Thriller Paradise

Chapter 131

"I've seen a lot of disgusting things in my life, but this..." "I don't even want to touch it with my sword," said the frenzy

"Hiss Is this a printer... " "What's the status of the pattern on it?" said Feng unconsciously

what appears in front of their eyes is an insect larva as big as a baby. Its appearance looks like a kind of moth that nibbles on the inside of fruits and vegetables. It has a long body and short feet, and is in a cylinder shape. Its body is divided into sections.

The body of this moth is not ordinary milky white or light yellow. Its body surface is full of currency patterns of various countries. All kinds of anti-counterfeiting lines, patterns, specially designed numbers, even some patterns into the face are printed on its body in pieces.

And every two parts of the body of this insect stretch out countless things like silk thread. The thread is filled with black mucus, which seems to be the thread, which makes the giant egg in the core establish a certain connection with the rotten metal.

"Before I saw this guy, he hid in it and called out. He made a bluff. When he cut it open, there was no sound." I don't know.

"But it's not easy to dig it out of the outside." Follow the sword and shadow.

"I said, it's up to you to give it the last blow." I can't help but use my weapon to block a piece of metal I hit beside me.

"I just said I didn't want to touch it with my sword." Crazy trace sword shadow return way, with the situation split a water pipe that hit from his side.

"From the point of view of the plumpness of this insect, stab it down I'm sure it's the same as peeing cow balls. " Feng did not feel the way, "I bought this knife is new."

"You can put it back in your suitcase and take it out." Crazy trace sword shadow way.

"Then you use your sword to chop o!" Feng Bu Jue said, "aren't you quick as the wind? Kill it quickly. I will stand far away and support you spiritually."

Crazy trace sword shadow sighed: "OK I didn't want to waste it here, so... " He took a grenade out of his suitcase.

"Hello Do you take this out early? As you said earlier, as soon as we opened the door and threw it in, it would not be over. "

"I said I don't want to waste it here I have only two such consumables as hand grenades. " Crazy trace sword shadow return way.

Feng didn't notice that he didn't pay any more attention. After carrying away a piece of metal, he turned around and retreated to the corner of the corridor.

Seeing that he was ready, he yanked the grenade and threw it at the fat insect in the core. The silk thread from the insect stuck the grenade unexpectedly.

Under normal circumstances, the speed of the crazy trace sword shadow is obviously faster than that of the blind, and the moving body method is also more brilliant. Only when he moves lightly, he quickly gets rid of the giant monster's entanglement and almost comes to the distance side by side with the blind.

A few seconds later, there was an explosion behind them. The core of the giant insect was blown to pieces. The rotten metal was all scattered on the ground, and the outer layer of skin like cell tissue began to turn into pus.

………… "Do you hear me?" Finally, he asked.

"Of course I did." The end of the day attacked back and said: "it's like the sound of an explosion. It's not like it's powerful. The distance It's quite far. It's hard to say where it is. "

"Is it crazy to trace them?" Finally, he said forcefully, shifting his eyes to the floor in front of him: "or did this group do it?"

On the ground lies a corpse, a white man. Wearing a set of orange protective clothing similar to the spacesuit, which is basically integrated from the neck to the sole of the foot, but his suit looks more compact and comfortable than the spacesuit of the 21st century, not very bulky. He is wearing a light helmet. The front of the helmet is a transparent mask, much like glass, but it is not. It should be a more advanced material. The helmet is connected to his collar. It can be roughly judged that the whole set of clothing is sealed, but it is not equipped with oxygen backpack and other equipment, so there are probably some future scientific and technological achievements that can provide breathing in this clothing.

At the moment, there was a huge breach in the body's mask, and his face was already bloody. Obviously, the two corpse knives just gave him a blow. I don't know whether the cause of his death is his facial injury or the air he breathed after the mask was broken "This script is more troublesome than it seems. Besides the players, there are monsters and these people who have no way to enter..." The doomsday attack said: "we, the crazy trace swords and shadows, the monsters, and these are the four forces. The more things we live, the easier it is to disturb our sight, so that we don't know where to find the two that we really want to kill. "

Finally, the attack observed the situation in the menu: "what we can know at present is that the two entrants of the other side are still alive, and their survival value..." He paused for a moment: "it should be the same as us. If we don't count the battle damage, 32% has been lost. Anyway, we each have 15 bottles of large-capacity survival supplements. Even if repeated drinking will reduce the effect, it should last for quite a long time. Don't worry about it for the moment."

