Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1279

The conversation between the two lasted about ten minutes, and then ended.

For Feng, he has detected enough information.

For Dr. Quinn, she also has enough evidence to write a preliminary diagnosis for the man who calls himself "Jack".

So, after a simple farewell, Dr. Quinn took the lead in leaving the "interrogation room".

A few minutes later, the guard who had brought brother Jue came in; he was still the same, without much nonsense. As soon as he came in, he opened brother Jue's shackles, and then grabbed his arm to take him back to the cell.

However, this time, I didn't feel that Feng didn't cooperate so much

"Sorry." Brother Jue said hello to each other before he started.

And this "sorry" is the last sentence that the guard heard before he lost consciousness In the next second, he was blinded and easily stunned with a hand knife.

After all, it's a script of ordinary difficulty, and the NPC I met at the beginning has no combat power at all. Even though brother Jue has lost some equipment and skills, with the physical quality of level 56 characters, it's more than enough to deal with an ordinary person.

Buzzing - buzzing -

the police just began to search the guard's body, and the alarm in the building had already sounded.

Of course, this is also in juegao's expectation.

On the way to here, Feng unconsciously wrote down the location of every camera around him, so he knew that there was no dead angle for monitoring on the way to use - it was the same everywhere.

In this case, I'd better do it in the current room, because in general, compared with the "cell" he had stayed in before The "interrogation room" should be shorter from the exit.

"Sure enough..." Feng unconsciously uses the key found from the guard to open his handcuffs and reads, "in a world without super villains, the managers here are obviously not alert to the prisoners. In a normal Batman world, even if the prisoners are escorted inside the lunatic asylum, at least two guards should be sent..." Speaking of this, he has opened the handcuffs very quickly, and walked away from the electronic door card on the guard. "But for people here, a prisoner of my size wants to subdue a guard who is bigger and stronger than me, and who is armed, with handcuffs That's impossible. "

Brother Jue's thinking is very fast and his movements are not slow. When he thought of this, he had already rushed out of the door and started running in the corridor.

"Hey! Stop! "

After only a corner, I met two guards who blocked the way, and their lines were also the "classic nonsense" often appeared in the film and television works.

Seriously, in most chases, even if you shout "stop" when you have a gun in your hand, others may not be able to answer you. Besides, the guards in this lunatic asylum are only equipped with batons and Taser guns (commonly known as electric shock guns and electric shock guns).

"Ah It's really easy to get hooked... " I feel relieved to see the guard.

Brother Jue is also experienced in running away. When you don't know where the exit is in a closed environment, you usually follow a rule You'll run where the guards are.

"I said! Stop! " One of the two guards standing in the way saw that brother Jue rushed towards him at the speed of a sprinter, and he was a little flustered. He shouted to himself to be brave, but at the same time, he had raised his Taser gun.


"Save it..." Feng didn't realize that in the fast running, he even answered each other with a rather lazy tone.

And in the process of saying these three words, he has finished Jump up sideways, step on the wall of the corridor with one foot, shrink in the middle of the air and do a side swing. The whole person goes over the head of two guards This series of movements.

For juega himself, this level of running is very relaxed and leisurely.

But from the point of view of the two guards, the scene just now is like a large animal, much faster than human beings, swept over its shoulders like a wind

When Feng didn't realize that he had crossed with them by mistake and gradually ran away, the two One is still in the position of raising a gun to aim, the other hand is still touching the baton at the waist, even the baton can't be pulled out

In front of the players, the actions of these guards can be called "slow as static".

In this way, Feng can't feel running all the way. All the guards who tried to stop him all along the way are nothing in his eyes. They are either swayed by him with strange movements or put down by him. Taser guns and batons can't even touch him.

Five minutes later, Feng unconsciously came to an iron gate. Taking this gate as the boundary point, the outside is the open area of akham. Through the iron fence on that gate, Feng unconsciously saw the larger space and several security gates outside.

Needless to say, you can imagine that the guard here is the most strict When brother Jue turned to this corridor, there were already a dozen guards waiting for him in front of the gate.

"Parkour game is over, you bastard!" A man who looked like the head of the guard stood at the end of the crowd, with his back against the door and his Taser gun in his hand! Give me your hands up, or I'll turn you on! "

He seems very confident. After all, there are more than a dozen people and guns here. The corridor is so wide, it's hard to miss.

"Whoo There's no way... " Feng unconsciously looked at the scene, sighed, and quietly put his hand into his pocket.

The guards looked at his reaction and thought he was ready to give up, but in fact Brother Jue secretly launches the special effect of "Bell's daily knife".

This Sabre is a legendary quality and does not belong to the category of items that can not be recovered under the excellent level; kryptonians who are broken in the [blade that must be broken], [e], super girl, powergirl (the different space-time Homo of super girl in Earth 2), or who are involved in or do not involve the concept of multiverse crossing; and kryptonians who include Hal Jordan Kyle Reina, senesto, all the colors of the Lampman, and all the heroes, anti heroes, or aliens with the power level reaching the cosmic level with the potential of blackening, etc Such characters do not exist in this universe; even if they exist, they have not yet appeared in the cognition of people on this earth.

To sum up, I would like to analyze Among the remaining heroes, in addition to a group of guys who "are not high-ranking gods, but can easily kill them in a second", it is possible that they can help themselves as the "semi God" magic nvxia and the lightning man who can use the "divine power". The former, with the "lasso of truth", is one of the most unwillingness objects in the world to have physical contact, with priority over shit; the latter, how to say He has a conscience

In this way of thinking, brother Jue is naturally reluctant to provoke the relevant figures of justice alliance; therefore, at least At the beginning of the play, he will try to show as little exaggeration as possible.

"You can't run!"

A minute later, as Kevin was about to snatch a car from the yard, the head of the guard's roar rang out from behind.

The old man was really fighting. He got up a few minutes after being hit by Kevin and fainted to the ground. He stumbled to the courtyard and demonstrated to the fugitive against the door frame of the main building.

"The police have come! The road will be blocked immediately, and within an hour you will be recaptured or shot! "

It's not just saying that. From the walkie talkie still flashing in his hand, it can be inferred that on the way to the courtyard, he has already passed through the ditch with the personnel at the other side of the monitoring room, which is sure.

"Well Well... " After hearing the words, Feng stopped what he was doing immediately and said, "what you said is reasonable..."

"Eh?" The head of the guard was stunned and said, "what's the situation? Does he feel that the situation is not good, and he decides to take it easy? "

On the other side, Feng unconsciously thought in silence: "I just drive out like this, and I have a high probability of being stopped before entering the city, and I am easily surrounded by the police Compared with the guards, the police are much more difficult to deal with. In the face of live ammunition, they are as barehanded as before, without obvious super power I'm afraid I can't make it. "

When I think about it, brother Jue has a plan in mind.