Thriller Paradise

Chapter 245

"Although it's still a little senseless, it's also a kind of hint," said Feng, looking at the remarks He touched his nose. "The red key is hidden in the red place. Then, yellow, blue, black, white and gray are hidden in the corresponding places of the five colors?"

When he put the key in place, the first question in his mind was, "is the yellow one hiding in the shit?" With this doubt, he left the kitchen and went to the third room.

The room is on the opposite side of the corridor. There is only one small window in it, and it is also nailed by several boards. Although the windows in other rooms can't penetrate the light, this one looks particularly dark.

The stink in the room is hard to deal with. The broad wooden floor is covered with a layer of dust. The glove has been turned into a display state, and one hand is released to cover his mouth and nose, so as to resist the double effects of dust and stink.

The room in front of us is empty. Although there are some traces of furniture on the floor beside the wall and corner, it is difficult to judge the original appearance of the room.

Feng unconsciously speculated that the owner of the big house had not prepared a special cell at the beginning of his evil hook. Therefore, this room may have become the original temporary cell. Of course, now that he has the underground facilities, it can be said that he has put the criminal cause on the right track.

"Here's the black or gray key." I don't know what to do.

He held up the kerosene lamp and began a careful investigation. This kind of empty room, on the contrary, is easier to find. The walls, ceilings and floors are clear at a glance. After a long time, a badly corroded floor was found directly under the nailed window.

He squatted down, clenched his fist and knocked twice on the board, with a crack. The plank broke. He then put his hand into the black hole under the floor to explore, and soon found the article:

[Name: black key]

[type: plot related]

[quality: ordinary]

[function: Unlock the black iron door permanently, and disappear immediately after use]

[can you bring out the script: no]

[Note: hide in the dark place]

"I always think that the key in this task is easy to hide..." "Compared with the maddening puzzles under the ground, it's just a test of patience and delicacy," Feng said

The fourth room he went to was the foyer, which, strictly speaking, could not be regarded as a room, because the foyer was connected to the corridor and there was no inner door. And to the outside, it's the gate of the house that can't be opened.

There was little furniture left in the foyer. It was a mess lying on the floor. There was a wall clock on the wall, which should have been broken, because the seal couldn't feel that he glanced at the clock when he passed last time. The position of the hour hand and minute hand has not changed.

He stopped in front of the wall clock for a long time, and suddenly a sentence came out of his mouth: "will this It just looks like a clock, but in fact, it records the date... "

Feng didn't realize that he was obsessed with the setting of the world again. The wall clock is 12 hour system, which is no different from the real world, but he likes to speculate These twelve numbers plus one long and one short pointer represent the calendar.

He rummaged through the hall for a while. No key was found, but another story item was found:

[Name: Feather fur hat]

[type: story related]

[quality: ordinary]

[function: unknown]

[can you bring out the script: Yes]

[Note: even if the fur hat is decorated with a bright long feather, its poor quality cannot be concealed ]

"this is the fourth story item to bring out the script." I don't know. "Soap, denture, perfume, feather fur cap..." What do you mean... "

After leaving the foyer, he went to the last room on the first floor that had not been entered - the toilet.

I don't know if the technology tree of the world itself is a bit off track, or if it's caused by system limitation, there are fluorescent lights downstairs. There are only kerosene lamps upstairs; there are gas stoves in the kitchen, but chimneys are used for ventilation; and the toilet in front of us. There is a toilet in it, but it doesn't even have a light bulb. Next to the door, there is a small table. There is an empty saucer on the table. There is still some wax oil left in the saucer.

"It's scary to light a candle in the bathroom in the middle of the night..." I can't help but close the toilet cover and stand on it. I want to see if the small window of the toilet can be opened. "Oh, by the way, there's no mirror here, and it's not scary." He knocked on the frosted glass. It was very strong, and it was not big enough for him to climb out.

"Well, well, which one is the white key or the yellow key?" Feng can't feel that he has seen the inside of the toilet, only the clear water, so he opened the toilet water tank as he spoke.

Bang, the door behind him closed again.

"Still coming? What can open the water tank trigger? " Feng didn't realize that he turned quickly to open the door, but he made full use of his strength and still couldn't move a cent, as if someone outside had grabbed the doorknob. And this time, no system prompts.

