Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1268

From the beginning, Feng didn't realize he was going to rob "sword dance grass record".

Because when he saw the main task of the play, he had read out a very important hidden message.

At first glance, this is a very simple and intuitive task. After most people read the task content once, they will immediately write down two things. First of all, from the most basic settings This new mode of "combined chaos" is essentially a "killing game"; since it's a script of this form, the "main task" given by the system to all parties involved in the war must be the same regardless of the branch and hidden tasks.

That is to say, all teams get the task description of "get sword dance grass record before other players".

So here comes the question

Although it's a very simple matter, few people realize the fact that there is only one team that can get the sword dance records first.

Because, only the first team to get the sword dance grass record is in line with the concept of "first"; when the members of that team get the "ownership" of the goods, other teams even if they take things away, they also "get after".

And "get sword dance grass record after other players" obviously does not meet the task description.

That is to say

Once the sword score falls into the hands of a certain team of players, the team that obtains the sword score will be regarded as "half" of the main task. As for whether the "other half" can be completed This is also said. The key is From this moment on, all the other teams that are hostile to this team lose the possibility of achieving the condition of "prior to other players".

At that time, the system will naturally prompt those people that "the main task has failed", and they will surely discover the hidden mystery in the description of this task.

At this point, those people have lost the way of "winning by completing the main line task", and there is only another way of winning - killing all the opponents.

If we set this as the main line at the beginning, we may have many strategies to achieve this goal, but In this script, there will be a "team holding the ownership of sword dance scribbles" at that time. If they let it go, they will win through the "main task" in an hour, and the script will be over.

In this way, under the premise that all people are enemies of each other, they have to find ways to kill the team with sword dance records in an hour. Moreover Killing that team may not be a once and for all. No one is sure whether the change of hand of "sword dance grass record" will trigger a new main task.

Anyway After such an analysis, I soon understand that this seemingly uncomplicated main line is hard to be abnormal.

Even if he didn't know that sword dance grass was recorded on such a super boss as he Yangxin, he didn't plan to do that main task

And later development, also confirmed his idea.

Those players who are thinking of "mantis catches cicadas, yellow sparrow is behind" after watching the mission, for example, those who have been hiding in the dark until now are not afraid of the crazy trace sword shadow They undoubtedly underestimated the system's insidious level and layout ability.

Including the fatigued dream to let him lie dormant and "pick up the leak", the Warring States duet group and even the goddess Xu who foolishly stood over to he Yangxin's side All of us take it for granted that this is a script with "seizing sword score" as the core.

But actually Compared with that method of winning, it is more advantageous to plan to "kill all opponents to win" from the beginning.

The man I just can't feel it.

The key point of his layout today is how to make use of the persistence of other players to the sword dance grass record and the deviation from the interpretation of the main line task In turn, he Yangxin is used as bait to force players out one by one.

As long as everyone is in the "open place", there are 100 ways to kill the opponent

Therefore, brother Jue doesn't mind showing up early, and doesn't care who gets the sword dance grass record first. He scattered and restrained the fighting power of he Yangxin and others, and let Ruoyu fight with him Yangxin to show the appearance of robbing the sword dance grass record The fundamental purpose of these actions is to balance the forces of all parties and make the situation more chaotic, so that players can kill one by one for different purposes.

Of course, there are some accidents in the process of the plan. One is the man he yangxinci.

This boss is really not simple Whether it's strength or the response to threats, it's all on the basis of blind prediction, which is quite tricky.

Fortunately, brother Jue's miscalculation and "two" That's the toad they sent.

Chueh geben thought that the heroes just gave him a set of equipment similar to the foil swordsman battle armor. It should be just right to bully the NPC in the martial arts world with this high-tech thing. At least in the initial confrontation, the other side is likely to be directly damaged by the machine guns, beams or missiles they have never seen before.

I never thought that the three big men of Yuchao Union were a little serious

Maybe they think that, anyway, poker man will take this thing to other universes, and if something goes wrong, it will not harm their own territory, so In charge of the "hard technology" part, the tinfoil man enthusiastically changed the size and physical combat power of the armor into the same specifications as the "anti Haoke armor" of the universe, while in charge of the "soft technology" part, the toad man added many "experimental" black technology weapons to the armor It's the kind of thing that he doesn't dare to use casually in his own universe. Finally, the eternal doctor in charge of "additional functions" is probably the same as "earthman" He also "considerately" sent various "magic science and technology" powerful buffs to the villager's armor.

