Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1299

The monster Kingdom has a very long history, even longer than the existence of the four pillar God.

It can be seen from the name that at the beginning of the establishment of the Kingdom, it was still a centralized and hereditary country.

But as time goes on, the society of monster Kingdom has experienced a series of development, conflicts and changes, and finally it has become a place to promote democracy.

The history of this period can also be written as a book if it is to be put out separately Oh no... A set.

Therefore, there will be no more details here

As long as we know that the life of the residents of the monster kingdom is hard won, it's the life of countless martyrs who shed their heads and blood.

For this reason, when their common home is invaded and their safe life is threatened, the determination of monsters to resist is very firm and thorough.

Moreover Fighting demons or legions of redundant soldiers would not have accepted any form of surrender. Even if some monsters wanted to rebel, they would "throw themselves into the enemy without a door.".

Here, we have to say that if the Legion of redundant soldiers will play some tricks, it may have captured the monster Kingdom long before Feng unconsciously and others came

If brother Jue leads his troops to attack the monster Kingdom, he will follow the principle of "encircling the master and going to the gate" and cooperate with all kinds of tricks to win the victory with the minimum cost and the maximum grasp.

But fighting the devil is not blind

Doumo never uses any "strategy" because he despises and doesn't need to do that.

In his era, thriller paradise was a very simple and pure world. At that time, "God" represented light and order, "devil" dominated chaos and darkness; there were not so many forces, nor so many gray areas, let alone the so-called "free will".

In that black-and-white era, light and dark compete, each with half the power of the whole universe.

Until the day of "doomsday", the few remaining gods fell in the catastrophe, but the fighting demons who were sealed into the "gate of nothingness" by the gods survived.

After countless years, in this new era, because of the "ancient guard devil", the founder left the seal, the door of nothingness opened again, and the fight devil came out again.

With "half of the power of the last era's main universe", he has an obvious advantage in strength in the face of these "weak" new gods, and even those new gods are inferior to the secondary gods.

Although in terms of the total amount of "cosmic energy", the new era is several times higher than the previous era, it still No single NPC can compete with it.

And this "quality" gap, it is difficult to use "quantity" to fill For example, if the power of "the leader of all demons" is one tenth of that of fighting demons, can we defeat fighting demons by copying the 11 leaders of all demons? The answer is obviously no

In the same way, even though the monster kingdom is full of powerful players, and there is not no one who is close to or even more than the four pillar gods, their victory in the face of fighting demons is still very small.

This All the monsters, including Mr. hanky the king, were well known.

But they have no choice, because this is a war that can't even surrender. Only when one soldier dies will the battle be over.

In this case, "despair" It's not that scary.

Why not live like a hero in the last moment of life, when death is doomed and near?

In such a state of mind, the civilians who originally took refuge in the government office area also spontaneously organized He joined the temporarily formed defense forces and planned to fight with the redundant soldiers with the idea of "killing one without loss, killing two without loss".

And the Legion of redundant soldiers will not wait to die.

Just now, when doumo tore open the void fault and intruded into the space, the sweepers uniformly generated the strategy of "temporarily stop attacking and wait for doumo to arrive" according to this change, so they stopped the whole army for a period of time.

But at present, the number of monsters has increased rapidly, and they have begun to attack actively, so the redundant soldiers will not wait. Anyway, their forces still have a continuous supply line; "time" and "winning opportunity" can be filled in and replaced with these nearly infinite forces.

That's it When the battle started again, the two armies killed around the round King City (the terrain of the government office area is similar to the castle, but it is dozens of times larger than the general castle, which is equivalent to a castle like city in terms of area). There was a bloody battle in the sky, the ground, even the water and the soil.

At this time, it should have been sunrise, but the sky is still a dark chaos; the earth has been dyed a bright red.

It is not the rising sun that has dyed the earth red, but the soldiers of the monster Kingdom and the blood of the redundant soldiers mixed with biological genes.

The sun is not covered by the redundant soldiers, but in the distance The spirit of a demon king

People's eyes are full of short limbs and broken bones; people's ears are full of roaring and moaning.

If there is a real sense of killing and terror in the air, which makes everyone present crazy, this is war, accompanied by fear and death, pain and absurdity But it's a tragedy that can't be looked away.

"Mr. HANKEY The zombies are about to die. "

"Mr. hanky! The wolves have gradually lost their sense and started to hurt each other by mistake! "

"Mr. HANKEY The goblin commandos have lost a lot! "

"Mr. hanky! Please give me an order! "

"Mr. hanky!"

The soldiers who were covered in blood and turned back to report the war brought the king bad news one after another.

Indeed, in the past few hours, Wang * * had always been dominant; by right, they are all in a desperate mood, and the advantage should be greater.

But Leaving aside the subjective will and considering the objective situation, we will find that The development of this war situation is reasonable.

After all Their physical strength, magic, ammunition, life It's all in constant wear and tear.

In essence, though there are countless casualties, the strength of the attacks on the redundant soldiers is not weakened; their offensive is the same or even stronger as that at the beginning of the war.

The result is obvious.

"Damn bastard! Sandford holding the pool! " When Mr. hanky, who was born in the South Park, was in a hurry, he didn't hide his dirty words. He shouted, "I've fought with you today!"

As he yelled, he was ready to fly to the sky to send another "big shit" (he had used it once before, so now he was resting on the wall and commanding the army by the way).

Right now, all of a sudden!

But see, a strong light, suddenly through the dark sky, tearing the front of the Legion. /p