Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1271

The time limit for fighting devil is up. Feng doesn't realize that he still hasn't brought out his razor in front of other players.

Therefore, when the skill fails, he will fall to the ground without touching Lying sprawled in the middle of the street, facing the sky, gasping for breath.

"Ah..." He Yangxin saw it for the first time and smirked smugly, "sure enough, I didn't expect that..."

As he spoke, he stopped running and turned back to the distance of about ten steps from brother Jue.

He Yangxin is really cautious, even if he can be sure that ninety-nine percent of them are exhausted, not acting, but In order to guard against that one percent possibility, he decided to stop at a distance he thought was safe.

"Whoo Yes? I look like this. Don't you dare to come and kill me? " Feng unconsciously calmed down his breathing for a while, then raised his voice and asked.

His present attitude, quite some dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water hot meaning.

"Hum I'm not in a hurry. " He Yangxin stood still and said, "I think In the matter of killing you, there are people who are more urgent than me. "

While talking, his sight and sword They've been extended elsewhere.

After a rest, Xu Huaishang appeared in the street; tired dream and Pai Laoshi also came to the opposite position in time.

But I can't feel it Lie in the middle of these two groups.

"Ladies first." A few seconds later, carrying the tired dream of [the heavy building], he pretended to be leisurely and took the lead in saying, "Xu goddess Please first. "

"Everything comes first and then." Xu Huaishang is not deceived. "You come before me, and you are two people I think it's better for you to do it. "

Both sides have bad intentions. Xu Huaishang has something to say. Anyway, both sides have the same meaning. No one is willing to take the risk of being secretly calculated by brother Jue to repair this knife.

Up to now, the situation of this "combative fight" has become clearer.

At present, there are four players left in total, one of whom is lying on the ground waiting for death, which can be ignored.

The other three, divided into two teams -

the first team, is Xu Huaishang. Her condition is not good. Because Fang Jin, the NPC helper, was injured in the battle with he yangzhiyan, Xu Huaishang can only fight alone now.

The other team is the combination of tired dream and old wet. Although the real strength of Pai Laoshi is urgent, tired dream is the same level of master as Xu Huaishang. Even though the former is slightly inferior to the latter, the gap is not too large; moreover, the character state of tired dream is healthier than Xu Huaishang. In a word, the advantages of him and Lao Bi are quite obvious.

At present, there are two reasons for the two teams to fall into a standoff: first, there is no way to fight back if they are worried. It's nothing wrong. Who can make him blind Even if the goods look so embarrassed and vulnerable, they can't be ignored. Otherwise, they will be killed by him every minute.

Second, once Feng died, the two teams had to make the next strategic choice immediately. This choice is very important, so in a short time, both sides are still hesitating.

To be frank is Neither side has been able to work out the account.

It's the seal lying on the ground who has already finished the account for them

It took only a few seconds for brother Jue to figure out - the two teams had three choices in total: the first one, ignoring he yangxinci, just won in a positive wave. It can be said that this is a five five-year development strategy, and there are many variables, because besides he Yangxin, there are other Wulin people around. No one can say whether someone will step in during the fight.

Second, ignore the enemy's players, launch a surprise attack on he Yangxin, steal the sword dance grass record, and then run away immediately. This kind of strategy is obviously very unwise - killing boss, robbing sword spectrum, running away and so on Every link has a great chance of failure. Its only advantage is to win by surprise. There is a certain possibility of success by taking advantage of "no one thought you would do this" and implementing it at the fastest speed.

And the third strategy is Grab in front of the opponent, immediately join he yangxinci, work with boss to kill the opponent.

Although this strategy has no moral integrity, compared with the first two options, it is the smartest one. And as long as the strategy is successful in the first step, the next thing will become very simple, basically lie down and win.

But the problem is Can this first step, that is, to "join he Yangxin" succeed?

The psychology of both sides is bottomless.

Xu Huaishang just killed he yangzhiyan a few minutes ago. Maybe he yangxinci doesn't know about it, or he yangxinci doesn't care about it, but I don't know.

And tired dream still Not long ago, in front of he yangxinci, he had a fight with Zhitian AI and Sasaki, two players who had already joined boss camp. To some extent, they had already expressed their opposition.

Maybe He yangxinci won't care about this, but it's just as uncertain.

To sum up, the two sides fell into a confrontation in which no one dared to act rashly.