That's it A set of infinite energy, physical and magic double repair, amazing combat power, but a slightly exotic shape of the human machine armor was born.

And the first experimental object in the world of screenplay is Cold desire autumn.

What happened in that grove? I won't repeat it here Anyway, Leng Yuqiu is no longer alive or dead Everything happens very fast. You can imagine the specific process.

And at the moment, I can't feel a Yang electronic gun going out It's unstoppable.

Now we can see the advantages of the players

Basically, when they heard Chueh Ge say the words "the fourth industrial revolution", they felt the danger instinctively.

Zhitian love, Sasaki, tired dream return, let the old wet These four people, who are close to brother Jue, started to run away before he finished speaking the word "aoyi".

At this moment, they didn't take the opportunity to attack each other at all. They had the same idea in their mind - "no matter what they are going to do, I always feel that if I stand in place and wait for him to finish reporting the move, I may die..."

On the other hand, Ruoyu, who stands far away, knows brother Jue better than other people, so when she heard the sentence "it's up to her to decide it's you", she turned around and dodged.

While running, she also confirmed the position of Wang Qiong and others. Seeing that they had run out of sight, Ruoyu was relieved.

At this point, you must have seen

At the moment of brother Jue's attack, only he Yangxin was left standing on the main street of linlu town.

He didn't know what the "Yang electronic gun" was, so he didn't run away at the first time.

He didn't realize anything until the surface of the energy furnace in front of his chest was red

Boom -

with a roar, a red beam of light passes through the street, which has an awesome power that people in the world have never seen before; all objects (mainly corpses and scattered weapons) touched by the beam will be wiped out even if they are just scratched by its white energy edge.

After the bombardment, a ditch like trace was left in the center of the street, and the temperature of the whole street rose at least 20 degrees.

And he yangxinci's figure Has disappeared.

"I'll go Has boss been blasted to the point where there is no residue left... " When the probe looked, the old wet could not help murmuring.

Seeing this, most people will make this judgment.


"Cut Have you run away... " Taking advantage of the seal in the armor, we have begun to search for the enemy's whereabouts.

If he Yangxin doesn't dodge this move, he's dead; if he Yangxin doesn't, the sword dance grass will have to be buried with him; if he Yangxin doesn't, the main task will fail; if the main task fails, the system will prompt

To sum up, since the system prompt didn't come, he Yangxin must have evaded the attack of Yang electronic gun.

In a flash, this chain of inference had been formed in juegao's mind and formed a conclusion.

If those geniuses are those who use instinct to surpass thinking, they are those who use thinking to surpass instinct.

His accurate and quick judgment made him react to the scene more quickly than all the people present

"Legend of the gods, extreme sword flow, aoyi..." After a breath, in the sky, he Yangxin flew down with his sword, and his momentum was like thunder Heaven's destruction! "

"Ha! Look for death! " The eyes and hands moved on the operating platform at an amazing speed, and immediately made a response, "the fourth industrial revolution, defensive style, bullet screen cover!"

Although what brother Jue did Just let the mecha open the hatch on his shoulder and release the barrage to sweep the sky, but he was still very persistent and shouted a new move name at the opponent through the loudspeaker.

Although his means are a bit of bullying, they are also effective. Technology oriented weapons are very powerful against people in the world of martial arts. Even boss like he yangxinci, who is hard to resist this attack, will be doomed.

"Mr. He Yang! I'll cover you! " Unexpectedly, just at this time, he suddenly killed another Sasaki from the stab.

This is the only male player of the first team of the Warring States period in S2. Although he has been in a sick state, his character is not obvious But in terms of hard power, he will not fall behind even if he is on the wrong track.

Most importantly, Sasaki's ability to analyze and grasp the war situation has always been excellent, and he can always give the most effective killing when the enemy is most uncomfortable. Now, for example, the barrage he 's on is still firing