Thriller Paradise

Chapter 2

Just a few seconds ago, it was the game that greeted the players at the beginning of the novice course.

Normal people will be shocked when the surrounding environment suddenly turns dark without any sign. They will be frightened when they hear the creepy voice. At this time, the elevator will sink suddenly again. Although there is only a sense of falling in a short moment, it is enough to make people's heart beat faster and jump.

But I can't feel it, I'm calm and have no response

When the elevator shakes, it starts to move down at normal speed. At this time, the blind eyes, automatically emerged the game menu.

The game menu will only appear in the player's vision, and it can't illuminate the surrounding environment, and the behavior of reading the menu is private. When browsing the menu, even if there is another player standing beside, the other player doesn't know whether you are looking at the options or dazed.

There is no system voice at the moment, but I can't help but see a text prompt in the menu: [you can open this menu at any time, and your character attributes, status, equipment, items, etc. can be inquired here. ]

I can't help but see that most of the areas in the menu are covered by shadow until the line disappears, and then an area in the upper left corner of the menu becomes bright. There are three rectangle like blood bars.

An arrow emerges, pointing first to the first one, which is a full green energy tank. A new caption will appear: [this is your survival value, which is displayed as a percentage. The specific value is not visible. When the survival value is 0%, your character is considered dead. Current survival value: 100%, abnormal state: none. ]The

arrow moves to the second energy tank, which is also a green energy tank. However, the figure shown above is not a percentage, but a number: [this is your physical fitness value, and the specific value can be seen. Running, walking for a long time, carrying heavy objects, fighting, using skills and other behaviors will reduce this value. You can reply by resting or items. Current fitness: 100 / 100. ]

the third energy tank is empty, and this is also the most important thing to pay attention to: [this is your scare value, displayed as a percentage, without specific value. If the fright value is higher than 100% for more than three seconds, your connection to the game will be forced to be disconnected, and your character will be deemed dead. Current scare value: 0%]

because I have read the basic settings on the Internet before, I can't help but glance at them. I thought other areas of the menu would be unlocked next, but the menu closed automatically after about ten seconds. He took the initiative to call out the menu again. The place where the shadow was just now remains unchanged.

Obviously, this new tutorial is not just to look at the text and familiar interface in the dark elevator, otherwise, before entering, the system will not give the assumption of "too high a scare value to interrupt the tutorial".

Sure enough, the elevator stopped very quickly. The darkness around it is still the same. I can only hear my breath.

All of a sudden, the light was on for a second, only for a second, and then it immediately returned to darkness.

In this second, there is a scene on the retina that can make people jump and scream.

You should remember that one of the walls of the elevator is a mirror, and at the moment when the lights were restored, I couldn't help but see two figures in the mirror.

One is obviously himself, while the other Although I only glanced at it, I was almost sure that it was a bloody upright creature.

It's just that it's always dark. It's better not to look at it intentionally.

Change someone else, just called out the sound, now it's not backward to the corner of the elevator, it's crazy to punch or kick the position of the blood shadow in memory.

Feng unconsciously stood in the same place, expressionless, and said to himself, "well Since it's a tutorial, it's unlikely to put the players into a situation where they will die in the first place. The most important thing is to lose survival value or scare me again. Then there should be some changes to keep the game going. "

Thinking about this, there is really a ray of light shining into the elevator, and soon expanded. It turned out that the door of the elevator opened by itself, and a kind of moldy smell came from it. There is a straight corridor outside. The ceiling is made of wood. The walls on both sides are pasted with wallpaper. The pattern on the wallpaper is rather strange, like people's eyes. The floor is covered with green carpet. There is no window or door on both sides of the corridor. Only every other distance, there is a wall lamp with dim yellow light.

The corridor seems to be very long. Those wall lamps seem to be yellow light about the size of rice grains in the distance. The visible distance is less than 20 meters. The place farther away is shrouded in the shadow, which can be seen only when we move forward.

I'm afraid that the normal people have not waited for the elevator door to open completely, so they rush out to saya and run away. For him, the secluded road in front of him is not necessarily safer than the elevator. Now that it was not dark, he wanted to turn around and see what the shadows were.

As soon as he turned around, he saw a blood claw with ten fingers like a hook coming towards his own face. As soon as he shrunk his neck, he could avoid it. He squatted and jumped out of the elevator. Looking back, he finally saw the whole picture of the shadow.

It's a bloodless corpse, similar to the human muscle model in the health care room, but this one is alive, and the whole body is still bleeding.

