Thriller Paradise

Chapter 981

Let's not say where the crisis in the game space is going to go out of control. At this moment, let's go back a little bit and take a look at the zero hour The situation of the four finalists.


At midnight, the four teams of hell front line, waste firewood alliance, Warring States and order, with a total of 20 players, had come to their respective landing space for standby.

Later, at 11:59:57 (real time), the voice of the system rings in their ears at the same time:

[the final battle of the peak hegemony S2 is about to start, your data will be loaded in 30 seconds, please do not leave the landing space. ]

after the tone, there is a twenty second silence (game time), and then

[count down 10 seconds before loading, nine, eight, seven Two, one. ]

when the countdown is over, the players will turn into white light.

[the loading has been completed. Currently, you are in the final of peak competition S2. ]

this mode provides drama ]

however, the loading interface is interrupted just after two lines of words are brushed.

Then, there is no following


The kingdom of the dead.

When players come back to their senses, they are already in the world of script and have gained action ability.

"Oh? Five people... " Feng didn't feel any surprise at the abnormal transmission. He just looked at the four teammates beside him and said, "look Due to the problems in loading, the observer mechanism did not run smoothly... "

"Brother Jue What's the situation this time? " Xiaotan can infer from brother Jue's expression The latter must know something.

"If I get the right information So, at the moment we started the transmission, link and ED started to invade the game space. " "The failure at load time should be a side effect of their operation," Feng replied

"Where did you get the information?" If the rain looks at him, "and Why didn't this information tell us in advance? "

"I didn't tell you in advance because there was no need..." Feng unconsciously spread out his hands and said, "anyway, it's not too late for me to tell you." He paused. "As for my sources A lot. "

"It's twenty-three." If the rain immediately said.

"Er How do you know? " Brother Jue was also shocked when he was exposed.

If the rain calmly replied, "what can provide you with this kind of information is either the [Z] organization or the [O-day] organization; the latter is now under the sole command of lute, if she has contact with you. Then I should give you the Kongtong seal and the Nayuan Chishui powder. But you don't have these two things in your suitcase when you show your personas before the game, so I can basically judge that you haven't been in contact with Luther or the people she sent. "

"But 【z] There are many derivatives who can bring me information from the organization. " How do you know it must be twenty-three

"Because you answered in a vague way." If the rain should come.

"Well..." Brother Jue is speechless. "That There's a reason. "

"I'm not interested in listening for the time being." If rain cold way back, "what words wait for the end of the game line to say."

"OK Ok... " I don't feel like I've lost my temper this time.

Looking at this scene, Xiaotan, Xiaoling and Huajian all showed their expressions of schadenfreude. I have to say There are not many opportunities to witness brother Jue's gaffe, but each time it gives people a sense of inexplicable pleasure.

"Hmmm!" Two seconds later, the voice was cleared. "Then what?" he said Let's get down to business. " He raised his voice consciously. "After several months of efforts, I have basically mastered the movements of all parties in the event of" gods dusk ", and with Billy, zhuanjie, Dien Wang and the phantom church and other forces, I have laid a general situation It can be said that today I have a winning hand in the game of chess in the main universe. Other teams I don't care at all; what I care about is the impact of this event on the next version, that is The future of the universe. "

"If I'm not wrong..." Xiaoling then said, "in this' future ' Will the four pillars be replaced by some people who are familiar with you? "

"That's my goal. Can we achieve It depends on the progress of the plan. " But anyway Four pillar gods have become the future, and their era of hegemony has come to an end... " At this moment, we are at a critical time node to change the pattern of the main universe. What we do next will have a profound impact on the future here

"No..." At this time, Hua Jian said in a rather puzzled and skeptical tone, "isn't the future of the main universe regulated by the system?"

"Hum Good question. " Feng chuckled. "Before today, it was, but not in the future..." He paused for half a second and said without hesitation. "Twilight is an irreversible process in the main process of the game. As early as the final of S1, I saw relevant information through zero's prediction program. That is to say, so far, all the major events in the main universe. It's all "doomed."

After a second pause, he said: "but The world line after the incident is uncertain. Because from this stage, the influence of players on the universe It's reached a point where the system can't be completely controlled. "

"Not yet..." Xiaotan hears the words and says, "no matter from the number or combat effectiveness, players and NPCs are not of the same level Besides, there are so many different planets in the main universe. Each planet has a large population, and there are many individuals with strong fighting power. The system can even control the world line where these creatures live. Shouldn't the impact of our players be anything? "

"Guiding the 'world line' has nothing to do with the combat effectiveness of the guided, but with its dimensions." I give you the simplest example For example, if you play a dragon ball game, is vegeta better than you? But you can control him with only one handle. He will fight whoever you ask him to fight. He will stand and be beaten when you ask him to stand. He will die if you let him die. "

"Well..." "I see," sighed little sigh He paused, "but I still don't understand Although we are relatively high in terms of dimension, after entering the thriller Park, we are reduced to one dimension by ourselves; under this premise, the system is still half god like existence for us Even though the overall strength of the players is now relatively high, can they really surpass the macro control of the system? "

"Of course." "In the data world of the thriller Park, the prediction program is also mathematics When event a occurs, program a makes some response, then has result a, and then causes event B Countless such calculations add up to form a complete blueprint for the future. " He raised his head, "but We human beings are not "program a", we are an "uncertain factor", no matter how developed the light brain is, we can't accurately predict the future interwoven with human beings. "

"Then..." At this time, Huajian asked again, "how does the system ensure that the world line does not deviate in more than seven months from the game to today?"

"The system is just working, there is no special action." "I just said," from this stage, players' influence on the main universe can surpass the control of the system. "The first seven months As Xiaotan said, the overall strength of our players is still too weak. Even if the dimensions of thinking are different, why not "God" of the world? "

"So..." At this moment, if the rain suddenly threw a sharp look at Feng unconsciously, and threw out a sentence that was to the point, " Are you going to play the role of "God" today? "

"Ha ha It's up to people. " Feng unconsciously said with a smile, "even if you can't go against the sky, you can hide the truth from the sky It's OK. "

Before he had finished speaking, his pride had already flowed out of his body with his humble strength.

"That's enough..." If the rain is still expressionless, "let's talk about the plan..." (to be continued. )Genius a second to remember this website, the fastest updated novel website!