Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1157

"Oh." Little sigh answered, and went back to the topic to be said again, "that..." He quickly remembered what he had said before, and then he said, "I followed agent Zhang through a very common looking door, and then through a corridor that was probably a security inspection area, and then came to the" real gate "door. At first glance, the real warehouse door is no different from the general security door; there is a key hole in the door and a number keyboard, but in fact This door... "

"Hey, hey, why?" When Baoqing heard this, he interrupted again with a little sigh, "what do you say to be so meticulous?"

"Ha?" Small sigh a Leng, return a way, "isn't you let me 'say concretely'?"

"I don't need to be so specific." Bao Qing said with a long voice.

"Why?" Small sigh doubts a way.

Bao Qing didn't answer this question, but Feng unconsciously said the answer first: "because of your present way of narration The level of detail is enough for me to grasp some substantive information through reasoning. " He paused and said with a smile, "ha In case I find out the address of the warehouse in the future, I'm likely to pose a certain threat to the warehouse according to the information I got today. "

"Yes, that's it." Bao Qing took over.

"Oh..." Xiaotan thought again, "OK I'll skip the details. " He paused for a second, then said, "and I followed agent Zhang to the inside of the warehouse; as soon as I got in, I was shocked. The space inside was large, obviously showing the volume outside the building. Although it's not strange to see these in the game, I was also the first time to see this kind of facilities used in space technology in reality, which was quite exciting at that time. Never thought This is just the beginning. In the next half hour, I saw a lot of subversive things... "

Speaking of this, Xiaotan looked at Baoqing and said, "by the way, can I talk about the things in the warehouse?"

"Yes." Bao Qingying said, "it's OK for you to say that now. Don't say the situation of the entrance and exit as carefully as before."

"Oh, oh." Little sigh nodded, took a drink by the way, and then said, "for example, the power supply of the whole warehouse depends on a human power motor..."

"Are you sure the one with the electricity is still a man?" If I could not hear the first example, I could not help but make complaints about it.

"Sure, of course." "The agent in charge of the electricity is an agent who looks about my age Oh, it's the one named Li Leyi. I also talked with him. He said he was a new man and just graduated from the police school this year. "

"Where do you come from to recruit people from the nine disciplines?" Brother Jue immediately looked at Bao Qing and said.

"Personnel Basically, the chief of the section took it all by himself. " Bao Qing also shrugged his shoulders and replied, "his standard is still a mystery."

"Well..." Feng can't feel a sound of meditation, and then looks at Xiao and sighs, "well, it's not a human problem That's the motor itself? "

"That's for sure." Little sigh replied, "but naturally they won't tell me the principle of the machine, just tell me Having a person who is slightly above the average pedal on that machine for eight hours will generate electricity for five minutes for the entire east coast of the United States. "

"What are these guys doing? Take the power supply of our country as an example. " "I don't know," he said, "what to say about the evil beauty."

"We generally don't use domestic data as an example, because the power supply data of various provinces and cities here are" modified ", even our internal people may not get accurate figures." Next second, Bao Qing explained for Xiaotan, "if the real number is published It may lead the public to speculate about information that they should not know. "

"Ha?" "What do you mean?" he said casually? Is it possible that our cities are "the Third New Tokyo city" that can sink into the ground when necessary

Brother Jue didn't expect it. Bao Qing was stunned when he heard this.

After two seconds, Mr. Bao spat: "cut I seem to have said something wrong... "

"Hello! Are you right? " The seal does not feel to stare big eyes, startle way, "really can ah?"

"Ah..." Bao Qing thought that there was nothing to hide. He said, "it's true, but not all buildings and facilities can sink or turn over. After all The cost and the difficulty of construction are there; therefore, at this stage, we should first ensure that in some strategically important cities Landmark and functional buildings can be reconstructed first. The main purpose of the transformation is to prevent nuclear weapons. Other attack methods It's easy to say. "

"Any other way?" "What about the attack of the apostles?" said Feng

"Attack, attack." Bao Qing said, "as far as I know, before taking over the nine divisions, the chief of the ancient division had been involved in solving the crisis caused by several times of divinity level goals. Even if something like an apostle came, he could clean it up."

"Hoo..." When I heard this, I breathed, "the more I know, the more dangerous I feel the world I live in..."

