Thriller Paradise

Chapter 118

Although Mr. you said "excuse me", he didn't immediately ask the question, but smiled at him and said: "the question is relatively simple, don't be nervous. ////"

" have I ever said I'm nervous? History is my strength. " I can't help but calm down.

"OK, excuse me Di Renjie... " Mr. you was relieved as soon as he said these three words. He was worried that the questions asked by the other side were based on some kind of virtual world view, such as mentioning Li Yuanfang as soon as he spoke. Fortunately, the fat man said a real historical figure. In this case, it shows that our knowledge reserve can be used.

"We are all familiar with di Renjie, the Prime Minister of Wu Zhou period. It's said that he has a good hand in solving cases." You Pang said only half a word and started to eat and gossip.

"You're done!" He roared.

"Ha ha I'm sorry. I'm sorry Mr. you said, "excuse me! What does Di Renjie belong to? "

"Ha?" I didn't feel the words, so I was stunned.

Little sigh, they wanted to help, but when they heard about the problem, they were all confused.

"Forty five seconds!" Mr. you took the opportunity to say that at the same time, the sound of tick by tick in the speakers on the scene.

"Where is history By the way, I'm taking the math test. " Feng unconsciously said softly: "fortunately, di Renjie's birth and death years are integers. It's easy to remember, um 630-700, this year 2055 is the year of the pig... "

"Thirty seconds left." Mr. you reminded me that his expression was relaxed.

"Tiger!" Feng didn't feel moved and didn't hesitate to say the answer quickly.

"The answer is correct." Said Mr. you.

The audience applauded, and Mr. you raised his hand, and the first question card was quickly burned out by the fire, which dissipated the Qi.

"The second question." Mr. you turned to a small sigh: "you look very nervous, player 2."

"That Is the first question really simple and difficult? " Little sigh's face is white.

"Ha ha Of course. " Mr. you said with a smile: "OK, please pay attention to the questions. This is a way About sports. " He looked at the card and said, "please name any three players who have won the Snooker World Championship." He looked up at him and sighed, "time begins."

"Must I have my full name?" Asked little sigh.

"Yes." Mr. you replied, "please note that you can't say it wrong. If you say it wrong, it's all wrong. In addition, please hurry up."

"Er Joe Davis. " Small sigh first said the most sure one.

"Right, one." Mr. you said.

"Stephen Hendry."

"Right, two." "There are still 30 seconds left," Mr. you reminded

"Ding Junhui!" Small sigh answers immediately.

"Well..." Mr. you was silent for two seconds: "absolutely right."

"Hoo..." Xiaotan was lying on the console.

There was cheering applause at the scene.

"Ha ha So I said don't be nervous. It's super simple. " "It's almost a matter of common sense," Mr. you said He took off the microphone, cleared his throat, and then faced the rain like road: "player 3, please listen to the third question."

After burning out the second card, Mr. you looked at the third question card and said: "this is one Think hard. "

It seems that there is no expression in the rain, but sitting opposite her face is like saying, "this is a gift!"

"Excuse me, a chicken, a goose, put it in the refrigerator. The chicken is frozen to death, but the goose is alive. Why?" Mr. you said, "time begins."

"Because the chicken is frozen (excited) It seems that the rain will return immediately.

"I'm sorry Wrong answer. " Mr. you said with a smile: "the right answer, because It's penguins. "

There was a sigh from the audience, and the score displayed on the outside of the rain like console immediately became minus ten. Mr. you commented to the camera: "the answer given by contestant 3 seems to be the way of thinking of a cold joke, but it's a brain tease."

"Cut Is the answer your kind... " It seems that the rain is cold.

The audience burst into a frenzy of laughter. Mr. you took out his handkerchief, wiped his sweat awkwardly, turned around, and put the fourth card in front of him in the direction of sad spirit: "OK, contestant 4, please listen to the fourth question."

"Ah, this kind of difficulty, small case, please ask." Said the sad spirit eagerly.

"This is a way Questions about the game. " Mr. you said: "excuse me, which three is the so-called" grass three people group "? Time begins! "

"Ha?" Sad spirit blinks big eyes, a face of blankness.

It seems that rain can't help her, but Feng can't feel and Wang sighs. Both of them are brawling and talking about the names of the three people.