"Otherwise I'll do it. " No one thought that after a short standoff, he was the first one to take action. "How can I take care of it later, but I have to kill it first Who knows how long his condition will last? If he comes back later and takes out a zagu or something from his luggage, it's not for fun... "

He makes a lot of sense, and his actions are efficient.

Before the words were heard, Lao Shi had taken a pistol out of his knapsack.

Gun, a common gun, is the kind of street goods that are very common in the early scripts.

Even if they have to take long-range weapons, they will not take this kind of thing with no special properties, but they will get old and wet It's not Gao Wan, he's just a civilian leisure player, so he takes

Who would have thought that such a small civilian pistol would become brother Jue's talisman at this moment.

"Let the old wet As expected, it's as deep as the legend... " When Xu Huaishang saw the old man take out his gun, he couldn't help thinking, "in this case, he still made a very calm and accurate judgment quickly, and immediately put it into action On the surface, he seems to have let me take a step, but in fact, the initiative is still in his hands... "

At the same time, the motionless seal also vomited in his heart: "hello No, I won't. I'll be here for a while. If I die under an ordinary shooting at this time, it's a little unfair

Bang -

brother Jue's mind is still in doubt, and the gunshot has started there.

However, this shot failed to end the life that was only 2% of survival value.

Because The old man was beaten by the wet.

The bullet rubbed juega's head and hit the ground not far from his head.

"What's the matter?" At that moment, Xu Huaishang was shocked, then thought, "wait He is Try it out? " She quickly came to a conclusion, "I see Oh, I see! If there are skills like "rebound" or "transfer damage" hidden in Feng, then this shot will be shot He will open the skill at the moment when the bullet is fired; let Lao Shi see this point, pretend to shoot and seal it up, but in fact deliberately hit a little bit. In case that he didn't realize there was any way, he was just cheated out with the cost of an ordinary bullet... "

Thinking of this, Xu Huaishang could not help sweating: "let the old wet What a terrible man There's still room for this kind of thing at this moment. " Then, she looked at brother Jue with sympathetic eyes, "in any case, after the verification of old Shi, the fact that she could not resist was clear It seems that the next shot will kill him. "

She thinks it makes sense, but it's not that complicated.

Let the old wet It's just a simple miss. Why Because his shooting expertise is very low.

After one shot failed, old Bi tried to cover up his embarrassment, aimed for a while, and was ready to fire a second shot.

Unexpectedly, in this moment, a figure leaped out of the street, picked up brother Jue and ran away.

That's not someone else. It's Cheng Yong, one of Wang Poor's bodyguards.

This old man originally went back to linlu town one step ahead of Feng, but in the middle of the way, brother Jue drove his mecha to overtake him Not in the process, but also not slowly. Almost when Ruoyu and Jianshao fought against each other, Cheng Yong returned to the town, and soon met with Wang Qiong, Cheng Wei, Feng Meiyu and he yangjingzi.

He yangjingzi, who was abandoned face to face by his adoptive father as a deserter, was originally hijacked by Cheng Wei with a sword. At that time, he yangjingzi had given up resistance. She had lost her faith in life and motive for action. For her, running away was meaningless and nowhere to go. She will not help he Yangxin to kill again. If possible, she wants to kill him.

Fengmeiyu and wangqiong have joined hands for a while. After all, they have the same goal. It's better to fight together than to fight alone.

After the attack of the Yang electronic gun, these men hid all the time and watched a terrible battle in which they had no room to intervene. Until just let old wet shoot, Wang poor decisively ordered, let Cheng Yong they go out to seal not aware to save.

"Where are the odds and ends..." He Yangxin was the first person on the scene to respond to Cheng Yong's actions. "I'm watching a good play What a mess! "

In terms of speed, he is faster than anyone on the scene.

Speaking, he yangxinci has already stepped on the ground and jumped up, bullying Cheng Yong from the middle of the sky and cutting out with one sword!

I have to say Just now, the shot that was given by Lao Shi was of great significance. Although he didn't mean to But he did try out the fact that he was unable to resist.

These He Yangxin saw it all in his eyes, so at the moment, he rushed to mend the knife and wanted to kill brother Jue and Cheng Yong together.

"The flow of the divine sword" Just as he Yangxin is about to make a move.

Suddenly I heard a sharp drink

"Cover the water to the East!" Feng Meiyu's figure appears suddenly, giving a kind of complicated but powerful internal power. With a strong palm wind, she starts to attack Heyang Xinci from a distance.

Although he Yangxin was powerful, he had to dodge or block the invisible long-range attack.

For him, two