Thriller Paradise

Chapter 994

From the perspective of the five players in the Warring States period, the "twelve seconds" just now does not exist.

So, how they feel It's basically like watching a video cut in the middle.

Although they didn't blink, the scene before them changed abruptly.

"Just now..." Zhitian's response was also very fast. "Has time been suspended again..."

"Ah It seems so. " Takeda Zhi then took care of the wound, stood up from the ground and said, "but it's strange From the positions and postures of both sides before and after stopping, we sigh in vain Seems to have moved? "

"Just look at the ground..." Sasaki was still lying on the ground like a dead fish, but he seemed to be clear about what happened there. "He sighed in vain where he stood before the time stopped Left a pit as big as the fist of the time Lord, but sighed in vain that I was not in that pit, which has explained everything

"You mean..." At this time, shangshanren also changed to cross legged and sitting posture, grasping the time to do recovery, "he is the same as the Lord of time Be able to move freely in areas where time stops? "

"That's the only explanation, isn't it?" Sasaki replied, "it's not always the Lord of time who takes the initiative to move the other party away from the place in the process of time stopping, and then waves a fist at the open space?"

"That is to say..." Wise letter took over the conversation and said, "of the four abilities of the Lord of time It seems that two items have been broken in vain... "

"Cut..." The next second, Zhitian AI spat, holding the sabre at his waist, and went up.

"Hello You are... " Takeda wanted to stop each other.

But mingzhixin immediately interrupted her and said quickly: "forget it Let her go. With love, we can't accept the fact that "five people, including ourselves, can't win the match, but they are picked up by another person alone."

Hearing this, Takeda was silent for a few seconds and sighed: "Alas Or else. Anyway, she should have been aware of the time Lord's stop and start every other minute. Moreover There is no sign of recovery for the gap in the defensive field; with the strength of love, as long as you enter the barrier, you can play a great role without skills. "

"Then..." When Sasaki said these two words. As soon as I remember the carp beating up, I jumped up from the ground, "should we I've already made preparations. "

"Hello Did you hurt as much as love? So you're lying there with a ghost? " When Takeda saw this, he immediately shouted. She really wanted to go up and smoke the old pretend substitute.

"Lying down can relieve stress." "My psychiatrist taught me," he replied in his sombre voice

"You..." Takeda is ready to explode.

Wise letter once again stopped her: "OK Now is not his time; make complaints about it. Sasaki is right. It's time for us to get ready

"What are you going to do?" One side of shangshanren asked.

The wise man's face changed a little and said in a deep voice, "is it still necessary to ask, of course, to prepare..."


The words are divided into two parts. When the four people in the Warring States period spoke, the battle on the side of the Lord of time did not stop for a moment.

One minute is the "time limit for killing gods" declared by Xiaotan.

He is not a bluff. So... He must be sure to say such a thing.

But the Lord of time doesn't think so

"Arrogant ants, you will pay for your ignorance!" At the end of the time, the Lord of time would drink loudly and make moves with the situation.

Its physical skill is undoubtedly worthy of the title of "God". Even though it's not the first pillar God who is good at fighting, it's better than the unique non God data in the main universe.

Take a specific example Even if the Lord of time and samodil, bill (Billy's younger brother), or Cao Qin were sent to fight for speed and strength, it would surely prevail.

So it doesn't feel like a single player can pose any threat to itself in close combat.

In a moment. When I saw that the two arms of the Lord suspended on both sides of the body were swinging up at high speed, turning into two groups of pure virtual shadows, just like a hurricane cage to sigh.

"It seems that you don't understand..." Little sigh said in a cold voice. One side flashed behind the other like a ghost, "at this moment. I will be here... " In the middle of the speech, the hourglass like body of the time Lord had a black burning mark. The burning place just showed the moving path of the little sigh Not by accident... "

"Why What is this blackness! " It seems that the Lord of time is still not listening to Xiaotan. At this moment, he is surprised that his self-healing ability has failed.

"I knew your ability before I came here." Xiaotan's words continued, and his attack did not stop. The blade of [sigh] tears the body of Time Lord again and again, the latter's huge body becomes an insurmountable burden. "My weapon can break your defense barrier and restrain your self-healing power; my body, which has been fighting against the power of the sand of time for a long time, has already adapted to the influence of this material. And my speed Above you, too. " He paused. "To sum up I'm your nemesis. I'm your assassin, the man who assassinates God in someone's words. "

When he said that, Zhitian love had also rushed in through the gap of the barrier and raised his sword to the Lord of time.

"Impossible..." The Lord of time's panic has come out of his tone, and his actions are also confused by his disordered mood. For a while, he has been defeated and can't parry. "I am the Supreme God. How could I be defeated by a mere ant..."

"Now you dare to call me that!" Zhitian AI didn't listen to all of their previous conversations. She only scolded herself when the other party scolded her. She was furious and danced out a frenzy of Dao Hua.

The body of the Lord of time has already been burned by blackness. Those wounds that can't heal themselves are like ants' nests on the dam. At present, the "dam" will collapse in an instant after being hit by this fierce multiple chop

After a strange cracking sound, the main body of the hourglass disintegrates, the transparent part of its outer layer breaks and splashes, and the sand inside flows out and flows all over the place.

This hourglass seems to be the body of the "creature" of "Lord of time". When the hourglass is destroyed, its head and hands will be turned into silver sand and scattered in the right way.

That's it The Lord of time has become the first four pillar God "killed by players" in a real sense.

At this point, the first defeat of the devil, the death of the king of spirit, the reversal of the court, and the extinction of the Lord.

Four pillars of God, the name does not exist, the reality is also dead.

However, this "Twilight" is far from over. (to be continued. )Genius a second to remember this website, the fastest updated novel website!