Thriller Paradise

Chapter 300

Honghu entered the industry as a teenager. He did not rely on the support of any studio and worked alone in the game circle. He has long been used to the pressure of life and the white eyes of his family and friends. These are nothing

He has been beaten, cheated, met with vicious competition, even intimidation So when he deals with people who are not familiar with him, he tends to pay more attention.

In the past ten years, his own heart is the most clear.

As an experienced person, although the age of Honghu is not very young, the city is not shallow. In the face of the perfunctory remarks, he immediately understood that the other party was obviously unwilling or unable to tell the truth.

Therefore, Honghu was also very discerning, did not follow up the inquiry, and did not point out his doubts about the derivatives. He soon talked about other topics with the three people around him as if nothing had happened.

Feng didn't realize that he spent five minutes telling three teammates about the principle of scp233 in detail, and briefly explaining the setting of SCP foundation, which was to solve the puzzles for these curious guys.

Then the four came together to the wall.

The section of the ground near the wall was not systematically repaired, so a rectangular gap about nine meters long and one meter wide was left on the ground. Previously, it was difficult to determine the depth of the gap when they were observing in the distance. Now, when four people came to the side, they found that the space under the gap was not deep, just less than a meter.

"In the whole lobby, there are only two pillars here. The distance is exactly nine meters. The distance between other pillars, walls and other objects has nothing to do with "Nine", no matter the unit is decimeter, foot or other If anything, the angle between the wall, the column and the ground is 90 degrees. " Feng unconsciously added to the previous scheme: "but from the perspective of solving riddles, the probability of correct answers with uniqueness is obviously higher. So, I think the breakthrough must be here. "

At this time, Honghu said, "although it's my suggestion that you should pay attention to such information as distance when checking, but to be honest I didn't do it very seriously myself. " He turned his head and looked at Feng unconsciously: "I didn't expect that you could only make a visual inspection, brother crazy. It can determine the exact length between objects, which is really... "

"It's not visual. I have measuring skills." "Every six months, I will measure my stride when I walk. This is my ruler," Feng said He looked around. "For a larger building like this, the measurement error will be correspondingly larger. However, if I change into a common house, I can measure the size of each room as long as I walk on a circle. If there is a mezzanine in the wall, I can measure the size of each room. Or there's something strange about the building structure that I can basically see right away. "

When you hear "every six months..." In this sentence, the expression of autumn wind, the accountant and the swan has become quite surprised, but brother Jue still goes his own way, ignoring the reaction of his teammates and continues: "in fact, the human body itself is a very useful measuring device, such as the heartbeat, pulse and breath can be used for timing; while the height, stride and arm span can be used for measuring; as long as the weight is measured through reasonable training Judgment can also be very accurate. " "If you are interested, I can teach you how to calculate the average density of a bucket of shit without using tools..." he said

"Brother crazy No... Big brother. " "Autumn wind completely shocked," dare to ask you what is your real life in the end At the moment, the inferences in his mind are mad scientists and the like.

"Artist." I can't feel that these three words in my heart have been held for a long time. Just wait here.

"Well..." Three teammates are empty eyes, with meaningful eyes on the blind, mind has become a mess of paste.

"In a word, now that we know the location of the mission, it's upstairs." Feng unconsciously brings the topic back to the right track. "Then our goal will be clear," he said, looking up

Corresponding to the ground, there is also a rectangular gap in the ceiling near the wall, which is wide enough for players to pass. But Feng didn't realize that he would not rush up directly. He had to test it first.

Brother Jue picked up a large building fragment in the gap of the ground. With a wave of one arm, he threw it into the gap above. The fragment flew up obliquely and landed on the floor tile on the second floor two seconds later. Judging from the sound, it seems that there is no trap triggered.

"It seems to be OK. I think It's up to me. " Autumn wind said. In a similar situation, he usually chooses a more positive approach.

From this choice, we can reflect the difference between counselors. He is also a wise man, and the two people represented by wisdom and courage and steady counsellor seem to be two kinds of behavior styles.

If it's a weight counter, it should be like brother Jue, thinking about the worst first. Try to make all kinds of temptations as much as possible. When there's really nothing to do, then take risks.

The principle of autumn wind is that, in the face of an unknown situation, as long as no adverse factors are seen, it is safe.

With a snap and a flat autumn wind, he only stepped on the wall. With the sound of the sole rubbing the wall, he stepped back and jumped to the second floor.