"Now I don't even have a death warning. What's the matter..." Feng doesn't realize how difficult it is to have nightmares. That is to say, dead flag is a common practice. Even if you say a wrong word when communicating with NPC, you are in danger of being killed by seconds.

At this time, his relaxed nerves were tense again, and he was ready to use his skills to deal with the possible crisis. At this time, his survival value has reached more than 40% under the natural recovery, but it's hard to say how much blood can play in the nightmare script.

Step by step, step by step, Feng unconsciously approached the toilet with great caution, and he had constructed several possible horror scenes in his mind, such as the toilet suddenly turned into a monster and opened his "big mouth" to bite him; or The monster spewed something out of his mouth and flooded the whole toilet In either case, it is worthy of the word "terror".

Of course, imagination belongs to imagination, and the actual situation is There was no exception except that the door was locked.

He looked closely at the water tank. At the bottom of the water tank, there was indeed a key:

[Name: blue key]

[type: story related]

[quality: normal]

[function: Unlock the blue iron door permanently, and it will disappear immediately after use]

[yes, can bring out the script: no]

[Note: hide in the water]

"this changes again Rules According to this logic, should the red key be hidden in the fire? " I make complaints about the key.

His thinking did not stop for a moment. Soon I realized why the door closed. "I see There are six keys in total, three on the first floor and three on the second floor. When I found the last key on the first floor, it triggered the plot. Something must happen next, and then I can go to the second floor. "

"The hall is connected to the corridor, so there is no key. The kitchen, the empty room and the toilet are all rooms with doors, no matter which room I am in when I find the third key. Will be locked in. " He went on to analyze: "the problem is What will happen After I was shut for a while, would the meat on the second floor of the stairs move away or disappear by itself? "

PATA, PATA There was a strange noise in the corridor.

Seal not aware of the slight change in expression, step forward a few steps, close to the door and listen.

Patter patter Patter patter Something seems to be moving fast on the wooden floor.

The strange sounds are more and more frequent and intensive. It's as if a big rat, composted like a cat, is pouring through the corridor.

"True or false..." The scene of swallowing saliva, brain filling and moving like a living creature through the corridor is like, "the guy with dense phobia may be creepy under this psychological hint." He said in a relaxed voice, "but for me this setting is..."

Bang Bang -

"Hello! Knock on the door! " The door panel of the toilet was hit three times, and the impact position was on the top of the door panel, "wait This door is not locked at all... "

Yes. The door of the toilet has no keyhole. It can be opened by turning the handle. But inside the toilet, there is a latch lock. The person inside can lock the door in this way, but the bolt is not plugged at all at this time.

"Oh I see. The goods outside the door have no fingers and can't hold the doorknob. " I can't help but read. And he put the bolt in, "ha You can't help it. "

Bang Bang Bang Bang -

something outside hit the door a few times in a hurry. He also made some indistinct sounds: "cough Cough... Er... "

"Eh? Does he want me to open the door through communication? " "Well No, it's just the roar in the monster's throat. "

The clacking sound outside the door rang again. It seemed that the thing began to move again. Listening to the sound judgment, it turned around in the room. Then it went to the main door, but it didn't seem to be able to open the door. Two minutes later, it went back to the toilet door and hit the door again.

This time, its vague voice became very strange, and I felt vaguely that there were sobs and entreaties in it.

"There seems to be something wrong." I don't know what to do.

At this time, there was another sound, which was very clear, the steps of human beings. Footsteps came from the second floor steps, and along the corridor towards here.

At this time, the sound of knocking against the door became more and more urgent, and the sound of the thing outside the door became a roar.

The door of the toilet opened.

It's unseen.

In the last minute, I found that the door handle could rotate normally again. So he made a conclusion: here, it must be a choice, a choice that may affect the end of the play.

The upper body of the creature at the door is basically human, but it has no hair, fingers, tongue and chin. The lower part of the body is more curious. There are more than 100 "feet" connected below the waist. Each foot is made up of human finger joints, about 10 joints into one foot, that is, the length of three fingers.

After seeing this guy, Feng didn't speak. He just turned over silently to see his reaction. As a result, it quickly passed by the side of Feng unconsciously and escaped to the corner of the toilet, shivering.

"Are you really running for your life..." Feng can't feel the kerosene lamp in his hand. He looks up and wants to make sure that the footsteps in the corridor are coming from someone What is a real monster like