Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1260

"Ha! Ha ha ha ha... " When brother Jue's voice didn't drop, Gu Jiaolong burst out laughing, "I thought you had any opinions It turned out to be such nonsense. "

He said, then he stepped forward a few steps, his eyes were closed, his fingers pointed to the middle-aged man in front: "according to your meaning, with their three people, they want to fight against the whole Central Plains Wulin?"

"More than three." The middle-aged man took over his words, "originally There are five. "

"Ah..." Seal not aware of smell speech, maliciously full of smile, "now, the same is five people."

"Oh?" What did the middle-aged man hear from his words? His face slightly changed.

"I think you should also know that mirror is dead." I don't know.

"I know." Said the middle-aged man.

"But what you don't know is The task of "flower" also failed. " I don't know.

This news, let the middle-aged man's expression become unprecedented gloomy.

"It's impossible..." He replied.

"Believe it or not..." I don't think you have enough to care about others

The middle-aged man is silent, but not for a long time.

"Since you can see through my plan..." When he spoke again, his voice became very cold, and the murderous intention had spread around him It should be understood that even if I am the only one, I am 90% sure of today's situation. "

"You had a good grasp of it. It has nothing to do with me." Feng is not aware of the fact that he looks confident and fearless. He said easily, "you just need to remember Now that I'm here, you don't even have a chance to make it. "

This is a bit crazy.

At least to the middle-aged man, it's beyond his means.

But the players around don't feel that way, because Those who say this are blind.

You never know if he's bluffing or telling the truth. For him, the line between "impossible" and "possible" is blurred.

"Have you finished talking?" Gu Jiaolong, who didn't understand what the two men were talking about at this time, spoke again. The handle of hailongmen was very annoying to be ignored. "What are five people and ten people? You... "

At the moment when the word "you" came out, he turned his hand to his waist and quickly put out his knife, which pointed straight at the bridge of the middle-aged man's nose.

In the face of this sudden move, the middle-aged man did not move the thread; as a result The knife did not touch him.

Gu Jiaolong's arm spread and the length of the blade just let the point of the knife come two centimeters from the middle-aged man's face.

"I don't care who you are or what you think." Gu Jiaolong pointed at each other with a knife and said loudly, "I am not a reasonable person I have no quarrel with you in the past and no quarrel with you in the near future. As long as you hand over the sword dance records, I will spare you...... "

He didn't say the last word.

It's not that I don't want to say it, but I can't say it.

The cold sword is fast, like lightning.

When his sword pierced Gu Jiaolong's throat, the latter had no room for reaction.

"Some people's swords, even if they come out of their scabbard, are no different from those on the ground." Leng Yuqiu took back his sword in the astonished eyes of all the people and said, "there are still some people's eyes..." He said and looked at Luo can, Feng Meiyu and the three disciples Although it's open, it's no different from being blind. "

"It's cold for autumn......" Feng Meiyu immediately stared at Leng Yuqiu with Sen Leng's eyes, and said in a sharp voice, "what do you mean? Want to snatch food from our lips? "

Her expression at this time looks very fierce, which is not because of how much she hates each other, more It's an instinct.

Just now, where did Leng Yuqiu come from and how did he draw his sword Feng Meiyu and Luo can't see clearly. That is to say, if Leng Yuqiu just aims at her or Luo can, their fate is mostly the same as that of Gu Jiaolong.

Therefore, Feng Meiyu's reaction now is like that when a weak beast meets a stronger predator than himself - only by opening up his teeth and clawing, hoping to overwhelm him from the momentum, can he seize some opportunities.

"Grab food? Ha ha... " Leng Yuqiu smiled and said, "don't talk about me like you people I have never said that I came to Lu town to rob the sword and dance the grass. " Speaking, he glanced at Gu Jiaolong, who had fallen to the ground. "I killed Gu Jiaolong just because..." He stepped back and looked at the middle-aged man beside him He offended my master. "


It's not only Luo can and Feng Meiyu, but also all the people in the Wulin in the open and the dark, as well as some players who don't know the situation, are shocked by this.

Although they don't know the strength of the middle-aged man, people still know a little about the strength of lengyuqiu.

Even if this man's martial arts are only a little higher than Leng Yueqiu's, today's victory is hard to predict.

"All the leaders, swordsmen and martial Taoists of the Wulin in the Central Plains..." A moment later, the middle-aged man suddenly began to use his internal power to communicate, "now that it's over, I have something to say..."