The doomsday attacked and said: "hum It's also said that since we can't judge whether the explosion was made by them or not, we'd better follow the original plan and finish exploring this area of the laboratory first... "

………… "Brother crazy, come and have a look at this." Crazy trace sword shadow squatted in front of a safe with a flashlight and spoke loudly.

Feng didn't realize that he was checking the giant monster's cage, but there was no big gain. Hearing this, he came over and took a picture of it with his flashlight. He said, "it's obviously a treasure chest painted by the system."

"I know that." "The box looks very new. It doesn't look like it's been in storage for 455 years, and..." He pointed to the position of the lock: "what do you mean by the puzzle given by this system? Do you want to play Jingzi chess? "

The seal is close to the front of the box, and the system menu pops up in front of him. The window shows nine square squares, like the cube side, but there is no color. The prompt is: Please fill in the appropriate content

"it's the nine palace diagram." Feng unconsciously blurted out, "Dai nine shoes one, left three right seven, two four for shoulder, six eight for foot Eh? You didn't play this when you were a kid? "

"Of course I know when you say that..." "The system should prompt" fill in the right number "so that you can see clearly," said the frenzy

"It's on." When I couldn't feel talking, I had unlocked it in the menu, and the safe opened with a click.

However, the treasure chest is empty. There is neither skill card nor goods and equipment. It is empty.

At this moment, the seal suddenly suspected that his product was too bad, so he opened an empty box Fortunately, the system voice stopped him.

Branch task has triggered

catch it and kill it!

The content of this task is short, weird and inexplicable But Feng didn't realize what he realized immediately.

He dived into the empty safe a meter away, put his hands in it for a while and grabbed it. Then he went crazy and rushed to the metal door of the room. He quickly closed the door.

"What's the matter?" "Crazy trace sword shadow asked.

"There's something in the box." I can't feel the way back.

Just now, the crazy trace sword shadow looked at the seal and opened the safe. It was clear that it was empty There is no light in this room, and the flashlight in both hands is the only light source. In this atmosphere, Feng can't help but feel nervous and say this kind of saying, which can't help but give goose bumps to the crazy trace sword shadow.

"It has come out!" If you don't feel it, you can say it again.

Crazy trace sword shadow stood up and looked at Feng insensibly. He suspected that the teammate had been mentally polluted or had hallucinations. He asked tentatively, "brother crazy What do you see? "

"Nothing." "That thing is invisible!" he replied

Hearing this, the crazy trace sword shadow immediately dispelled the idea just now. He suddenly realized that the original task meant this meaning, "where is it?" The crazy trace sword shadow looks around with flashlight.

"You ask me?" I don't know.

"Isn't that goggle you're wearing any special visual enhancement?" The frenzy trace sword shadow doesn't know the equipment attribute of the eye of hatred. He just didn't notice that he put it on when encountering a monster, and guessed the effect.

"It depends on the monster's hate target." "But first of all, I have to" see "the monster. If I don't see the monster, I won't play a role." "By the way," he said, taking off his hostile eyes and putting them back in his luggage, "the hatred target of the" meat wrapped iron bug "outside the door can't be detected. It seems that it will only make indiscriminate attacks on creatures close to itself."

The crazy trace sword moved carefully and looked around: "there is no sound at all Are you sure that thing didn't escape before you closed the door? "

"If it rushes to the door faster than me, it will make a sound. If it wants to keep quiet, it can't be faster than me." I can't feel the way back.

"How do you know? What if it's fast and quiet? " "Crazy trace sword shadow asked.

"Nonsense Then there's no need to catch the fast and quiet invisible creature. It can dance around us now. " "Is the system going to let you grab something that you can't?" Feng said

"What now?" "It's in this room, can it understand our conversation?" said the frenzied trace He looked nervous: "if it attacks us..."

Feng unconsciously interrupts: "an invisible creature locked in the safe, whose height and weight are at most the level of middle school students, as long as he dares to touch us..."

All of a sudden, there was a dull sound behind Feng unconsciously. The next second, he immediately felt something jumping onto his shoulder. Then, two bony claws grabbed his throat. There was no doubt that the monster was trying to strangle him at the moment.

The surprise attack not only didn't frighten him, but also made every nerve of him tense. Before the brain can respond to this situation, the body is already acting instinctively. Feng unconsciously holds up two arms and grabs the invisible monster on his shoulder. His ten fingers are deeply embedded in the monster's bare shoulders. The monster's claws stuck on his throat have to be released under the pain.

Ziyou's breath brings up the potential of Feng unconsciously, which is extremely