Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1297

Monster Kingdom, located on the boundary of the main universe.

No matter in terms of land area or social system, it is very close to the human country in the real world.

There are all kinds of monsters people imagine living in the Kingdom, from the spirits of magic system, goblin and dwarves, to the aliens, iron warriors and terminators of science fiction system, to the ghosts and ghosts of the East and the West in the spirit system

If we talk about the diversity of race and belief, I'm afraid that there is no place in the world where there are so many rivers and seas like monster kingdom.

The monsters who live here work, go to school and have fun every day. They also get married, reproduce and pay taxes

Since the monster kingdom is located in a very remote place, which belongs to the "land of war" and is separated from other regions of the main universe by a "void fault" which is extremely difficult to cross, it was a neutral area - a relatively free paradise before the age of the four pillar God.

Today, however, here Unexpectedly, they were attacked.

At midnight (monster Kingdom time), accompanied by a loud explosion of the tunnel, the Legion of redundant soldiers broke into the land without any sign, and started a merciless slaughter without saying a word.

Just like when they attacked queen Anna's revenge, they would not negotiate or pity. All they had was ruthless and meticulous killing.

War That's how it started.

Unexpectedly, the first attack of the Legion of redundant soldiers lasted for less than 30 minutes. Because... The five white redundant soldiers who broke in first were totally destroyed after only four blocks were captured.

It turns out The formation point of the blast tunnel is just in the residential area of behemoth

Although the monster kingdom is a "neutral country", its combat power is not vegetarian. There are many "ordinary residents" here who can also become bosses in low-level scripts. It's hard to say how strong they are if they are "folk experts".

Moreover, in addition to its biological and basic fighting ability, monster Kingdom also has the hard science level of "Star Wars level", "Slayers level" magic ability, and a large number of black technologies that do not know which system they belong to

For example, all dead is also a resident of the monster kingdom. Although his own combat power is average, his weapons and equipment can make a very weak race obtain amazing combat power.

In a word, this "land of war" is not so easy to handle.

However, the redundant army is not the kind of army that will "give up"; before dawn, a new round of offensive has come

After the first wave of exploration, the "tactical control module" of the leaders of the sweepers who are responsible for mobilizing the miscellaneous soldiers immediately fed back the response strategy - in the latter round of attack, they directly sent out more than 50 sweepers, led 50000 redundant soldiers, and launched attacks from all parts of the monster Kingdom at the same time through more than 20 detonation tunnels.

Now, the residents can't stand it

Fortunately, the government agencies of the kingdom made timely response, and they immediately informed the people of the whole country through the emergency broadcast system Oh no... Strange people, let's go to the "government office area" to take refuge.

At the same time, the king summoned the strongest soldiers from all over the country to form a temporary army to defend the country and prepare to fight against the redundant army.

Believe it or not, the "King" of monster kingdom is elected by the people, and the current king It's a piece of shit.

Of course, "shit" is just a casual term. As a "monster", he naturally has a "name". His official name should be the "Christmas" poo. As for its appearance It's a dark brown, standing shit, the size of which is similar to that of ordinary people. The top Let's just think of it as the head With two eyes and a mouth, there are two small hands on both sides of the shit body and a small Christmas hat on the top of the head.

The king's name is Mr. HANKEY. He comes from South Park. He has an alcoholic wife and three children in primary school. He is good friends with Jesus and Santa Claus.

I think many people think that when they see his hometown The monster kingdom is stable.

Yes, as one of the "quasi gods" in the South Park, Mr. hanky is very strong. His ability to control excrement can make excrement out of nothing and turn it into anything at will, including excrement plane, excrement tank, huge excrement weapon, etc. This is very similar to the ability of Green Lantern man, but Mr. hanky's ability does not need willpower as energy

In addition, Mr. HANKEY can directly use excrement as a destructive substance to attack the enemy, for example Gather a large amount of excrement, bombard the opponent with tsunami or tornado like state, and use the most direct force acceleration to destroy the body of the enemy.

All in all, the strength of the king can not be underestimated, and the "soldiers" he summoned are certainly not idle.

The "ghost Bajie collection" of menggui electric power company came out; several high elves princes who are proficient in various weapons and Magic also volunteered; there are several ancestral roles from the five color dragon, elite fighters from the iron blood tribe, the blood clan and the wolf clan, etc

It's not a joke that these monsters join hands.

