Thriller Paradise

Chapter 35

The task then appears in the taskbar: [explore the big house and find a way out of the house. ]

I can't see the end of the seal without saying a word. Turn around and open the door. This is a swing door composed of two solid wood door panels on the left and right. I can't help holding the door handles on both sides and making them rattle. But obviously, the door is locked and won't be opened so easily.

The invincible of the brave snorted: "the amateur is the amateur. How can this door be opened?"

Click, click

Wang Tanzhi also joined in the ranks of seal imperceptible. He pointed the kitchen knife in one hand at the gap between the two door panels and poked at it randomly, and pulled the door handle in the other hand. He expressed his support for seal imperceptible with action.

"There's a flustered little brother in that title. Are you kidding? I said... " The brave are invincible.

Bang Bang

The two men intensified, each pulling a doorknob and struggling to pull two doorplates.

"I said you..." Brother Wudi is going to be short of words.

PA! Crack! There were two rings in a row, but I saw that both door handles were broken, so I couldn't open any key.

"Hello! What are you doing! " The brave invincible exclaimed. At that moment, he inexplicably increased his fright value once.

Bang Bang Bang

They shouldered against the door without a handle again.

Finally, after two or three minutes of noise, Feng turned around, straightened his collar and cleared his throat: "it seems that he can't open it."

The invincible heart of the brave roars: "fuck" -- "

but he can't swear like this, he can only shout angrily:" nonsense! Didn't I say it at the beginning? "

"You're just saying it." "And I have proved it with practice," said Feng

"Why don't you prove the feasibility of quitting the team and the subsequent system punishment?" The brave are invincible.

"Well Is it some kind of supernatural force that seals the door... " Feng unconsciously felt his chin and said something thoughtfully.

"Ignore me at this time!" Invincible brother heart of a fire that is to rub up straight.

As if the rain had been watching for a while, he turned around without saying a word and walked to the dark corridor on the first floor. Now that someone has proved through action that the door can't be opened, she won't continue to watch the farce. Sad spirit also followed up and left the living room with her.

Seeing that the two men were getting far away, long aomin was eager to stop talking. The infuriated invincible brother noticed their actions and shouted, "Hello! Don't run around. If anything is triggered... "

"Nothing." "From the content of the task, the more things you trigger, the better," Feng suddenly interrupted He said, and went to a glass window beside the door. The window was rectangular, more than one meter high and more than one foot wide. The top of the window was in a sharp shape, and the window frame was also made of wood. Looking out, the other side of the window seems to be covered with a layer of fog, so that people can not see the scene outside the house.

Feng didn't feel that he took out the pipe tongs and hit them when he swung them. As a result, after the iron heavy hit the middle window glass, Feng felt that his arm was shaken, as if his pipe tongs were hitting some kind of metal resonance object.

"Well Like the door, there is a kind of force on the surface of the window Said Feng unconsciously.

The brave man shook his head and sighed: "so you amateurs don't have common sense How could the system create a script that starts with brute force? " He turned and went up the stairs. "Are you three together? Please don't follow me. I've got three new people in the indoor environment. I can't even get through. I'll take charge of the first floor. I'll take care of the second floor alone. "

Invincible braves have identified these three people as super scum teammates. In addition to the "team Guardian" named long aomin, they have some strength. The other two are seriously unreliable. The title of the "flustered Raider" is enough scum, while the title of the "cold blooded maniac" is of unknown significance, which makes people uncomfortable, and shows a variety of ignorant behaviors.

And the thing that makes the brave invincible feel unhappy most is that others ask him the first thing to rush to level 20. Laymen who don't know their studio at all like to ask questions about this and that. In fact, in order studio, fast upgrading does not mean anything, just because of the different division of labor.