He just said half a sentence, and many people have been sweating; and most of these nervous, frightened and shocked people are quasi first-class or above experts in the Wulin It is because their martial arts cultivation has reached a certain level that they can realize how terrible the internal skill of the people who support this transmission is.

"Now He yangxinci. " When the middle-aged man said his name, people also understood that brother Jue's words were not empty - this is really a Japanese, "in your Central Plains way I'm the leader of the sword sect of "the divine sword flow."

This is not the first time he has come to the Central Plains. His mastery of Chinese and understanding of Chinese culture are probably more profound than many people in the Central Plains.

"Today, I set up this bureau to bring you here for one thing..." After introducing himself, he Yangxin then said, "I've heard that Zhong lingyuxiu, crouching tiger, hidden dragon in the Wulin of the Central Plains I want to learn from the heroes of the world with the self-made sword technique of "divine legend extreme sword flow" He paused for half a second You don't have to be polite to me, whether it's a rush or a stab I can accept it. As long as you can kill me... "

At this point, he took the book out of his arms, which made everyone in the Wulin yearn for it.

“…… This book, written by Pei min, the swordsman, belongs to you. " Although he yangxinci's words are extremely unfavorable to him, his tone is still calm, which makes people feel numb, "but If no one can beat me today... " He took the secret collection back to his bosom again, "so From today on, the Wulin of the Central Plains will be under the command of he Yangxin. Whoever doesn't follow In seven days, I will let his school disappear from the world. "

"Joke!" Hearing this, Luo cruelly interrupted, "let alone whether you can leave here alive today Even if your martial arts are really excellent in the world, you are the only ones who want to wipe out other sects? "

"You said There is a point. " He Yangxin stopped the transmission and said to Luo can in an ordinary way, "in places like jiangjiabao, there are dozens of people who are quick to kill. However, there are many sects like your beggars' sect all over the world I couldn't even kill the imperial court at that time. "

"Hum..." When Luo can heard this, he snorted coldly, and a trace of contentment flashed on his face.

However, the next second, he yangxinci will turn the front: "but It doesn't matter. I can only kill the leader. "

Luo can's face froze, and his body instinctively moved its Qi.

"If killing one leader is not enough, I will kill two. Whoever becomes the leader, I will kill Who was around him when I killed him, I killed him as well. " He yangxinci's words continued, "I don't think it will take too long for this sect to be a leader again Like a snake without a head, it will soon be a dead snake. "

"How could it be!" Luo can't wait any longer. He burst out and put on a pose immediately. He wants to strike first.

At this moment, it's not that Luo can is anxious to make a move. It's just that he Yangxin and lengyuqiu are just standing there, almost crushing all the people with their momentum If Lord Luo doesn't fight again, I'm afraid the gang behind him will scatter and run away.

"Autumn." He yangxinci here, however, was not satisfied with Luo can's action. He calmly called out a cold autumn.

"Master, what can I do for you?" When Leng Yuqiu is in front of Shifu, he can talk normally.

He Yangxin then turned his head and looked at Feng unconsciously, saying, "live."

"I see." Cold autumn should be a, a blink of an eye, on the spot out more than ten meters, straight to the roadside roof of the seal.

Brother Jue is also very alert. You can see this Turn around to run, a flash will not know how far out.

It's cold for autumn. I can't help but be surprised by brother Jue's "lightness skill". However, he has already accepted his master's order and must try his best to do it. Therefore, he has put 10% of his foot work into practice and chased after him desperately.

At the same time, Luo can also shot.

The eighteen dragon subduing palms is the peak of external skill, which is unparalleled in the world. Even though Luo can't be regarded as a top talent, it can reappear the lost martial arts and make a comprehensive understanding of them. Its martial arts accomplishments can also be seen.

At present, Luo can's all-out moves are extremely powerful Don't say it's eighteen palms. Among the Wulin heroes watching the battle, there are only a few people who are confident to take on his two moves and three moves.


"This palm technique is really good." He Yangxin lowered his head, looked at his right arm, which was dripping blood, and commented calmly, "it's a pity Your skill is too poor. "

When the voice falls, Luo can staggers back two steps, his eyes are sharp, he turns his head slowly and looks at his right shoulder blankly.

He can't believe Not only did he not see the other side's hand, but even his arm was cut off by others

It's not just him. He's looking at the leaders and disciples of various gangs here Also all did not see what he Yangxin did.

When did he move? When did it come out? What is the way to cut Luo's right arm? When did it return to its original position?

These problems are like horrible nightmares, spreading rapidly in people's hearts

"There are too many redundant actions and they are too slow. The internal force is also slow as static No internal powe