Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1150

Seeing that Feng unconsciously rushed to the unknown object with great assurance, Isaac didn't think much about it, so they went on.

A few seconds later, in the moment of contact with that group of pixels, the imperceptible body will turn into a flash of light and disappear; and the following three people also experienced the same changes.

When the current task has been completed and the main task has been updated,

the scene in front of you has been transformed, the voice prompt of the system will be sounded in the closed ear.

When he opened the task bar, he saw that the main line of "eight underwater passes" in the soul duel area has been crossed out, and his follow-up task [breaking through the "eight underwater passes" and entering the deep breakthrough area] has been brushed out.

"So it is..." At this point, I can't help but understand why the system will let me come to the "eight underwater passes".

Like pita, this checkpoint itself is a kind of "nonexistent existence" which is a kind of paradox; to approach pita's core in this virtual dimension, we need to find such a space, which is the place where pita's logic barrier cannot be defended; only here can we break through the AI firewall.

"Ho? Is there really "eight underwater passes" As soon as Beard stood still, he read with a surprised look at the scene in front of him.

"It looks like..." Isaac also looked around and said in a deep voice.

"Well, there's a lot of water around anyway." The lightning head also took over.

It is true that this level is a water world as a whole. What they stand on is a huge rock floating on the water, and there are many such pumice in front of them, with different intervals between them, but on the whole, they are extending in the same direction.

"Well, whether or not In a word, it is a step closer to pita to reach the end of this pass. " Feng didn't notice that he didn't comment more on whether the so-called "eight underwater passes" were here. He just pointed out the next course of action.

The four exchanged a few words and went back on the road.

But Just walked less than three minutes, they are now the "eight underwater pass" of the difficulty is unimaginable.

If the six levels they have experienced before are normal spirituals, then the level in front of them is a kind of shaking m game modified by the fans.

Here to meet the four They are soldiers of different kinds, with amazing strength and a large number of soldiers. They are fire nets that are constantly staggered and changeable. They are death traps that are hidden and deadly. And From time to time, there are more conventional enemies than some previous wavelet SS.

To be honest, even Feng was surprised by the difficulty. If it wasn't for three NPCs to help him pass the checkpoint when he couldn't use his skills I'm afraid we have to use some razor.


"Whoo Finally... "

Two hours later, when he saw the end of the pumice, the lightning head took a long breath, showing relief.

At this time, in addition to the blind, the rest of the three people are already in a state of scarred and dusty.

As for brother Jue Although it seems that he has nothing to do with his appearance, in fact, he is the one who takes the most damage in the team. It can be said that the four of them can be killed on the premise that no one is killed, a large part of which is due to blind credit.

On the way, brother Jue has to touch all kinds of traps and fight with new enemies in the first round. If he doesn't do a good job in reconnaissance and exploration, he will be disgusted at this level It's enough to have this four man team out ten times.

"Then Next... " When he came to the last pumice, Isaac asked, "we must have jumped into that hole, right?"

What he called "hole" is similar to the monster at the bottom of the sixth pass It's as like as two peas in bug, but this point of transmission is not the moving object, but a floating mass in the air. The diameter of the air mass is about three meters, and from any angle it will appear the same distorted image.

"There is no other choice." Feng doesn't feel that he has returned a sentence. He steps forward and prepares to be the first one to enter.

Unexpectedly, at this time

A sound of rock breaking suddenly sounded, and at the same second, the pumice under the feet of the four people shook violently.

The other three were OK. After a few steps, they got back on their feet. But they were unlucky to have a big beard with a small steel gun Because of the weight, the sudden tremor made him sit down on the ground.

Nobody expected that the consequence of this fall would be

When people have not recovered from the effect of the first vibration, the similar crack sounds come from this place.

At the same time, all the pumice in the closed field of vision appeared cracks and broke into pieces of different sizes with a degree visible to the naked eye.

It's not over

It is accompanied by pumice fragmentation The surrounding sea water turns from blue to red in one breath, and turns into magma.

It's late, it's fast.

At the moment when Isaac and lightning head's expression changed from frightened to frightened and was about to shout out, Feng unconsciously made a response With the help of the rocks under his feet that have not yet been broken safely, one by one Stretch the two men and throw them at the pixel air mass floating in the air.

