Zhitian's love is burning like anger.

However, the rabbit hair brother in front of her did not give her a chance to leave.

"You are very strong Maiden. " Fage now has both turned on the Dragon breathing method and the dreamless reincarnation, which can flash and stop you. "Unfortunately, you are too dependent on your fighting instinct, which instead becomes your burden."

"Rory, what are you talking about I don't understand. "Zhitian AI is really not interested in listening to Fage's advice. She is a standard activist. She is more willing to make a few more cuts than to stop and think.

"Ha ha..." Fage smiled and said, "then I'll be more specific..." In response to the attack, he said without hesitation, "you have a very high talent in close combat. What ordinary people need to think for a short time to understand, you just know by instinct. In short It's genius. " He paused for half a second, then said, "but Genius. It also needs efforts. Maybe you don't have to think, but that doesn't mean you can take it for granted; the latter It's a bad habit, and you've developed it. "

"Nonsense" Zhitian love is not satisfied, "since you can win if you don't want anything. Why think "

" because People who think about it will be stronger. " Fage calmly replied.

At this moment, when Zhitian's love changed, she heard something from each other's words

"That's right." Fage also sensed the change of each other's expression, and immediately said, "I It's also genius. " His tone is very calm. There's nothing to show off or exaggerate, "I'm called the most gifted man with the most gorgeous moves in two thousand years..."

In the middle of his speech, his fighting spirit was rising.

"But genius Not necessarily to be a master. "

With fighting spirit, there is a surge of murderous intention.

"There are many powerful people in the world, and there are not a few who can be called geniuses. But... There are only a few truly first-class martial artists, who can be called the Grand Master It's even more f รจ ng

When Fage said these words, Zhitian's attack intensified again, because her fighting instinct told her Something extremely bad is about to happen.

Or It's already happening.

"On the speed of destructive power moves Maybe your strength is above mine. " Fage walked freely and leisurely in each other's sword, "but as a martial artist, your realm is far from mine In my opinion, you are almost a beginner. " He shook his head and said, "even if you have amazing power and don't have the technology to play it perfectly, it's a void..."

These words, to the proud Zhitian love, are the most thorough slap. But she was speechless, because she knew The other side is telling the truth.

"Of course, I said so much, you may not be able to understand for a while." Fage seems to have finished what he should have said, so

"Let's have a real experience The gap between you and me as warriors. "

At this point, the fighting spirit is bursting, and the extremely sharp move appears.

But when he saw Fage's arms curling and expanding in front of his chest, he gave a sharp drink: "the short hair has the feeling to break the fast fist"

words are exhausted, and moves are exhausted.

Fage's body shape appears in the back of Zhitian AI like an instant movement, while Zhitian AI stands in the same place Not moving.

"How could there be..." She looked at the front with a dull expression, murmured in her mouth, " This kind of thing... "

Half a second later, a burst of firecracker like fury burst out in the body of ODA AI. She seemed to be hit by dozens of punches in a flash, flying upside down, and her survival value dropped to zero. To be continued.

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