Although the Legion has a huge advantage in number, and has surrounded all the monsters in the "government office area" in the center of the Kingdom, launched a wheel siege, but until sunrise The redundant soldiers were also stunned that they could not break through the defensive circle of Wang * *. Not only that, the Legion also paid the price of 25 sweepers and nearly 30000 redundant soldiers.

Just as Mr. HANKEY was thinking about whether to counter attack or not, there was a change It happened

It was the darkest moment before dawn, when the Legion of redundant soldiers suddenly stopped their incessant offensive. Just as they stop, far away A monstrous "evil spirit" suddenly came down on the scene.

Every creature in the monster Kingdom felt a chill and fear from the soul at that moment.

They knew in their hearts that there was something Coming.

Moreover, "he" did not come through the blast tunnel. He used his strength to open a path in the "void fault".

There is only one NPC in the universe that can do this.

He is the supreme devil, the symbol of darkness, and the existence far beyond the four pillars

Even the "light" itself, seeing it, has to give up. So when he steps into the territory of monster Kingdom, night It has also been extended indefinitely.

"Is that enough..." At the same time, such an idea flashed through the minds of the generals and men of Guowang.

There is nothing more terrible than despair, and what they are about to face is almost "despair" itself.


An hour ago, the scorched earth was chaotic.

Feng Bujue, Wang Tanzhi, Xu Huaishang, Billy brothers, Lao Wang and zunge, five people and one bird, are running on the vast black land.

In the sky behind them, there was a huge army of soldiers who could not see the edge

"Is there any mistake! There are so many everywhere! " Small sigh ran while shouting, a face lying groove color.

"Actually It should be our bad luck... " King Dien ran after the players with his young man's body and said, "look at their original flight route, I'm sure they didn't come to catch us. They just passed by, found us, and then changed their way to catch up with us..."

"Oh?" Hearing this, Feng didn't feel as if he thought of something and asked, "are you sure they were going to another place?"

"Of course." "We have been fighting with the redundant soldiers for nearly two years. Even if no one has provided us with information, we have already found out their characteristics." He explained, "redundant soldiers or sweepers In fact, these guys are no different from bees, ants and other things. They are even simpler than insects They always have a clear goal and implement collective action in the simplest and most efficient way. If they observe the same thing twice, they can infer their action law in this matter. "

"By the way, we have also studied the physiological structure of redundant soldiers." The Zhuan Jie Zun flying over the head of Dien Gu King added in time, "after many times of anatomical experiments, I can definitely say The modified redundancies will not disappear as data fragments after being fatally wounded. They will leave corpses with blood and r like ordinary creatures, and the corpses will carry some biological characteristics that provide data genes for them. "

"Let me guess..." "Seal not to feel empty eyes to connect," your so-called "Anatomy" every time with "eat brain" end of it

"Sometimes it starts with eating the brain." But that's not the point. The point is that we know them very well All round understanding. "

"Well..." Feng doesn't feel like nodding. "OK, I'll be sure anyway." He paused and asked again, "so Where were they going to fly? Can you point them out to me? "

As soon as he said this, everyone in the room immediately understood what he was going to do.

"Ah..." After a little thought, Xu Huaishang smiled, "this is a good idea."

"I don't think it's a good idea." The next second, Billy's stuffy voice came from Bill's trunk, "look at this number, ten of them are on their way to some kind of" offensive mission " If you go to their destination, you will go to the battlefield. "

"That's right." Feng unconsciously said that he had slowed down his pace of running. "Since it's a 'battlefield', there is a 'fight'. In order to fight, it needs at least two sides to fight..."

"And the two sides..." Xiaotan followed his thinking and said, "one side is determined to be the enemy, the other side..." Before he finishes, you look at brother Jue.

"The enemy of the enemy is a friend." Feng unconsciously took over Xiaotan's words with tacit understanding.

"I have an idea..." Xu Huaishang then glanced back at Lao Wang and added, "since you said," they always have clear goals and implement collective action in the simplest and most efficient way ", then Their "quantity" at the moment can show from the side how strong their enemies are

"That's right." Feng didn't realize that he also thought of this. He took the chance and said, "old Wang, Billy How many people will be sent when redundant soldiers come to catch you? Is there so much this time? "

"Not so much..." Billy replied, "even if we stay together, we won't get there