Thriller Paradise

Chapter 37

On the wall of the living room on the first floor there are several paintings, most of which are like the works of the mentally ill. The illusions in the paintings are numerous and obscure. But there is only one, which is not so abstract.

The picture shows the interior of a long and narrow rectangular tunnel with low walls, smooth and white, without interruption or decoration. The front road looks like a downward slope. It's a bit like No, it's quite like a tomb. Some details show that the cave is buried deep in the ground, no exit can be seen in the picture, and there is no artificial lighting source. The painter does not know how to use it to show a ghostly light that is not suitable for the environment.

Feng unconsciously gazed at the picture for about five seconds, and his eyes seemed to be fixed. An unknown force made him unable to speak and move. The next second, his eyes were obscured by darkness, and he could see nothing. Before long, when he regained his ability to move, he took out his flashlight from his luggage bag and opened it to see that he had arrived at the tunnel in the painting.

He didn't know the principle of the transmission, and whether his departure was seen by Xiaotan and Longge. However, whether they saw it or not, I'm afraid he had to rely on his own strength to leave this place.

Behind him was a stone wall, which was still pushed up by hand. The top wall was low, and there was no way to escape. Feng sighed, took out the eye of hatred from his luggage bag, put it on, held the flashlight in one hand and the pipe tongs in the other, and began to walk down the tunnel.

There is "Jazz Dance" on his feet. He doesn't worry about the lack of physical fitness caused by road exploration. It doesn't matter how far he goes. With the physical fitness of 1100 and the special effect of equipment to reduce walking and running cost, it's OK to walk all the way in space. Even if it's as big as devil City, he's confident that he can explore the whole map.

Walking along the tunnel for about ten minutes, the sealed flashlight suddenly flickered a few times. He shook it with his hand and clapped the barrel twice. He said to himself: battery is not enough? No way It didn't last long in the last play. poor contact? It's even more impossible. It says "made in China". It's of good quality

Suddenly, a strange whisper came from the front: "let me out..."

The sound came from a distance of about 10 meters from the front of the cover. He took his eyes away from the flashlight and looked there. However, the light of the flashlight disappeared completely at this time, which made his eyes dark.

Then, the light of the flashlight flickered for a few times, just reflecting a white figure standing alone in front. Looking at the figure, this is a woman. She was bruised and skinny. Her white clothes were bloodstained. Because of the short time to see her and the problems of light and distance, she couldn't see her face at all.

The light was fleeting, and the blinded eyes immediately turned black again, only leaving a horrible image on his retina. Then there was a cry in his ear again.

"Let me out!" In the dark, there was the sound of people's body contacting with the board. It was the sound of friction and impact, and the sound of hinge creaking. There's another voice that's very far away It was as if someone was wailing in the depths of the copper Gallery of the cellar.

About 30 seconds later, the flashlight returned to normal, no longer flashing, and continued to output light.

After encountering the scene just now, Feng didn't change his face, but called out: "the flashlight didn't break, it was just the flicker caused by the plot..."

At this time, there is a system prompt: "update the progress of branch task"

check it unconsciously. The current progress of that task [find all six "ghost Palace"] has become 2 / 6. Presumably, someone else has found another word, but there is no specific content in the task bar.

At the same time, Wang Tanzhi and long aomin, who are on the first floor, are squatting beside the fireplace of the kitchen, looking at the second "ghost Palace" written on the brick wall with black material like coal ash.

[the king's flag is brilliant and golden,

flying on the top of the hall.

All these are the past events. It's a beautiful and peaceful day with a breeze.

Along the white palace wall,

a faint fragrance flies away. ]

"ah I don't understand at all! " After Wang sighed, he forgot about it. He went to the fireplace, looked up, and put his head into it to see the condition of the chimney.

He came out and said, "ah It's too narrow to climb out. "

At first, long aomin didn't seem to pay attention to his words, and Wang sigh didn't care too much. However, a few seconds later, Wang sighed and turned to find that long aomin's face was very abnormal. He saw his eyes wide and his mouth playing back and forth. He seemed to say something loudly, but he didn't hear a word in Xiaotan's ear.

This strange scene made Wang shudder, and then he realized something His own voice did not come out of his throat at the moment.

The next situation, in the eyes of the party concerned, is terrible, but it will be funny if others look at it.

I saw two people who didn't know sign language at all dancing there, expressing for a long time with expression and lip language. At last, no one knew what the other was saying

I think the most suitable line for this kind of scene should be: "are you sick?" "You have medicine?" "How many do you have?" "How much do you eat?" "How much do you eat!" "How much do you eat!" "You are ill!"

But in fact, what they said was different.

Wang sighed: "what's the matter? I beg your pardon? What do you mean by the gesture? "

Long aomin: "it's the black thing on your face that's playing tricks!"

Standing at the point of view of long aomin, I can see clearly that the black ash on Wang Dan's face is like a mask of "living". At the moment, he is making a grotesque smiling face. The expression of "black face" has nothing to do with what Xiaotan himself makes, like a picture floating on his face.

In the end, long aomin thought of a way. He found a rag in the dirty kitchen, placed it in front of his face, and made a clockwise wipe across a distance. Then he pointed to the rag with his fingers and the face of Wang sigh.

The latter seemed to understand. He took the cloth and put it on his face for a while. When he took the cloth away, the two men recovered their normal speaking ability at the same time.

"Wow! What kind of monster is that? " Wang sighed at the cloth on his hand. The "black face" was like the one printed on the cloth. He kept a complete face shape and transferred it from xiaosigh's face to the cloth. At the moment, xiaosigh's face became clean without any black ash.

"Although I don't know what the meaning of system settings is..." Only then did long aomin realize that there was no real lethality, and it was not a particularly frightening black side. Apart from expressing the malice of a system trickery player, there seemed to be no reason to appear here.

"But I think it's safer to burn it." Long aomin took over the mask and found two flints beside a stove