At the time of the scream of Isaac and the lightning head, they were already feet off the ground, hitting the air mass and transmitting the light.


Two seconds later, when Feng unconsciously saved the two men and turned his eyes to the Hu Zi who was farthest away from him, the latter's lower body had sunk in the magma and broken rock; moreover, Jue Ge had lost his foothold at that time Relying on his body method and zero time difference calculation, he managed to jump back and forth on some unmelted rocks to keep himself from falling into the magma.

"What are you doing! Bad ass!

When Feng could not feel the way of "dragonfly skimming the water" approaching to the beard, he suddenly heard the latter's violent drinking.

From the time of meeting, he has always called brother Jue "savior" and "Mr. Feng", but at this moment, he shouted "bastard" excitedly.

"Let's go!" Big beard didn't wait for brother Jue to respond. He immediately said, "can't you see that I'm hopeless?"

Yes, everyone can see that he is hopeless

At the time of saying these two words, the bearded man has sunk into the magma, and his head and arms, which have not yet sunk, have also been burned in the fire.

I don't know if it's lucky Because of the transformation into dimension, the beard at this moment does not feel any pain, so he can still speak.

Seeing such a scene, he could not help but sigh, and hurriedly stepped on a large piece of broken rock, leaping towards the pixel air mass.

"Is there anything I need to convey?" When brother Jue jumped in the air, he shouted back to his beard with a quick voice.

To be honest, Feng didn't realize that he wanted to save the other party, but this series of changes happened too fast. With his skill bar locked, he would be in danger if he stayed for a while So he has to do that.

"Let them not feel sorry for me..." Bearded raised his head and cried hard, "I just Go with your wife and daughter Together and... "

Before he could finish speaking, his head fell into the magma, leaving only one right arm sticking out on the surface.

At the end of the day, the moment before falling into the pixel air mass He also saw clearly that the right hand of the beard clenched his fist slowly and gave him a thumbs up.


Silence, repressive silence.

After the transmission, there were only three people left in the original team of four.

In fact, Isaac and lightning head had guessed the fate of mustache before juegao finished the transmission, so when Feng unconsciously appeared alone, they silently accepted the unfortunate fact.

This silence lasted for about five minutes, and then Isaac spoke

"Let's go." By the time this remark was uttered, he had recovered his cool look.

Smell speech, lightning head also wiped face with the hand, take a deep breath, stand up.

When they were ready, they both looked at Feng and waited for his next instructions.

Until this moment, brother Jue really felt the strength of these two people, or I realized the cruelty of the script world.

Isaac and Blitzkrieg didn't ask if mustache had left any last words

It's not that they don't care about the death of their comrades in arms, it's just They are used to turning the grief of losing someone into strength and fighting on.

War can teach people many things, and its first lesson is often "the fragility of life".

Isaac they are used to facing death because they have lost so much.

The will and mind of the veterans in their bodies are imperceptible and not possessed.

"Then..." After a while, Feng could not feel that he also said, "let me take the lead..."


The three people who set foot on the journey again need to face the space defined as "deep breakthrough area" by the system.

What's going on here It can only be described as "Crazy".

The video fragments from various games, the flowing sound waves with entities, and the monstrous materials of numerous pixels are running around and devouring each other irregularly here.

Fortunately, in this chaotic space, juega's route is still very clear; near their original transmission point, there is a very conspicuous blue optical cable, which extends all the way to the distance. In addition, after entering this space, the task of sealing up is also updated from "breaking through the eight underwater passes and entering the deep breakthrough area" to [sense follows blue light, find and enter the "core"].

"One thing, I want you to know." After a while, Isaac suddenly said, "it's about beards..."

"What is it?" The lightning head answers.

"That is A month ago. " Isaac said slowly, "he told me that he had been diagnosed with a brain tumor." Then he said, "and he knows With the technical conditions of our rebel forces, this disease cannot be cured. "

"With the technical conditions of the rebel forces..." Feng unconsciously catches the key information in this sentence and repeats it in a deep voice.

"Yes..." Isaac said, "if you use nanotechnology from pita,