Thriller Paradise

Chapter 956

In the darkest hour before dawn, even the light and fog in the valley of mourning are dim.

After a night of fighting, countless people have been buried in the valley forever.

But Du Ying, not dead yet.

He escaped all the way back from the brokenhearted gorge and came to the gate of the buried heart villa.

But wait for him here But it is also a scene of blood flowing into a river.

At this moment, the gate of buried heart villa is open. From the outside of the threshold to the inside of the gate, to the courtyard of the villa, everything is within the reach of vision You can see the body.

The vast majority of the bodies were fully armed Imperial officers and soldiers, and some were dressed as servants or dressed in flying fish suits. But the most striking one I'm afraid there are still a few old women dead.

Du Ying is very clear that all these old women who serve the king of Yan are experts. They have been with King Yan for many years and have received more instructions than all the people in the valley. Even the worst martial arts can rival the leader of the first-class big school in the Jianghu.

However, such a group of people died here with the officers and soldiers

"What's the matter?" Du Ying's three views have been refreshed several times in the past few hours. Compared with the shock brought to him by Yuan Qi, the whole team of red cherry and Feng unconsciously, his response to the scene in front of him seems a little flat.

"Oh? Is there another living one here... " Suddenly, a soft voice came into Du Ying's ear.

Du Ying felt that his blood was cold at the moment when he heard the words, because the place where the voice sounded was behind him.

"Who!" Du Ying turns around like a frightened bird.

Then he saw Cao Qin.

"Oh, it's Du Ying." Cao Gonggong looked at his face and said, "you've escaped from brokenhearted gorge, haven't you?"

"You Who are you? " Du Ying retreated involuntarily. He didn't know why. He was afraid instinctively. "Did you kill all these people?"

"This seat. Cao Qin. Cao Qin, with his hands on his back, said quietly, "these people Some I killed, some not. "

"Here What's going on here? " Du Ying asked haltingly. At the same time, he urged yuan secretly to prevent the other side from doing anything harmful to him.

"Is it really necessary for a man who is dying to know so much?" Cao Qin received coldly.

"Even if you are going to die..." Du Ying tried his best to control his breath and said in a deep voice, "I can die more clearly It's always good. "

"Well..." Cao Qin hears the words. Nodding, "it makes sense." He paused for a moment. "I think you are a great master, and you are old enough to fulfill your last wish."

Du Ying listened to this, did not answer, just silently waiting for the other side to say.

Cao Qin thought for a few seconds, then he said: "Chang Wei, kill Zhu Zhizha; then. The seven experts of the imperial court killed Chang Wei again. Then Yan and I went to kill the seven experts, but they scattered in the villa. And called the soldiers outside. So I, the king of hell, and the maids in the mountain villa took a lot of trouble to kill all these people. "

"You..." Du Ying listened to the whole story. But he didn't understand the reason, so his face was still full of questions, "who are you?"

"He is like my father and my teacher."

The person who answered the question. It's the king of hell

as like as two peas, she appeared in the courtyard, and her costume was exactly the same as Cao Qin's. A simple and elegant robe wrapped her enchanting figure, and a wine pot hung around her waist.

"What?" Du Ying couldn't believe his ears. He thought that the cultivation of the king of Yan was unparalleled in the world. But he didn't expect that today he listened to the words of the prince of Yan.

"Then Are you dead now, understand? " Then Cao Qin asked.

"I......" Du Ying failed to answer Cao Qin's question, because he could only say a word, and his head left his neck Came to the hand of the king of hell.

It was a delicate, white jade like hand, but also a deadly hand This hand may be more deadly than any weapon in the world.

"Four girls, you have been there for a long time. Why don't you come out and talk?" Two seconds later, Cao Qin suddenly turned around and said to the corner of the courtyard.

There was nothing there. But after Cao Qin said this, a layer of optical barrier suddenly disappeared, revealing the figure of the four people.

"Since it has been discovered by the two, I might as well be frank..." This time, Xu Huaishang didn't let blood rose negotiate, but said directly, "first Are you even going to kill us? "

"It depends on the attitude of several people." Yan said, raising his hand and gesturing to the corpses everywhere, "look My maids are all dead, but I don't know Are the four girls interested in serving me? "

"If a negative answer is death, then we can't refuse it." Xu Huaishang returns.

"Ha ha Why do you look so unhappy? " Yan Wang smiled, and the smile was so beautiful that people were intoxicated. "You should be happy, in fact You are very lucky. " She put on her sleeves. "In the past few years, my maids have no worries about food and clothing, but they have not been able to live a really good life. But from now on, they will be different Since today, I am the supreme one in the Wulin. When you come out of the valley with me, you will enjoy endless splendor and wealth. "

At the end of her words, Xu Huaishang has not responded, suddenly!