The door of the elevator is closing slowly. The blood corpse grins and looks like a smile. His eyes are fixed on the door. When the door is about to close, he sticks out a hand and pushes it out.

"According to the general idea, I should escape here..." Feng didn't realize: "but this guy doesn't look like a super power. Do you want to try fighting..."

At this time, the blood corpse just walked out of the elevator and immediately roared with great momentum. He waved and hammered at one of the walls in the corridor. The thick board behind the wallpaper was smashed in an instant, and a sack of cockroaches appeared in it.

"You are cruel." Feng didn't realize that he would turn around and run.

Since it's a novice course, it's natural to guide the players to continue. Killing players is not the primary purpose. This action of blood corpse is actually a waste of time. Obviously, it's to make the players who escape more distance. However, the system also considered other possibilities, such as the player was paralyzed to the ground, or some players tried to fight with the blood corpse in the light place after they saw its appearance. In that case, the action of blood corpse can make paralyzed people jump up and run for their lives, and eliminate the fight of the hardliners.

Of course, if the players are too scared to stand up or have to play their lives, they will have to play over to regenerate a random novice script.

"First of all, I can't break the wall. Second, I can't break the wall. Third, I'll fight with the monster and die. Good..." Feng unconsciously arranges the confirmed situation silently. It seems that in this novice course, he doesn't have much choice.

After a long distance, Feng can't see the end of the corridor. There is a door, which looks very thick and wooden!

As soon as he turned the door handle, he opened it! He also had no time to consider whether there was any danger on the opposite side of the door. He could only go in and say it again, because the blood corpse was so close that he could not be delayed. At this moment, I can't help but understand that he should run as soon as the elevator door is opened. That's the usual choice. Staying for a while makes his current action time very urgent.

As soon as he entered the room and closed the door, he found that there was an iron bar on the back of the door to bolt the door. Feng did not hesitate to bolt the door. Almost at the same time, the outside thing began to hit the door.

I didn't feel that I didn't care about it. I turned around and began to look around. This is a square room of about 16 square meters. There is no furniture in it. There is only one wall lamp and two doors. One of them is being hit by the blood corpse and the other is in the middle of the wall opposite the room.

He came to the only escape door, pulled the handle, and found it locked. Trying to kick the door lock seems to be a little useful, but the strength of his foot is obviously not enough. It is estimated that he will have to try hard several times to have an effect.

Next second, the game menu suddenly pops out in front of you. Another shadow area in the menu is unlocked, showing a number, but now it is 0: [this is your skill value, and the specific value is visible. Skill value can be used as currency. It is accumulated according to the action of the character. Any action that improves the efficiency of the game will reward skill value. Current skill value: 0]

"is it a shortcut to give a hint of skill value..." Feng didn't realize that at this time he looked at his own scare value in the menu. It was still 0%. He didn't move at all.

He sighed and looked back at the door that was being hit. The iron bar had been slightly deformed, and it seemed that it could not last long. Under the pressure of such a monster rushing into the door at any time to kill people, onlookers can't be as calm as he is.

Feng unconsciously looked at the room carefully again. It seemed that there was a hint indeed in the empty room. At the height of a wall, a piece of wallpaper turned down a corner, which was not obvious, but it would not be missed after careful observation. When Feng unconsciously stood on tiptoe, he reached for the corner,. He tore off the wallpaper, and sure enough, drew a symbol with blood on the board at the back. The shape of the symbol was a circle, connected with the shape of the word "bu". It should be a key pattern.

At this time, a roar accompanied by the sound of the wood being smashed sounded from behind. When I looked back, I found that one claw of the blood corpse had pierced the door plate, and it was sprawled through the opening of a bowl, and I didn't know whether its intelligence setting would open it after touching the latch.

The occurrence of this scene undoubtedly indicates that the blood corpse will rush in soon. No matter how to solve the mystery or kick the door, there is not much time.

Feng didn't realize that he had to use his elbow to hit the board with the symbol. The pain came from it. However, the board was obviously crispy and was broken by one elbow. He thought there would be a lot of insects coming out, but they didn't, just dust. Behind the plank was a small space, in the middle of which lay a key.

When you pick up the key, the game menu appears again, and another shadow is unlocked: [you get an item, because the luggage and equipment bar have not been opened, you can only hold it in your hand or discard it. ]

then he saw the item properties in the new menu display area:

[Name: rusty iron key]

[type: consumables]

[quality: normal]

[function: open door lock]

[can you bring out the script: no]

[Note: I want you to know how to do it. ]

I can't feel that the remark column of this article is full of malice, but he also