Thriller Paradise

Chapter 6

"Feel, feel, feel Jue brother... Just now Only then... " Wang sighed and stammered, and his fright value jumped up again. Due to the accumulation of fear, even if he calmed down after a few seconds, the fear value did not return to the lowest area, but remained at about 15%.

Feng unconsciously, expressionless, interrupted in a smooth tone: "according to my reasoning, now we have two options."

"What What? " Wang Tanzhi can now say two words into four.

"The first is that you take this knife and rush to it. When you turn the corner, you can chop anything you want." "I'll cover you in the back," Feng replied

"I choose the second." Wang's reply was so fluent that he didn't even hear what the second option was.

"In fact, I prefer the second option." Feng unconsciously went to the front of Wang sigh, stood in front of the first door on the right hand side without any tension, and turned the door handle.

As we all know, in any horror game, the door is a scary place. No one knows what will come into sight when the door is opened? Besides, the classic malicious design of "open the door to kill" exists. It can be said that in the moment of opening the door, the danger faced is the same as chasing the corner.

At such a time, 80% of ordinary people will carefully stretch out their arms to push the door open, lower their bodies, make their bodies as far away from the door as possible, and be ready to escape at any time. But the action of the moment is almost like the state of going straight to the toilet cubicle driven by the will of the toilet. He stepped forward quickly, leaning forward on his upper body, and pushed the door in.

There was no light in the room, the light in the corridor came in from the door, and the scene inside was appalling.

This is a ward of about 10 square meters. The cupboard in the corner is overturned, so is the garbage can in the corner. There are many sundries scattered on the ground, but most of them seem to be useless rubbish, such as rags, waste paper balls, broken flower pots, some soiled disinfectant cotton, broken glass medicine bottles and so on The sheets of the hospital bed were torn, and the whole room was filled with the smell of blood. There was almost no place without blood where the light was shining.

"The training mode will become invisible when the player reaches level 5. Obviously, this mode is designed for novices, which can make the player safely upgrade to level 5." As Feng Bujue said, he came to the cupboard, turned it around, and searched for the leftover things in it. "Those" high players "are expected to play the training mode at most once after finishing the novice course, or just enter the single player survival mode without playing at all. Because these players must have read the relevant game instructions in advance, and they know that the benefits of this experience only mode are far worse than the formal survival mode. "

Feng can't feel that he found a syringe that hasn't been unpacked from the cabinet. He glanced at the attributes and put it directly into the luggage bag: "from the perspective of reward, the training mode is worse than the novice tutorial, so I think the difficulty of completing it is basically similar to the tutorial. As long as the players are not scared to drop the line, even if they don't solve the mystery, they can pass the customs." At this time, he even leaned down and sniffed the smell of the broken medicine. "In fact, we can go straight after the shadow and continue to play without entering these doors. I think it will take up to 20 minutes, a few battles that are likely to cost survival, to get this script done. "

"Then you come in?" The king sighed.

"I said, there are two choices. If you don't listen, you can choose the second one." The paper on the ground is unfolded one by one and taken to the light source to watch one by one

"Hello You didn't just say... "

"I said that we can pass the customs even if we don't solve the riddles. I didn't say that we can solve the riddles." "But even if we solve the puzzle, we will not get the skill value," Feng said He continued to look at the papers, but there was no change in his expression, "but there is at least one advantage of solving the mystery, which is that it can reduce the difficulty of customs clearance. Simply put The work that will need physical strength to complete, use intelligence to share a part first He said, picked out a piece of paper and handed it to Wang sigh and said, "look at this situation."

"This is..." Wang took over the paper, looked for a few seconds and asked, "medical record?"

[Name: medical record of unidentified person]

[type: scenario related]

[quality: normal]

[function: unknown]

[can I bring out the script: no]

[Note: there are many contents on this paper covered by blood. ]

"this is your line." Feng didn't realize that he said, and then he raised the remaining stack of paper in his hand: "I'll see this pile."

Wang sighed that his scalp was numb at a glance. Feng didn't realize that the pile he was holding in his hand was the top one with a strange face.

They came to the corridor with bright lights and watched for about three or four minutes. Wang sighs very carefully, because there are many places in the medical record that are covered by blood, so he has to guess while looking at it; if he doesn't realize it, he just goes through it quickly one by one. He is a bibliophile. He can read everything very fast, and his memory, understanding and reasoning are very efficient. In addition, the contents of these papers don't scare him, so in his eyes, it's similar to reading illustrations of ordinary magazines.

"Have you finished reading it?" Instead, Feng asked the question first.

Wang sigh's eyes are still on the medical record. He thought for a moment and replied: "this is a man, 12 years old Still a child. "

Feng could not feel his chin: "Oh Young pioneers. " No one knows how his mind works

"Well Leukemia, it's been a long time in hospital, but... " Wang Tanzhi put down the medical record: "from the medical record, there are not many days..." He raised his head, his eyes moved to the end of the corridor: "now it's a ghost..."

"Not necessarily," said Feng. "There are three doors here. We only know that the first one may be the boy's ward on the medical record, but we are not sure whether the shadow we saw just now is him or not." He handed the stack of paper in his hand to Wang sigh: "you don't need to look at it carefully, just look at the attributes." After a second, he added, "there are six different faces on these papers, each with a number at one corner."

[Name: face sketch * 6]

[type: scenario related]

[quality: normal]

[function: unknown]

[whether the script can be brought out: no]

[Note: these paintings obviously come from the same person. The item can be split or stacked and is considered an item when stacked. ]

"I'm getting more and more confused..." The king sighed.

Feng unconsciously nodded: "it's normal. The clue to solve the mystery is obviously not enough." As he said this, he walked to the second room: "in addition, I have a hypothesis, which is also the reason why I hope to pass the Customs after solving the mystery." He pushed open the second door and said, "I believe that at least one piece of formal equipment can be found in these three wards."