When the teammates saw this scene, they all looked calm. Obviously, for these players of nearly 30 levels, this level of action is nothing. After grade 20, if you can't jump five meters on the wall, you're too embarrassed to greet people when you enter the team.

"How is it?" Asked the Comptroller.

"Well There should be no danger. " "Autumn wind returns a way:" you come up say again

The three below exchanged glances, no one disagreed, so they stepped forward one after another and jumped onto the second floor.

The environment of the second floor is basically the same as that of the first floor, no matter the style of the floor tiles, the position of the supporting columns, and the lighting equipment, etc. The most significant difference is that the height from the first floor to the ceiling is more than four meters, while the height from the second floor to the ceiling It is nearly eight meters by visual inspection.

There is no door on the far wall of this floor. Of course, players also know that the back of the wall is connected with the 23x23x23 room on the first floor.

After a cursory scan of the surroundings, all four of them fell into the center of the ceiling on the second floor. There is a round hole about two meters in diameter, and a steel pipe extends from the hole and connects to the ground on the second floor. Through this steel pipe. It leads directly to the third floor.

"Look at that Is it for us to climb up that pipe? " The Swan said.

"It doesn't have to be a dance or something." I can't feel the way.

"Brother crazy Self weight... " The Comptroller advised sincerely.

"It's over. I've begun to brain patch that picture, as you mentioned." "Autumn wind way:" this absolutely belongs to needless frighten value growth

Honghu pushed his glasses: "brother crazy, your wisdom is worth affirming, but your thinking is a little..."

"No lower limit?" When Feng didn't realize it, he smiled and said, "a sense of humor is something that is born with us and can't be changed..." As he said it, he walked toward the steel pipe: "I'd rather not tell a joke like" will there be any firefighters sliding down here? "

"So The point you want to make is that you have the ability to be elegant. But I would rather be vulgar... " As expected, Honghu is a smart man. He immediately understood the meaning of "blind".

"Too much." Feng replied shamelessly.

"Is that a compliment?"

Four people talk, has come to the lower part of the round mouth, look up and see, the third floor should be no light source, the hole around the pitch black. With the light from the second floor, they could see that the top of the steel pipe was welded to the ceiling of the third floor, without leading to the higher floor.

"Although we can go directly to the third layer, let's explore this layer again." Qiufeng looks at his teammates. "Besides, have you noticed From the outside of the building, the height of each floor is the same. And they all have windows, but they can't see through the glass. But the internal reality is... "

"That's a good explanation. What you see outside the building is probably just a disguise." "It's possible," said the swan Since we stepped into the gate, we have entered another space. "

"The moment the light wall appears. These problems need not be considered, let alone the scp233 and the NPC friend of brother crazy... " "Anyway, I play this game till now. I haven't met a few pure sci-fi scripts in all. Basically, each one is a bit supernatural. "

Feng Bujue said: "this kind of thing is all right Now, can I take that concrete fragment and throw it to the third floor? "

"Ah..." "Autumn wind mouth corners twitch dry smile way:" nobody stops you...... "

He is right. No one can block it. I really want to.

After three words and two words, the four of them went around to have a look. Since the second floor and the first floor are almost the same, it took them less time to confirm that there is no trigger setting around.

Before long, the four returned to the steel pipe.

Feng unconsciously lifted the concrete block thrown from the first floor and threw it on the third floor. He only heard the movement of the object landing. There was nothing else unusual.

"If you want to go first, take a flashlight." Feng does not feel a face calm to the autumn wind.

"I volunteered once, and you're ready to beat me to the bottom..." Autumn wind rather helpless way back.

"Let me do it this time." "Autumn wind has taken on several risks. From now on, it's reasonable to take turns to explore." He paused here to give his teammates time to object.

Two seconds later, when no one answered, the Swan went on to say, "from the second floor, not every floor is in danger, and not every floor needs to be solved to pass. My first guess is There is a problem with odd floors, and even floors are areas for rest and cushioning. " He turned his head and looked at Feng, but suddenly he said, "brother crazy, you should have a flashlight."

"Yes." Feng didn't realize he was talking. He took a flashlight out of his coat pocket.

In fact, when Feng unknowingly said "take flashlight" to Qiufeng, Honghu guessed this.

"Oh?" When the Swan received the flashlight, he looked at the object slightly