Thriller Paradise

Chapter 9

[the script has been completed and the award is being settled. ]

[gain experience value: 500, game currency: 0]

[gain items / equipment: none]

[complete / accept task: 0 / 0]

[special and hidden task completion: 0, crack world view: none]

[shock value surge: 0 times, maximum shock value: 0%, average shock value: 0%]

[your fear rating is foolhardy, there is no extra in this mode Reward. ]

settlement completed, please continue. ]

here we need to explain some settings about settlement in the multi person mode.

In the thriller Park, how many monsters are killed by hand will not affect the final experience acquisition. All experiences are settled after the script is finished. Generally speaking, as long as there is no serious resistance or counter effect for the script, every survivor will get the same experience. Unless the player's performance really conforms to the so-called "pig like teammate", then the system will deduct some of his experience value at the settlement.

This is also to limit the problem of "grabbing monsters" and "excessive output". When some players play games, in order to ensure the belongings and experience share of a monster, they will attack with very exaggerated means. To kill a dog, they have to use the feeling of a rocket launcher, only to cause more damage faster than their teammates. This is not only a personal behavior, but also a waste of team resources.

However, this setting seems to cause another problem: since experience is the same, people who kill more monsters will only waste their survival and physical fitness, which leads to the decrease of players' enthusiasm in fighting. In fact, players who are diligent in fighting and skilled in fighting will be rewarded with skill value, which will be explained later.

In addition to killing monsters and no extra experience, the concept of "dropping treasure" does not exist in thriller park. For example, when a mummy dies, it is absolutely impossible for him to burst out a knife, a shield, or even a gun. If you have to get something from him, it is a rotten bandage or a dried muscle. That's it You have to ask the player to tear it by himself, and then take it on his hand. The system will give you an item description. Please refer to "stone" for details.

Getting the equipment in this game is a very "fun" thing. In addition to entering some specific storage areas by solving puzzles, in most cases, a large number of non main line items, including equipment, have to be "searched" by players. For example, there is a set of spider man's tights in the window of the street, which may not be useful at all, or it may be a set of excellent equipment with attributes; for example, if you walk around in a sewer, you may find a series of weapons such as double swords, Emei thorns, nunchaku sticks and long sticks

In short, to get equipment in the script, wisdom, luck and diligence are the same. The first two cannot be forced. The third one is to spend more time searching. Of course, searching needs the support of combat strength. Generally speaking, the script will not allow players to have a long free time to move around. Moreover, players need to have enough physical fitness Activities.

As for the way to obtain equipment outside the script, the internal test stage is not available, but when the public test is open, the exchange can rely on the game currency and skill value to buy.

Needless to say, game currency, like most games, can be used to buy "store goods" provided by games, or go to auction houses to bid for goods put out by other players, or directly trade.

Skill value is a rare currency. There is no trading skill value between players, and there is no circulation in the exchange. Skill value can only be used in one place - "scare box". This is the name of a special store in the system. No one knows why it is so named. Maybe they think the players will be "shocked" when they see the goods in it.

Skill value can buy two kinds of goods in the fright box. The first is game currency. Players can exchange one-way at a ratio of one to ten. The second is the items that can't bring out the script, such as the "blood corpse must die" that Feng didn't realize he got in the novice course. Obviously, the function of this sword in his course is similar to that of plot items, which is designed to let him defeat the blood corpse that can't be defeated by the character strength at that time. So at that time, there was no limitation on the use of level or specialization, and the script could not be brought out.

Similar equipment, items, skills, etc It doesn't disappear from the system's database after the script ends. Although players can't take these things out, they will enter a recycle bin like place, which is the panic box. These things will be sold as commodities here, and can only be purchased with skill value, and their attributes will change accordingly. For example, the use conditions of equipment will be adjusted, some special effects only applicable to a script will be changed, and most card types of skill cards will become permanent. Of course, the learning conditions will also increase.

The alarm box was not opened during the internal test, because the "Recycle Bin" is still empty at present. After the public test, it is bound to welcome a large number of players to enter, so it is necessary to accumulate a certain amount of cargo reserve in this period. After the official opening of this special store, in order to control the total amount of goods and not affect the browsing, since the launch, the items that have not been sold for seven days in the real time will be completely deleted by the system.