"Yes." Xiaotan then said, "I had a similar feeling when I was in the warehouse."

"I guess..." Chueh Ge took the lead and said, "that warehouse is full of things like pedaling nuclear power motors?"

"Yes, the" warehouse "is used to" house "those things." "By the way, the official name of the motor when it was in the warehouse was" Tesla's afternoon fitness partner, "sighed Xiao

"Take care of it?" Feng doesn't realize that he looks back at Bao Qing. "So you nine section company's warehouse 13 (an American drama about accepting special items) and SP foundation do all the work?"

"That's right Who are we not doing? " Bao Qing said, "you know Half a century ago, when there was no institution to take in these things, all these things that could lead to chaos in the world were directly circulating by money in the "underground world"; in those days, people were really "living in the danger of death without knowing how to die"

"Ha ha..." Brother Jue laughed and said in a complicated tone, "what a pity that I didn't catch up with that good scene..."

"What a good thing." "Don't say that year, say now Even though most of those things are already in the warehouse, I still feel deeply It's a miracle that the world hasn't been destroyed to this day. "

"What else is there?" "The apple that Newton ate?" Feng asked? Archimedes' lever? "

"What you said I don't know. " Xiaotan said, "I just visited some 'safety goods' that have been used in the operation process of the warehouse itself, such as Mohist urn, Tiandong instrument and Hubble microscope. As for' dangerous goods' When I was walking in the "dangerous goods area", I saw a lot of doorplates with the names of the goods to be received I can't remember too much. Anyway, the most impressive things are "the alpha crown of Orion", "the push back map", and a thing called "sulfur based creature" It seems to be alive. "

"Well I want to have a visit... " By the time this sentence was followed, there was already a look in his eyes that was enough to make people feel uneasy.

"Well I have to go back to work today to write a report in spite of the sleet. " Today, Bao Qing's identity as an "undercover" has already been made public, so he is always very arrogant and outspoken in front of brother Jue.

"Go ahead, go ahead, I don't care." Feng didn't realize that he didn't care. He immediately sighed to Xiao, "what are you doing in the" dangerous goods area "of the warehouse?"

"Here's the reason why the chief of paleontology came to me..." Wang sighed and said, "he told me on the phone The warehouse has recently received an item that has a "close relationship" with our Wang family. I need to "test" it for you. "

"Oh?" "What is it?" Feng asked

"Scales of sirens." Little sigh returned five words.

It took five seconds for Feng to wander around his memory loft full of various myths and legends, urban wonders and natural stories, and find out a series of knowledge related to them.

"The scales on the sea demon?" Five seconds later, brother Jue asked with pertinence.

"I don't see the siren, I just see the scales." Small sigh back, "but I think it should be."

"Ah..." Feng chuckled, "what's the matter? Is your family related to siren? Do you have siren blood? "

"I don't think so." Bao Qing also took the opportunity to tease, "he is not good at music (one of the characteristics of the siren is that it has an irresistible song)."

"Can we not mention that?" Xiaotan quickly stopped the topic and said, "let's say 'test'" It's not complicated, just let me prick a hole in my hand, drop a few drops of blood on that scale, and stimulate its special effect. "

Next second, Feng and Bao asked in unison, "what's the effect?"

As soon as the voice fell, brother Jue looked at Bao Qing and said, "eh? Didn't you read the report? What are you going to do with it? "

"Yes..." Bao Qing nodded, "the report said," Wang sigh went to the warehouse to help with an experiment, and then caused a commotion, and then the commotion was solved. ". As for the specific content of the experiment and the process of the agitation It's all not stated; instead, it's the loss list of the warehouse, which is called a detailed list... "

"Shit!" "What's the meaning of that kind of report?" Feng replied immediately

"Ha!" Bao Qing smiled, "don't you understand?" In this field, he can teach brother Jue well, "writing a report is not the same as writing a novel, especially the report of our special organization. The most standard way to write a report is to explain the causes and consequences, and finally calculate the account clearly It's all work. As for the middle process, it is as simple as it can be written, as fuzzy as it can be By doing so, you can effectively prevent these things from becoming adverse evidence for your accountability in the future. "

At this point, Bao Qing took a sip of tea and said, "for example For example, you are the leader of our nine departments. All along, you and the superior departments