Thriller Paradise

Chapter 987

So far, World War I is inevitable.

Looking at the approaching furing step by step, seizing the spirit to suppress the panic in the heart, and temporarily lost the hatred and anger to the unseen.

A change of heart is a surprise.

All of a sudden, he saw a fierce and violent light gushing out of the mouth of the spirit Snatcher, and then he went to furing.

This attack is so powerful that it's beyond expectation.

Not only samodil and taliohm, but also zhuanjie Zun and dieng Wang were shocked.

It's reasonable to say that the instant move should not contain such amazing energy to seize the power of the spirit.

But Seizing spirit is a special NPC. In addition to relying on his own ability, he is also good at using all kinds of external conditions. For example, he will play tricks and tricks, and Party members will cut down on different things. For example, he will go to collect some legendary items similar to "magic miraculous pivot" to improve his combat power.

From this point of view, he looks like a player

At this time, it is the help of one item that makes the soul snatch and the cold arrow suddenly.

[Name: throat of the dragon]

[type: other]

[quality: Legend]

[special effect: when equipped, you can release the Dragon roar through the mouth (the cooling time is 24 hours, 50% of the maximum power is consumed, and the power of the Dragon roar depends on your maximum power)]

[Note: the legendary doctor baikaga, once made a bet with others when he was young A risky operation. That day, he succeeded in recovering from a living, violent Dragon The organ was completely removed. Although this operation has been regarded as a marvellous skill, in order to show his skill, baikaga made another bet with the other side, claiming that he could use the original magic surgery to transplant the dragon's throat into the human body, and retain some of its original functions. Later, we all know that the scar face he wagered against because he lost, so he crossed to other positions and became a traveling unlicensed doctor. ]

"hum It's really your style... "

Others may be surprised by the sudden attack, or they may not be able to respond, but furing Absolutely not.

The pain and humiliation experienced in the swamp of zuimer island is enough to change any proud creature. If furin hadn't long remembered after so many years in captivity. That letter will never give her the chance to fight against the spirit.

"At the beginning of the battle, he suddenly used his assassin's mace to attack the enemy unprepared In order to gain a decisive advantage. " Fleming, who had been on guard for a long time, said as he dodged the attack, "on the tactical level. It's really brilliant. This is where I'm not as good as you... "

"Cut..." Seeing the other side avoid the Dragon roar, seizing spirit suddenly turns back to take the crown of the dead spirit that has fallen to the ground.

"It's ugly Seize the spirit... " Fleming was not impatient because of the other's actions. She calmly raised her arms. The power of the dead spirit in the ten fingers of the seal moves and pulls each other, gathering a stream of energy at the fingertips that is no less than that of the Dragon roar just now.

"Success and failure......" Snatching spirit picked up the crown and quickly put it on his head, "failure is ugly..."

At this moment, although furing's attack was still unfulfilled, the hearts of the three invisible demons, Dien Yu Wang and Zhuan Jie Zun were clear The game is divided.

Two seconds later, the power burst out and went straight for the spirit.

At this time, the latter has also put on the crown and turned back to welcome the move: "I won!"

Snatch spirit ferocious smile. One handed capacity, shake and then.


His icy body was blasted into ice chips the next instant.

"Why Maybe... " All of a sudden, it changed the spirit seizing back to the state of only one head, and a head with a desperate expression, "impossible I have put on the crown I am the king of the dead! "

"I said it from the beginning..." Furing stepped forward indifferently, and when she stepped on the steps in front of the throne, she replied, " You deserve it? "

"Seizing spirit, it seems that you misunderstood the nature of" the crown of the dead spirit "and seriously underestimated the power of the netherworld King......" At this point. The gentle voice of the invisible devil also sounded again, "the crown indeed contains unparalleled power, but it is not to say Whoever wears it can get this power. "

When the voice is not down. Furing has come to rob the spirit.

Without hesitation, she took off the crown from the floating, motionless head and took over the words of the invisible Devil: "you have to have the will to make the crown submit to become its master, otherwise It's just a decoration. "

"Is there In this way... " The power of seizing spirit is getting weaker and weaker, and he will soon be unable to maintain his own existence.

In his long life, he has never been so unwilling as now

He's so close to his goal and within reach. But at this moment, all of them disappeared and disappeared.

"If you go all out and fight me head-on It's not clear who will win in the end. " Furing looked at him with a look of disdain. "Unfortunately You chose to commit suicide. "

"Alas So it's more difficult to persuade a smart guy than a complete fool. " Zhuanjie said with a sigh, "take the spirit, when I convey to you the" unseen words ", I have already hinted clearly that" on your way to be crowned king Furin is an inevitable obstacle that must be overcome. You have to walk through it by yourself. "

King dieng also said: "if you can win furing by your own strength, you will have the will to let the crown submit to you. But you can only prove that if you blindly escape this fateful fight Your measure is the same as when you used to pull furing down. You can't be a God in a role like that. "

The words of the two men seem to be the conclusion of the downfall of the spirit snatcher.

But the spirit seizing didn't say anything to refute

His ambition, after all, assimilated with him as a ray of dust in the main universe.

As he said The loser is ugly, which can be forgotten by the world. It is a kind of kindness given by the winner.

"Then..." After toread disappeared, furing looked at samodil and taliohm again, "you Do you want revenge for your partner? "

"Hum We're not that naive relationship you think we are. " Samodil replied with a sneer. It seems that the death of the spirit snatcher didn't cause much emotional fluctuation.

"The number of soul snatching has been determined. It has been proved that his instrument is just like this..." Taliohm also said, "I can't find a reason to avenge this kind of guy."

"Very well." After receiving their reply, furing stepped forward and sat back on the throne.

"Let's invite you to witness together..." Furing said, raising the crown From this moment on, the kingdom of the dead will have a new king and a queen. " (~ ^ ~) one second to remember this website biquga the fastest updated novel website!