Thriller Paradise

Chapter 970

11 a.m., November 15.

In a residential building in S City, a 17-year-old boy is slowly waking up from a coma.

It took a few seconds to get used to the light in the room, and he saw the scene in front of him.

The first thing that comes to our eyes is the three figures

Three men in dark jackets, jeans and ski masks were smoking and playing cards around a table.

When the young man woke up, all three of them just glanced at him casually, without much reaction.

And the young man But immediately fell into a panic.

Because he immediately realized I am being tied back to a chair. Not only my hands, but also my waist and feet are firmly tied to the chair, almost unable to move. In addition His mouth was sealed with tape and he couldn't speak.

"Where am I? How did I get here? " "Who are these people? Kidnapping? "

Soon, with a dizzy, sporadic memories flashed through his mind

"By the way! In that toilet! "

The boy's name is Ma Junxiao. A year ago, he was a general high school student who was learning, playing games, plain looking and eager for height. But now, he is a star level professional player, and one of the top players in the industry's largest studio, with the ID of "swallow the sky Ghost".

Recently, because of the competition, guixiao is on the "night shift" every day. Of course, it's "work". In fact, most of the time I sleep in the game cabin.

During the day, he doesn't have to stay at the company, as long as he stays online for more than three hours a day (real time, non sleep mode), he can also work at home.

But at night He still has to punch in at order headquarters around 10 o'clock to make some preparations before the game. Then lie down in the company's equipment to compete.

At seven this morning, guixiao is the same as usual I left the company building, bought some breakfast on the way and took the subway home.

Although it's still the morning rush hour around 7 o'clock, and it's well-known that the subway in s city can squeeze people into juice, guixiao doesn't "go to work" at this point, but "get off work". The line he takes is just the opposite of the crowded one. On average, there are about seven or eight people in a carriage.

So today, he also has a seat available as soon as he gets on the bus.

However Only two stops. Ghost Xiao suddenly felt ill. Maybe the breakfast I bought today is not clean A fierce abdominal pain of the seal unconsciously swept the mobile phone screen on the table, saw a strange number.

"Is it some kind of promotion or fraud..." Brother Jue said, picked up his cell phone and picked it up.

Although he thought it was probably a phone call. But he will take it. Basically If Feng doesn't feel like answering this kind of call, he will only listen to the other person for five seconds, and then he will know the general nature, and then he will hang up without saying a word. And add the number to the block list.

"Hello, who is that?" Brother Jue picked up the phone and gave a message.

"Er Hello, can't you sleep? " A familiar voice came across the phone.

Brother Jue quickly found the source of the voice in his brain: "smoke, drink and scald?"

"Hello Even if you don't know my name, you can call me game nickname... " Brother Chan is not angry. It's a bit of egg ache. "What's the devil of smoking and drinking hot?"

"How did you get my number?" Instead of receiving the Tucao, make complaints about a problem that interests them.

"I'm at the public security bureau now. The police told me. " The answer of mengjingchan is quite surprising.

"Oh..." Feng didn't realize that he answered, "I'm here to protect you when I'm arrested for whoring?"

"Elder brother I really want to call you big brother... " Dream Jing Chan said, "how did you come to that conclusion?"

"It's very simple. In terms of the way you smoke and drink hot, it gives me the feeling of frequenting low-end Fengyue places." Feng replied in a lazy voice, "and then you said you called me at the Public Security Bureau. Then you must have caught up with me to sweep the Yellow River."? What about you Inform the family members that there is basically no way to live; call the leaders of the unit to bring people, or let friends come to protect Even if you can't raise your head in front of others, the news will leak out sooner or later; so you think of me. "

Hearing this, the dream at the other end of the phone was silent for 30 seconds.

"Brother Feng Reasoning is OK, but your prejudice against me is too serious... " Brother Chan held it for a long time, and then he said this.

"Well, then tell me, what's the matter?" I don't know.

"Well It's like this... " Dream startles Zen way, "ghost Xiao He It seems to have been kidnapped. "

"Ha?" Seal not aware smell speech, Leng a second, "alarm?"

"At noon." Dream Jing Chan said, "at first, he thought it was a missing event, plus that he was a big and small Gang, and the police didn't attach great importance to it But you know, we have an important game tonight So, the leaders of our company had a little relationship and pushed the progress of the investigation An hour ago, the police had been monitoring the transfer... "

"Stop! Thank you!" Feng can't help interrupting the other party. "You can answer me with a" call the police "and then Don't tell me that much. "

"Brother Feng..." Brother Chan said, "I'll call you I just want to ask you for help. "

"Ask me for help?" Feng chuckled, "ah What can I do for you? " He then uttered a shameless remark: "although I am a great writer with the ability to be a famous detective But this kind of case is obviously more suitable for the police. " He paused and said, "don't worry. The police of our country are very good at" serious words ". They have the ability of investigation and execution..."

"Brother Feng." At this time, mengjingchan suddenly lowered his voice and said to brother Jue in a very serious tone, "I'm not worried about their ability But something's going on here. "

"Oh?" What does Feng imperceptibly capture from the tone of the other party's voice, "how to say this?"

"It's not convenient to talk on the phone Can you come to the public security bureau? " Dream, surprise, Zen and return to Tao.

"Well..." After thinking for a few seconds, "I can..." Before the response, he continued, "give me the address."


Thirty minutes later, a silver Porsche stopped at the door of a police station in s city.

Two men came down from the car. One was blind, the other was sighed by Wang.

Because he had contacted them by phone in advance, mengjingchan was waiting for them outside the reception hall.

"I said Two, come to the police station and drive a Porsche... " The three men just called out, and Zen brother make complaints about this.

"You don't have to say, I understand. We've always been so low-key." Seal not to feel calm to answer way.

In a sense, he's right Compared with other cars in Xiaotan's house, this one is very low-key in color and price

"Ha ha Ok... Ok... " Brother Chan really didn't know how to answer this, so he just changed the topic and said, "by the way, time is limited, let's talk about the business first..."

With this, he mysteriously pulled brother Jue and little sigh aside and stood in a corner of the room where there was no one.

"This I just want to tell you... " Mengjingchan is also a smart man obviously. He knows that what he is going to say at this moment cannot be heard by guixiao's family members or any police officers. "Actually, I believed in the police, but Just before I called you, I overheard the deputy director here talking to others in the toilet... " When he said that, he carefully looked around and lowered his voice. "The sound in the toilet is dull. I can hear the voice in the mobile phone..." He paused for half a second, staring into their eyes and said, "I don't know who is on the other end of the phone, but I clearly heard that he instructed the deputy director to try to delay the investigation It also said that it should be delayed at least until after two o'clock in the morning. " (to be continued )Genius a second to remember this website, the fastest updated novel website!