"Wu? Forest? Until? Respect? "

A voice full of cheap power, resounding through the sky, coming through the sky

The voice repeated the four words word by word, with obvious doubts and sarcasm.

There is no doubt There is only one person who has the ability (to cheat on the pocket watch's amplification effect) and is interested in doing it.

"Hum It's interesting. " Cao Qin closed his eyes and chuckled. He commented in a low voice.

In the next second, the figure of Feng unconsciously appeared on the high courtyard wall of the villa. Though... The gate is just a few meters away, and it's still open.

"I'm here! Who dares to claim the supremacy of Wulin? " After he showed up, there was another naked sarcasm, like an attitude that didn't pay attention to anyone.

At this time, Yuan Qi, the hell front line team, and the Wulin heroes also passed through the village outside the villa and came to the gate of the villa.

Hearing elder brother Jue's words, the look of the leader of the alliance yuan became rather awkward; it is reasonable to say As the leader of the Wulin alliance. Yuan Qi is the most qualified person to say that, but this kind of words How could he say that. However, he couldn't make it clear that brother Jue was "speechless". After all, the boy was on his side, and his martial arts were unfathomable. It was unwise to have a conflict with him at this time.

Therefore, Yuan Qi can only pretend not to hear and quickly change the topic: "Yan Wang! Don't dream of your spring and autumn He shouted, "heroes from all walks of life gather here today, and will never let you hand over the art of eternal life to Chao..."

When the words "court" came to his mouth, he saw the corpses of officers and soldiers in front of him. It made him swallow the second half of the sentence.

"Say, why not?" The king of Yan looked at him and the heads of the various sects behind him, and his eyes flashed a clear hatred, "do you want to say that I collude with the imperial court, and then let me give you the art of eternal life?"

"Hum..." Yuan Qi put on his sleeves and snorted, "even if you don't collude with the court, it's a fact that you've harbored villains in the Jianghu these years. A scum like you... "

"Shut up!" At this moment, Yan burst out and interrupted yuan Qi's words.

All of a sudden, it's awesome. With killing intention and sound wave spreading out

The four members of the red cherry team are also unlucky. Because they are close, they are inexplicably attacked by the sound wave and lose 20% of their survival value.

The four members of the hell front team were a little far away, but they were not spared from the AOE attack. Qi Qi lost about 15% of his blood.

Of course, compared with the Wulin heroes, the players are lucky Because their power system is not based on "internal power". So this move didn't do them full damage; what they ate It's just the damage of "sound wave", but actually The other part is based on "internal force resonance", which is the most lethal damage.

After the sound, except for eight players, Cao Qin and Yuan Qi, all the other people on the scene were shocked to spit blood by the drink of Yan Wang, and fell down in horror.

These people are either famous in the Jianghu for a long time, or the leaders of famous sects, as well as the young and promising talents in the Wulin.

However, none of these people can take it.

Although no one was killed on the spot, the internal injury caused by this move seems to make them unable to stand up.

This drink It seems to be simple and rough, but in fact, it contains a very profound theory of martial arts. Apart from the players, we can only talk about the martial arts practitioners in the world In order to prevent this move, we have to do two things: one is to have the internal power of more than 20 years of general level martial arts mental skills; the other is to sense and judge the mystery of the move at the moment when the opponent makes the move, and immediately create a barrier inside the body with his internal power to cover his main viscera.

Only by doing these two points can we complete the defense of this move, otherwise

"Ah..." Yan Wang looked at those people in the Wulin who had fallen to the ground and immediately began to meditate. He sneered and said, "what's the hero?" You are worthy to be called heroes? " As she spoke, she moved her eyes to Yuan Qi again. "It's you chess piece It's a character. "

"Yes, for this I was quite surprised, too. " Cao Qin received.

"What are you talking about Who is the chess piece? " Yuan Qi's forehead has already fallen in cold sweat. The martial arts cultivation embodied in Yan Wang's attack just now has made him almost desperate. If there were not four "broken sword tea Lao" standing by, he would surrender in nine out of ten.

"I don't understand, do I?" Cao Qin smiled at him and said five words. Then, he suddenly changed his voice and changed it into a kind of almost hoarse state Do you understand? "

"You!" In a flash, Yuan Qi's spirit He was forced to the brink of collapse.

Because he knows the voice, it's a voice he'll never be able to