Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1238

There are two parts to talk about, and snow's side

Ten minutes ago, as soon as he left the open space, he quickly returned along the route he had taken before, and soon arrived at the big hole which had been blown out by the burst array.

There, he successfully intercepted the garlic that led dozens of reinforcements.

According to the plan, snow's task is to fool these people back to the ship and tell them that "the captain has orders, and you don't need to follow any more.".

In order to achieve this goal, or To make this lie sound more authentic, snow had already thought out some words.

However, brother Suan Tou is not a fool. His style of action is always known for his prudence and alertness. Faced with the word "outsider", Suan tou will not easily believe it, so he asked Snow to lead the way, take them to verify the so-called "Captain, they have solved the enemy's main force, and ordered you to withdraw", and then do it again Decide.

So snow, with a little uneasy mood, went to the open space together with the group of three and dozens of reinforcements they moved in


About ten minutes later

"Look, I didn't cheat you, did I?" Snow said this with a helpless expression.

In fact, when he saw the empty space in front of him, he was relieved; however, his acting skills were relatively reliable, and he would not let the other party see his inner changes.

"Well..." Garlic looked at the dragon's body, keel and the traces left after the battle, and said, "OK It seems that you are telling the truth. "

Even the garlic was fooled. His two faithful partners Godfrey and Maddy Naturally, we can't see any flaws in the whole thing. As for the other sailors, they are basically fighters who are mainly hands-on and seldom think about problems. What are the masters and cadres doing They're not going to ask.

"Then..." After thinking for a few seconds, garlic looked at snow again and asked, "what about you? Will you join us in the boat? "

"No, I'm just in charge of delivering messages to you. I have to keep up." Snow replied.

"Oh?" After all, Suan was suspicious. He read again, "the captain won't let us go, but he allows you Um... Alliance... " He didn't know that Blackbeard had turned against brother Jue, so he didn't dare to make a mistake in his attitude Will we go together? "

"Is there anything wrong?" Snow said, "since you are so uneasy, why don't you catch up with me Ask your captain himself? "

Although he is deceiving, his attitude sounds more real than real.

Sure enough, when he heard the garlic, he counseled: "er No, no, it won't. "

Not to mention the role of Suan tou, even the ship's cadres dare not casually question the captain's order, "resisting life" or something, but also a forbidden area that can never be touched.

At present, Suan tou basically believes that the order of "the captain won't let you follow me again" is true. If he still has to follow me, then With black beard's fickle and ruthless temperament, it's possible that one of them will kill the garlic if he's not happy.

"Is it..." Snow continued to look calm and shrugged, "well Let's stop here. "

What he said was - you can take those people back.

"Well..." Garlic is ready to leave now, but he seems to have noticed something strange, so he lingers in place and asks tentatively, "Mr. Snow I don't know... How do you keep up with the captain and them? " He said, turning his head and glancing at the side of the clearing, "or follow the group of 'marks'?"

This sentence, this look It's a trap.

A very dangerous, can instantly expose the snare of snow's lies.

Garlic is an old Jianghu. It's very cunning. In fact, there is no sign at all in the direction indicated by his eyes; the real sign Garlic has been seen, not in that direction.

These marks can only be identified by the sailors above the leader of the black beard Pirate Group. Because black beard had said before that he would leave marks to guide the reinforcements to keep up with him, Mr. Vogel was drawing all the way. Even if he was separated from the players, he did not stop Anyway, players can't recognize those marks, and can't see where they point.

At the moment, the problem with garlic is a test

If snow looked at the direction without mark, he replied, "yes, I'm going to catch up with the mark." That means No one taught him how to recognize the mark. All he said before were lies. He just wanted to cheat Suan to take the reinforcements back to the ship.

If snow doesn't fall for this trap, he has to explain how he wants to keep up with the black beard party who has left for a long time. If he can't explain clearly It's also suspicious.

"Hey! Why are you still here? "

Just as the trap of garlic was about to be answered, snow suddenly heard another voice.

"Let you take a message, will it take that long?" Feng can't feel that as he speaks, he comes out from behind the tree where the real mark is.

"Cut..." Snow's reaction was quick, and he replied impatiently, "didn't you see it yourself? People don't feel at ease. They think I'm cheating, so they should come and have a look with me. "

"What is it?" Feng can't feel that he's not as gentlemanly as snow. He's just coming, staring at the garlic and shouting, "it's against you! Who are you? Your captain is waiting for us to come together so as to carry out the next step He was impatient five minutes ago. Let me come back as soon as possible to see what happened As a result, you are dragging your feet here. Do you want to die? " When he said this, he really pulled out the knife. "Otherwise, I will cut off your head and explain it to your captain."

Garlic listened to the lines, looked at the battle, and all the cold sweat came down.

"Damn What am I thinking The other side is the man who killed the mad eye Pirate Group with one stroke The captain is sure to form an alliance with him. Why should I die to doubt his companion... "

After scolding himself in the heart, Suan tou changed his face and said: "hold I'm sorry! We're going back! Don't disturb you all! "

After that, he turned his head and left as if fleeing for his life. As he trotted, he gestured to the sailors and told them not to talk too much.

In this way, Hula dozens of people, and rushed back to the woods, the original road turned back.

"It's very dangerous..." When the group went far away, they couldn't even see snow, smiled and said, "Oh If I didn't have a heart to wait for you here, you would have failed here. "

"Hum..." Snow smiled, too. "I'm not as naive as you think. When garlic says" mark ", I've figured out what he wants I won't win that trap. If you don't show up, I'll tell you that I don't know any signs, but I'll catch up with you through some kind of "contact between our foreign tourists". As for the specific methods no comment. In that way, he won't have much to say. "

"OK, OK, I'll do more than that." Feng unconsciously takes back the scabbard of the knife in his hand, and then says, "Oh, by the way, introduce This is Ken. "

When brother Jue said this, he looked at snow behind him.

Snow is also a Leng, instinctively responded: "who?" And turn your head in the other person's eyes.

As a result, his face just turned 90 degrees and he was blind.

"Whoa!" Snow did a little jump and looked at Ken. "When did you come behind me?"

The red iron didn't even pay attention to him, but tilted his head and looked at brother Jue with a smile and said, "is this kid's rank trained by someone?"

"Ah, obviously..." I can't help but answer.

"Wait Grade? " Snow looked at the pretty poor NPC in front of him and thought for a few seconds. Then he said, "you are Derivatives? "

"So it is..." The expression of the red iron changed slightly. "The brain is turning very fast."

"I'll explain his identity to you later on the way." Now Since the reinforcements have been fooled away by us, the next step is to find the Swan first... "

At this moment, brother Jue's words were interrupted by a burst of wind breaking.

With that sound, a white shadow came out of the forest behind him, and slowed down as he approached, until a flash fell to him.

"Ha Haha...... " Lying on the ground, the Swan looked at the three people who were standing around him, gasping for breath, and then said off and on, "ha I... Ha... My hand Arms... "

"See, we are not blind." Feng didn't know that he had a long voice. He slowly squatted down beside the swan, and quickly took out the treasure pearl of Lin [its Xu is like Lin] from his luggage bag, and launched a special effect on the swan. "But you have a lot of skills. You will not be able to see it for a while, and the forearms of both arms will be blown up."

Baozhu's special effect is "instantly heal the target '.

"I'm not in the mood to joke with you..." Honghu was not polite to brother Jue either. The wound healed and he regained the ability to get things. He immediately took out a bottle of survival value supplement from his luggage bag and poured it down. After drinking it out, he said, "in order to make black beard 'hit the mark', the hands have to be handed in..." (to be continued.