Thriller Paradise

Chapter 983

On the scorched earth, the evil spirit reverberates.

Fight against the Lord.

The devil's head is awe inspiring.

The meeting of the two devils caused the world to change.

"Time has come..." The two shadows looked at each other silently for a moment. It was the first time for all the demons to say, "who wins or who loses, it's time to see the difference."

"The winner?" The voice of doumo sounds ethereal and bleak, which makes people shiver, "can you tell?"

He repeated the two key words in the other's sentence with a tone of doubt.

"Divinity depends on power." The head of the devil said, "there is only one battle between you and me Only then can we decide who is the God of chaotic scorched earth. "

"Oh..." Doumo replied, pausing for two seconds, then said, "are you standing in front of me for such a boring thing?"

"Boring?" The head of the demons said coldly, "hum Do you want to escape? "

"No, I just think you're pathetic." Fight back.

"What do you say?" For the first time in his life, the devil's head has heard others say that about him.

"If you want to be the God of chaos and scorched earth, then go ahead and be good." Doumo didn't pay any attention to the question of the devil's head, but just accepted, "I It's not a God. I am the devil, the most powerful one in this time and space. " As he spoke, he had stepped forward again.

"I'm not interested in doing things that occupy the mountain for the king. That's what hypocrites and human beings are passionate about." As doumo said, he passed the head of the devil. "I don't need to fight with you, the second generation devil To prove one's position or strength. "

The heads of demons listened to the harsh words and watched each other pass by.

In the whole process, the devil head tried to attack the devil several times, but he was forced by an invisible pressure and couldn't move.

"Between you and me, who is stronger and who is weaker, your heart is already clear." "If you really think of yourself as a God," he said. In these long years Would you allow the other three creatures in the same time and space to call themselves gods and to each side... " He paused. "In other words Now that you have recognized the three equal existence with you, what position do you have to fight with me now? "

The words of fighting evil are sonorous.

When the devil heard it, he was speechless.

At this moment, the leaders of all demons finally understand He is really sad. His realm is far from fighting demons.

From the beginning, doumo put himself in the "strongest" position. He only gave his hand to those recognized by himself and capable of posing a threat to himself.

And like the four pillars The so-called "gods" that hold each other back and fight for territory and interests in coexistence. In the eyes of doumo, there is no value of even defeat. Because they don't think of themselves as "the strongest.".

"Wait!" After a few moments, the devil's head finally spoke again, "yes, I really don't have the courage to fight with other three gods, because I know very well That would be self defeating. " He turned around, looked at the figure of doumo and asked, "but Can you do what I can't do? Is there any way for you to stand alone against the Lord of time, the court of truth and the netherworld? If not, your arrogance It's just arrogant stupidity. "

"So it is..." This moment. Fighting devil... Stop and read, "you are more than sad And I'm ignorant. "

Voice falls, magic Qi moves.

The body of doumo didn't do anything. But his attack has been launched.

It's powerful and powerful. It's surging and roaring. It's awesome and can move the earth.

For a moment. I'll take a rest.

When the devil comes back to God for the first time, his half trunk It's gone.

Facing the attack of doumo Don't say it's a response. The leader of the demons didn't even respond.

"You can live. There are three reasons. " Doumo looks at the head of the devil who is lying on the ground with a commanding look. "First, I haven't found my eyes yet, and I'm in a bad state. Second, you are also a devil, and you have some resistance to the devil's Qi. Third, it's also the most important point I have mercy. "

This time, the demon head really can't move, but he can still say: "how Are you going to humiliate me and kill me again? "

"I don't have that leisure." Doumo replied, "to save your life is to answer your question..." He said, "just now you asked me what I could do against the three little gods. Now I can tell you That's how it works. "

After that, doumo turned around and left without looking at his head.


At the same time, the faggot league team, who was watching in the distance, was undoubtedly shocked.

"Let me go..." "I don't think I'm wrong," he exclaimed? That strange shadow gives the first of the demons a second? "

"The" strange shadow "in your mouth should be the legendary" devil fighting " The Swan answered.

"What is that?" Let the old wet again.

It wasn't just Pei Laoshi, the other three in the team also looked at the swan with questioning eyes.

Seeing this, the Swan pushed his glasses and explained, "I once heard the Lord of time say In a period known as the "ancient era", there are two strongest beings in the main universe of the thriller Park, one is the "God" and the other is the "devil fighting" He gestured to the dark figure in the distance with his eyes, "one day, there was a battle between the gods and the demons, and the two fought in darkness, and finally Doumo was sealed to a place called "the gate of nothingness", and the governor also lost his vitality and assimilated into nothingness with the whole era in a crisis of annihilation. "

"So..." Tired dream also said, "this Is it a super wave SS just broke the seal recently

"When and how did he escape from the gate of nothingness I don't know. " But "strong" is for sure

"To be able to defeat the head of the demons in a flash is really worthy of the title of" strongest " At this time, uncle Fei Chai said, "but I think it's a little strong, isn't it? Is this the twilight of the gods or the latter half of the night of the gods? If every four pillars God met him Isn't it just one at a time, and all four at a time? "

"That's all right..." Honghu said, "you see his strength. This kind of combat power has obviously gone beyond the range of strategies to intervene. He really wants to" one after another ", which is also his freedom Anyway, I'm not going to be invited by him. " He suddenly raised his hand and pointed to the head of the demons in the distance We should focus on that one now. " (to be continued )Genius a second to remember this website, the fastest updated novel website!