"Ha ha, tips are not allowed." "If you really told her the answer, it would be a direct mistake," Mr. you said

"Oh! I see. A trio! " One second before mourning, he pouted and looked helpless, but suddenly he smiled.

Who knows, her answer is: "it's Luffy, ACE and Saab!"

Bang - Bang -

these two sounds are the sounds of brother Jue and Xiao Tan hitting the console in their faces.

The audience at the scene even broke their glasses.

"Wrong answer." "But it's a blind spot for women," Mr. you said

Therefore, the score of sad spirit has become negative ten.

"Well, after the first four questions, let's take a look at the points." Mr. you said: "both male players are positive tenths, while both female players are negative tenths." He looked up and said, "let's invite three guests to comment."

The lights and camera were given to the guests' table. The arrogant queen turned her head to the side and said "hum..." Cold hum, totally disdain to talk to Mr. you.

The plague master coughed and said: "I think we can exchange the problems of the male and female players, maybe they can all share."

Hephaestus said to himself, "put the Cyclops in the refrigerator..."

The light returned to Mr. you, who reluctantly spread out his hands, and then said, "OK, thank you for your comments. Next..." He then turned to "the difficulty of the problem can be improved."

"How do I feel that the first round is the most difficult problem for me..." Feng unconsciously spits out a slot.

Mr. you ignored him and said: "from this point on, I will not prompt the type of question. Please listen to the questions... " He took the card and read, "excuse me What is the ninth place after the decimal point of Pi? The timing starts. "

"Three." Feng didn't realize it took only a second to answer.

"Are you guessing?" Asked Mr. you.

"No," Feng replied.

"Good, that's right." Mr. you said.

There was a clap of applause from the audience, and the score was up to 20.

"Ordinary people only remember seven decimal places. It seems that crazy players recite more." Mr. you said.

"All right." Feng didn't realize it was modesty. In fact, he recited two hundred decimal places. He regards π as a cipher library. He can choose any six digit, eight digit or even ten digit from those 200 digits as a cipher, and there are traces to follow.

"It seems that player 1 is getting away from the arena." Mr. you looked at Xiao and sighed, "player 2, please listen to the question."

Xiaotan just said that he was nervous when the problem became more difficult. His expression was like that of a primary school student waiting in line for an injection.

"Excuse me The so-called "year of Ji" refers to the age of a woman? The timing starts. " As soon as he finished speaking, Mr. you turned his face to look at Feng unconsciously and said, "don't try to make gestures or use mouth shape to remind you, otherwise the contestants will be deducted."

"Bad I don't know. " Xiaotan looks at brother yanjue, but the other side looks scornful. He says to himself: no I don't know how normal it is. What's your "this is common sense" look like!

"Thirty seconds left." Mr. you suggested.

Xiaotan felt that he could not think of going on any longer, so he just casually got one: "eighteen years old!"

"Wrong answer." "The score is zero," he announced with a smile

The next question turned to the rain like side again. Mr. you wiped his sweat and looked at the question card and said: "Hoo Player three, how are you, nervous? "

It seems that the rain didn't answer. Learning to be arrogant, she turned her head to the side slowly and gave a cold snort.

Yupang seemed to be hit hard, so he had to take over: "OK, question seven, excuse me How many strings are there in guzheng? The timing starts. "

"Twenty one." It seems that rain answers very quickly.

"Right." Mr. you said that he would stop commenting so as not to say anything wrong.

The audience applauded, then the eighth question, the last one of the second lap.

"Contestant 4, please listen to the question..." Mr. you said: "excuse me What's the next sentence of "Qingshan enters Zhangzhou like a wave"? Timing... "

"The west hill of the bronze sparrow terrace." The sad spirit hasn't waited for him to finish.

Before the host announced the result, the audience already applauded. Obviously, she was right. It seems that the problems in these poems are not only imperceptible specialties.

"Well Right. " Mr. you burned the problem card and said with a smile, "our players in this stage are very good." He said with a meaningful smile: "but There will always be someone in the arena, ho ho ho ho... "

In this circle, he didn't ask the guests to comment, but immediately asked the ninth question, "player 1, please listen to the question." He looked at the question card: "Oh! This is a special question. If you answer correctly, you can add 20 points, but if you answer wrong, you will deduct 20 points. You have to pay attention... " (to be continued. Genius a second to remember this website, the fastest updated novel website!