Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1245

It's still cold in January.

But "Thriller Park" server and forum is still a hot scene.

Less than a week after the Christmas treasure hunt, dream company launched a new model - "combination fight" on New Year's day.

The setting of this mode is not complicated. In short, it is a multi player killing game in which two people form a team and two rows.

However, in the script of this mode, there will be several pairs of double row players, but how many pairs exactly Dream said "no ceiling"; that is to say, with the minimum number of players, there may be only two pairs of players Four people A 2v2 duel, but it's also possible that there are 100 people in a play, divided into 50 groups to fight.

And in this model of unclear numbers, some rules applicable to traditional killing games cannot be used.

First of all Players can't see the ID of the enemy in the game menu. All players in this mode can only see the team status of themselves and their teammates. As for the total number and where of the enemy players None of this is known.

Secondly, under the above premise, the winning conditions of the mode can no longer be carried out according to the rule of "kill all opponents". Therefore, the winning conditions of "combined chaos" will become similar to the general script, but there is a "principle of fighting first"; for example, "get something before all opponents, kill a target, or Get to a place. ".

Of course, if all the other rival players die before someone reaches the winning condition, the last group or one player will be the winner.

Having said so much, we must have guessed that the next story happened in a script of "combination fight".

However, before we tell this story, we have to deal with what happened after the last time we participated in the "Christmas treasure hunt" mode.

In the early morning of that day, after brother Jue woke up from the game cabin, the white light in his eyes soon disappeared, and he Also obviously felt own "the truth fallacy" the ability to have certain growth.

He could not help thinking that if he traced back to the source, he and "fate" would be from the same universe, maybe It's destiny who knows something the universe doesn't know and helps himself in some way.

Feng didn't realize he was sitting like this, thinking until dawn.

When he regained consciousness in a while of urination, he found that it was nine o'clock in the morning He hurried to the toilet and immediately turned back to try to log in to the game.

But at this time, the voice in the game cabin prompts him to retrieve the character abnormally and unable to log in.

So, brother Jue immediately contacted the customer service of dream company

To make a long story short, he got a reply after one working day. The content of that email is roughly as follows -

it is impossible to return completely, because your contact with NPCs and derivatives, as well as the consequences caused by them, is part of the game process itself, just like some people's equipment is destroyed when they fight against monsters in the script, this kind of loss is willing There must be no compensation; however, even the character attributes have been deleted, which is really an abnormal situation. After discussion by all departments of the company, the final result is:

1. The level of the cleared character will be raised to 55, and the experience value (192312600 points) attached will be used as compensation for other abnormal losses.

2、 The character's specialization level, skill value and game currency can be restored to the last login state.

3、 All items and equipment on the luggage and characters, except for "other types", will not be recovered under the excellent quality (including the excellent level).

Items that cannot be recovered include: (sophisticated, tool), (sophisticated, original "tool", this version is defined as "composite weapon"), (sophisticated, weapon), (sophisticated, armor), (sophisticated, armor),,.

4、 With the exception of this, other skills cannot be recovered.

5、 The character's storeroom was not affected.

The above is the processing result that Feng didn't feel

If there is no "Hey, hey, player, please take more responsibility" attached to the end of this email, Jue Ge Bazhi is going to attack the headquarters of dream company.

However, when Feng could not see that sentence, he understood a lot of things in an instant

Throughout the whole email, there is an official tone between the lines, and the tone seems not too polite; only the last sentence Apparently by Woody's hand.

To others, it doesn't seem to say anything, but I can't help but realize that woody has already conveyed some information to him in a unique way.

that's what happened. This is not Woody has the final say.

It's not difficult to reason this out

In this "gamble", Feng unconsciously is a very important and conspicuous person. There are not a few big people who want him to die. This time, he has been cleared of data. Those people must be celebrating each other. Among those guys, there must be one named Uriel.

In a word, the pressure on woody in this incident is so great that we can imagine The opponents in the gambling game will definitely bite him on the ground that it is unfair to restore the unseen data Juega's role can be restored to the present level, which is the result of Woody's efforts to mediate.

In this case, if you don't stop, you can only push yourself and woody to a worse situation.

