Thriller Paradise

Chapter 236

The two friends left at about 5 p.m. and sent them to the door unconsciously. The three said good-bye in a way of mutual curse.

I fell to the door, cleared the room, went to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, and took out a pile of ingredients.

As soon as his eyes changed, he put on an apron, lifted his sleeves and washed his hands in one go. Two seconds later, he said excitedly in a middle two tone: "ho ho ho ho The guy in the way finally left. It's such a dark time... "

He looked at the table full of ingredients and shot like lightning.

"Kelp is seasoned with wine and soy sauce Put it into raw rice to bring out fresh taste The ratio of rice to fish is a cup of rice with a piece of pickled salmon The burdock shreds are mixed with the hand shredded Maitake... " He is talking and cooking at the same time. Although he seems to be very rough, every step is accurate, which can be said to be coarse and medium.

"Well So the meal is done. " He put the finished things into the rice cooker, pressed the cooking button, and then turned his eyes to the side. "Yesterday's leftover tofu and rape can be used to make light pickled vegetables, plus the prepared vinegar pickled white radish and raw scallops That's it! " He fiercely turned on the gas stove, put on a frying pan, poured a large amount of salad oil into the pan, and when the oil temperature rose, he made a salt and scrambled eggs, "and then he poured some oil into the pan to stir fry the marinated vegetables..." He added materials and said to himself: "wine! Dip in the sauce! Water! "!"

Like a psychopath, he spent nearly an hour cooking at the kitchen table, and finally made himself six dishes and one soup, including all kinds of vegetables, meat, fish, protein and so on It's quite balanced.

"Hum A Book of satisfaction. " When he had finished, he let out a proud sigh. Then he sat down at the big table in the kitchen, poured himself a drink, and pretended to pick up a cloth and put it on the collar. It's like eating western food, with chopsticks and spoons in hand.

At this time, Arthas directly jumped on the table, slowly climbed to the side of the dishes that he could not feel, completely ignored his owner, and bowed his head to the plate with fish to eat.

"You are the meow star who enjoys his success. You are awed by my master's exquisite skills. Oh ha ha ha ha!" Feng can't help but keep his two hundred and five tone smile.

Arthas smelled the words and looked up at Feng unconsciously. The eyes seemed to say: stupid earth man.

A few seconds later, Feng could not feel a sigh. He tore off the piece of cloth at the neckline, recovered his normal expression, and looked at the ceiling and said, "hey Lonely...... "


The end of the script of the sword of distance Cang Ling. More than a week has passed.

Recently, there are more and more names in the friends list, such as the young master of the trace department, several friends of brother long, several friends they know when they play Xiaotan and Xiangyu, etc. in a word, there are more than 20 people in total.

They are the type who do not want to expand the social circle very much and like to alienate others actively. It's hard to be their friend. And those who are regarded as friends by them are similar to those who have been on a thief ship

Although the number of friends has increased, the members of hell front line are still only four. It's not enough to form a six member group. The system has changed the club buff twice. But the effect is not so good. After all, they are at the bottom of the two league tables.

However, regardless of the strength of the community, we can't realize the strength of the individual. At this time is in the game can be discharged into the top 50 masters.

After this period of time, the unseen data are as follows:

Title: unpredictable maniac. Experience value: 187500 / 270000, skill value: 11300, game currency: 1020000.

Specialization: General C, equipment D, detection D, combat D, shooting D, medical e, spirituality D, summoning n / a

luggage 8 / 15: Mario's pipe tongs, flashlight, 18 Copper man's folding stool (No.5), scp-500 (13 / 20), anti gravity catapult, miss MOXXI's bad temper, Jinggang bell, proyanbina's vacuum cleaner

equipment: jazz dance, spider gloves, death Poker (psionic weapon), echo armor, Goblin gas mask.

Space 3 / 10: Puzzle monkey, puzzle sunglasses, puzzle strawberry.

Skills: [less sloppy maintenance], [mind gathering skill], [watch moves], [ice refiner's persistence]

let's talk about the change of experience first

After the player reaches level 20, the maximum experience value required for upgrading has the same qualitative change as level 10, followed by an extra zero. Feng unconsciously relies on the advantage of getting extra rewards every time, and basically practices at the speed of one level every day. Of course, on the level, he still can't compete with the professional players who are in charge of charging in the big clubs. Someone else's online time is certainly longer than him, and the printing is more planned, as well as the assistance of experience card. At present, the player ranking the first in server level is level 32. Don't underestimate the difference between these five levels. After level 30, the experience value is seven digits

However, the level does not represent strength, and it is in the advanced stage of the game. Its characteristics can be seen from the level of specialization - there is no weakness.

For example, if there is a sport, such as tennis, the strength of players can be divided into a dozen abilities, such as speed, reaction, endurance, serve, backhand, prediction, etc Each item is calculated in tenths.

Then the top experts usually have three or more abilities, the rest are generally more than eight points, only one or two short boards are six or seven points.

The strength of ordinary players is usually about seven points, only one or two of them can get nine points, and several of them are around five points.

By this standard, he is like a person with all abilities at the level of eight points. Theoretically, this type of athlete is extremely rare.

Those with all abilities above six can only be called mediocrity. But it may be more difficult to get all the abilities above eight than to be a top player.

This is "all around," or omnipotent.

In baseball, it's like a guy who is proficient in playing, running, catching, passing and casting. There is no such person in the world at present, because he can usually do two of the five things well and become a baseball star.

And in the game of thriller Park, players who can make all of their expertise go hand in hand look at the whole server, only one person can't feel it.

Next, let's talk about the changes of game coins and items

There are a lot of game coins that you can't feel when you get to level 27 income, but there are one million of them, which has become a five grid luggage space. There is no way to do this. The novice luggage of ten squares is not enough. Now he uses the upgraded "standard luggage".

After Cang Ling, the sealed scp-500 consumed some more, and proyanbina's vacuum cleaner was on the 20th level. In the past few days, he has also harvested some equipment, one of which is on average every day, but those are not very suitable for him, so he either gave them to his teammates or sold them by auction. So from the data point of view, I can't feel that these days there is also an additional puzzle.

Finally, I'll talk about skills. I'm sure you can see that the first permanent active skill that Feng unconsciously learned has evolved after he used it many times (to be continued) only one second to remember this website, the fastest updated novel website of biquga!