The top level of the internal test is level 20. As a game that queues for scripts, the level is not an advantage. The game currency can be bought with money in the future. Therefore, the biggest advantage of internal test players when opening the public test is undoubtedly the accumulated skill value. Only those players with skill value have the purchasing power to obtain the first batch of commodities after frightening the box operation, which is a priority.

At this point, let's look at the previous question about active combat, which is easier to explain - fighting for skill value.

Not everyone is good at solving riddles, but in fighting, everyone can participate. The setting of skill value is "all behaviors that improve the efficiency of the game will reward skill value", which can not only be reflected in solving puzzles, but also in the battle, there is often a chance to get skill value, such as high-income and low loss killing, continuous killing, group killing, completing special killing with scene conditions, etc

For example, if he doesn't find the key in the square room and chooses to kick the door, he can get skill value as well. The key is to see how he kicks. Most people will face the door and kick with the sole of their feet. Many movie characters do the same. In fact, this is the most laborious way. It is much easier to kick with side kick or swing kick. At that time, I didn't realize that if I kicked the door in a more efficient way, I would also get skill value, but maybe it's not as much as solving puzzles, but there are always around 10 o'clock.

These are two ways of playing, two different ways of growing up. Players who like reasoning can obtain a large number of skill values at one time by solving puzzles, solving world outlook and other behaviors, while players who like fighting can also obtain skill values through force by constantly honing fighting skills. In general, the players who still follow the battle route get more. Even if the Riddler has reasoned to the last step, as long as he can't solve it, he has no skill value at all. Force players can accumulate little by little.

But no matter how you play it, the most taboo in the game is "brain damage". All kinds of terrorist elements are set to make people lose their cool and make similar actions like killing dogs with rocket propelled grenades. In the thriller Park, the most reasonable way to fight can get the most benefits. With a bazooka, you only get a pile of dregs, but if you use the dog beating stick method, you can get a homemade fur and a pot of stew.


When I opened the menu again, I found that I had directly upgraded to level 4, and the physical fitness value had increased to 400 / 400, while the current experience is 0 / 400. It seems that the upgrade experience of this game is not exaggerated. At least now it is increased by 100 upper limit per level, which is consistent with the increase of physical fitness value. However, the official website didn't give the specific game data of how much experience each level needs, and those who wrote the strategy didn't mention this, so it can't be ruled out that the upgrading experience required after the level is higher is more and more exaggerated.

"Brother Jue, I'm straight to level three Hey! And it's only 30 points to level 4! " Wang sighs from the communication channel.

"I know." As a matter of fact, Feng has worked out Xiaotan's experience before. Compared with him, the gap is nothing more than the 30 skill points bonus in the novice tutorial. "If we play multi player training again, we should all be promoted to level 5. But... This mode is not very cost-effective. At level 5, we naturally play team survival mode, which is the core content of the game. But now we are seriously short of equipment, not to mention good equipment. Generally, we don't have any. After entering the team, we may drag others down... "

"Ah? Team? Drag on others? Who? Wang sighed stupidly.

"You don't read the game instructions at all..." Feng explained: "the number of people in the team's survival mode is two to six at random. Instead of directly opening the script, they enter in line. It doesn't matter if we have six people in line. But we are a team of two people. As long as we don't meet two people's scripts, we need to cooperate with others in the three, four, five and six people's scripts.

If our strength is too weak, we are likely to die in the process of the script. Even if others succeed in customs clearance in the end, we can only get the corresponding experience value according to our previous contributions over, but not the settlement reward after customs clearance.

Moreover, in that mode, there is still a problem of sharing stolen goods. Players who have no team relationship with each other will naturally find the equipment and skills that they find. No one can easily share the searched equipment or skills unless there is something that can't be brought out and used by himself.

People's mentality is like this Some people can't sell it even if they find a chicken ribs thing in the exchange, and the selling system can only earn dozens of game coins, and they won't be willing to give it to other players in the script for free. You have to give them something in exchange to make them feel like they're making money. "

Wang sighed and heard: "anyway That is to say, if we don't take advantage of the present to improve the hard power of some characters, it will be very difficult after level 5. If the level of specialization hasn't been opened, even if people want to give us the replaced equipment or chicken ribs skills as human feelings, we can't use them. "

Feng Bu Jue said: "it's OK to understand. Then, let's disband the team first and start the single living mode."

"I'm ready to leave you to do it alone!