Brother Jue is a person who is good at calculating accounts, knows the facts and interests, and is also a person who is more willing to introspect himself. This time, it was his own "miscalculation" that caused him. Thinking of this, he didn't have any trouble. He paid for his own mistakes. That's right.

In this way, "one day back to the pre liberation" of the closure, back to the game

The first thing he did was to sort out the existing resources.

Fortunately, he got a "clearance reward" as soon as he went online. Obviously, Honghu and snow finished the main task of the script after he "hung up". Of course... Brother Jue is only part of the experience. There is no reward for him to pass the customs alive.

Later, he asked Honghu what happened. The other side told him that after killing him and Ken in 23 seconds, Blackbeard immediately handed over what he wanted in 23 seconds, and after 23 achieved his goal, he left.

Honghu also judged the situation and expressed his attitude towards brother Jue's death to Blackbeard, which was very gratifying. Then, we talked about a deal with Blackbeard.

Finally, after helping Blackbeard find out the mystery of the disappearance of his son and the shadow of dance, Honghu and snow got the reward of "the original translation of Ramayana" and completed the script.

By the way, the truth is very simple: the shadow of dance and the son of Blackbeard were found by several active members of the nine gods on the island when they joined, and then they were surrounded and killed by the demon church, and their bodies died; the shadow of dance used its special ability to leave a message to Blackbeard before he died, but it's unclear; because he didn't know his opponent very well We don't know that there is a super derivative behind the overall plan.

After knowing these things, Feng can't even think of a worry. The game still has to go on

The depression when it was broken is still fresh in my mind, but now it seems that this loss can only be said as "front dish".

Let's take a look at brother Jue's current character attributes -

Crazy: lv55

Title:, Title Ability:

experience value: 32180 / 56000000, skill value: 105681, game currency: 10145000.

Specialization: general a, device a, detection B, combat s, shooting B, medical D, spirit a, summon a.

Luggage (14 / 25): The Autobiography of Chuck Norris, fraudulent pocket watch, Chuck Norris' razor, oxygen pipe, cudgel, which moves like thunder, the right foot of the sealed person, the left foot of the sealed person, the right wrist of the sealed person, the left wrist of the sealed person, the mouse mallet, just we, the sky Gang ground evil box.

Equipment: mad Poker (psionic weapon), 19 / 20's mean armor, treading void, Bell's daily knife.

Storeroom (3 / 15): "Poker man" hero ID card, puzzle - sparrow, puzzle - white.

Skill bar (2 / 13):

unarmed skill:

soul meaning: zero time difference algorithm, rewrite (Level 2).

All of a sudden, it's a lot cooler A few skills left in the storage room are lucky to escape the disaster, while those equipment above the perfect level and several key "other types" items are recovered, which is also lucky.

After some sorting, Feng didn't realize that he had brought the rest of the skills and hero ID cards in the storage room. Anyway, his luggage and skill bar are so empty that he doesn't need to take them with him.

In a sense, the loss brought by this "miscalculation" added some fun to the game of Feng unconsciously, because his strength weakened. In the following days, he arranged many scripts with relatively low battle difficulty in the past, but that's not what we said this time

The story of this time, or from the new year's day that night, he and Ruoyu formation of a double row "combination of chaos" to start.


The familiar system prompts flashed one by one, followed by a very strong martial arts flavor of the opening line by a rough male voice:

"snow is blowing in Zhongzhou, there is no one in the Jianghu, and drink a glass of wine, the end of the world is strong sword line."

This prologue is unique to the script at present, and its style has revealed the world view of the script.

When seeing the customs clearance reward, Feng can't help feeling a little disappointed, because the most important thing he needs now is experience. After the data crash, what positive compensation he gets is experience He got nearly 200 million free experience points.

Therefore, what brother Jue urgently needs now is equipment and skills.

Of course, in recent days, he has not gained nothing. Many people may forget that it's actually possible to "make skill cards" (menggui power company), but the mechanism to launch that ability is very complex, and it needs to be successful at the right time.

In addition, it's also an object that can learn skills. However, brother Jue hasn't penetrated all the functions of this object yet, and is still groping

The narrator soon began to give a brief introduction of the plot, and once he opened his mouth, he reported that there was no plot in history