Professional players in 2055 has been a very mature industry, the largest number, and more common is some small studios. They are professionals themselves, but they are lack of planning ability and execution ability. It's often the boss who is also the leader of management, finance and game. Most of the bosses still have a pure player's heart. They often do things to help the public and private, and use collective resources to easily fight for their own pseudonym in the online world. There are so many studios like this, which are established and disbanded frequently, and their income is also very unstable. These teams make up the lowest building in the industry.

On the other hand, the middle level of this industry is mostly small and medium-sized studios with certain management level and talent reserve. Among them, the only difference between some small teams and the bottom layer is that they have one or two "star players", that is, the top level masters of certain types of games. In the competitive game team, sometimes one or two such stars can support the whole studio. However, most of the studios that can be mixed at this level have been separated from the management mode of "mountain bandits open incense hall", and can use various resources of the team in a planned way.

To put it bluntly, no matter what industry, if you want to do it for a long time, you have to have a long-term plan. A game team without a plan is basically the same as a group of amateur players. They just have more time to play games.

And this industry to the top, is like "order" such a first-class studio. They have a special management team to take charge of the overall planning, and the game team will work in groups and classes. In the team of six people who are mainly responsible for the charge of the charge, their specialization and personal positioning are very clear. The material resources, information and intelligence are also shared in real time in the studio. The equipment and skills that all members get must be given priority to the charge group.

Players like the invincible are all tasked. For example, a brave man is invincible. In fact, his rank is not important. His main task is to improve the level of combat expertise and collect intelligence. It doesn't matter if you don't practice other specialities, whether you have equipment or not. These can be promoted through team building in the studio later. Now what "order" wants is first-hand intelligence. Invincible is responsible for testing the actual effect of fighting specialization.

So when invincible is asked by strangers about things in the studio, he feels a word - "annoyed". First of all, it's business secrets, and he has the obligation to keep them secret. Moreover, even if he can say it, he is not interested in explaining it to others.

"Well, you must be careful, brother invincible." Feng said with a friendly smile.

When invincible brave heard this, he suddenly shivered. A sense of inexplicable strangeness made his fright value rise a little. It seemed that the sealed words indicated that something bad was about to happen.

He glanced back at the three people in the living room, drove the strange ideas out of his mind, and turned to go up the second floor alone.

Looking at his back disappearing in a corner of the second floor, long aomin said, "brother crazy, why do you pretend to be stupid?" He asked, "you can't be unaware of the meticulous nature of the system This door and window obviously can't be opened. Even if you want to try, you don't have to exaggerate it, do you? "

"The trick is enough to make him think I don't understand anything." "Then he would react in such a way that he could get rid of our" baggage "and act alone," Feng said

"Brother Jue, you don't want to be behind your back This game can't attack people. " Wang sighed. He helped to open the door just now, not for the sake of acting, but because he really thought the door could open

"I don't mean to hurt him, but I think it's more efficient to do things separately in this kind of script." Feng unconsciously said: "those two girls are exactly what I want and left by themselves. But this guy I'm afraid it's not the kind of person who will discuss with us what to do. " He paused for a moment: "in his opinion, he is the highest in terms of rank and professional in terms of game level, so he should have the most say in the team. If I propose to explore separately, he will oppose it immediately. When I went to pull the door, he also tried to prevent the other two from leaving the team. It can be seen that he had planned to act collectively Feng didn't realize that he went to a wall and squatted down. He seemed to be observing something. "It's best now. He left by himself." He gently peeled off the spider web and dust on the wall with his palm: "let's search separately. When we see the prompt of the main line task change, we will go back here to meet."

"Small sigh surprised way:" we also separate head to go

"I said it's more efficient to do things separately." Feng didn't realize that his eyes didn't move away from the wall. "Don't worry, this kind of big house is basically haunted. It doesn't have to have monsters like aliens. So this script is mainly about scaring people and solving puzzles. In fact, most of the things that may cause harm are traps and the like. Just pay attention to them. "

When his voice didn't drop, the system prompted that [branch task triggered]

three people looked at the task menu, and the original main task was still there, but there was another new task below: [find all six "ghost Palace", current progress 1 / 6]
