Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1142

Feng is a man who knows how to cheat. It's easy to talk about.

However, there are three kinds of people in the world who can't be fooled. They are: the complete fool, the incurable madman, and

Seeing this, I want you to say in your mind, "the third kind of person is a real genius."


Genius can see through the illusion in most cases, but it is not perfect either; because After all, genius is still thinking rationally. They can see through the more ordinary people's logical ability the essence that ordinary people can't see, so they are not easy to be deceived.

But All thinking based on logic has flaws, which come from various situations outside of logic, such as An illogical thing done by a coincidence, accident, illogical person, or illogical person.

In this world, not everything can be "calculated clearly" by logical reasoning.

In fact, most of the things in the world can't be calculated clearly. As the saying goes "Man is not as good as heaven.".

Therefore, genius will still be fooled, only fooling them with high difficulty and low success rate.

So What is the third kind of person?

The answer is thinking and you are not in the same dimension at all.

Maybe I say that, you still don't understand Then I'll give you an example.

For example The prophet in matrix (well, she's not a human, she's a program).

Its characteristic is that she never answers your questions with "the answer in your mind".

For example, you ask, "am I the Savior?"

Her answer would never be "yes" or "no".

She would say, "well What's your opinion? Do you think you are the Savior? "

Or, "being a savior is like being in love. No one can tell you if you are in love. You are the only one who knows."

Or they might say, "well It's very interesting. "

There are also such things as "you are very talented", "you know", "even so, but You don't seem to be ready yet. Why? Who knows ~ "

in general That's the pattern.

Anyway, if you ask "how much is one plus one", she will never answer that you are equal to two, or three, four, five Or some other number.

She will give you a non numerical answer, turn a mathematical problem into a philosophical problem, and then make you more confused

At present, Feng unconsciously met a similar "prophet".

Don't worry about brother Jue's inducement. Peter's little friend just doesn't move. The conversation between the two is just like talking with each other

After nearly ten minutes of trying, Feng finally gave up, and came to a conclusion that logical violence is useless for the staff.

Of course In any case, juega at this time has succeeded in gaining the trust of the rebels.

Even if he could not get more information, he would not be suspected as an undercover agent any more; so he made a request to join the rebel army to Colonel Conrad, who naturally accepted.


At the same time

Aooo 7 city, central area.

As the name suggests, this area is the core of the city's energy and control; in the center of this huge pillar building, there is an "extension" of pita tower, and the so-called "extension" is a hardware device that can carry pita's own core data.

Pita has set up such a hardware in every city center on the planet as "emergency measures"; if necessary, pita can isolate, abandon and destroy any extension at any time; similarly, it can "hide" in any extension and perform the same operation on all other extensions.

In all cities, the people who maintain the operation of the center, as well as the defenders All of them are robots directly controlled by pita, and none of them are human beings; aooo 7 is no exception.

On this day, a guest of no means came to the center of the city.

It No... It should be said that "she" is also in the form of a robot, but She was not controlled by pita.

[warning, no intruder is known. ]

[visual signal recognition of humanoid, young female. ]

[scan and identify pta7 mass production robot, No. 319548]

[try to reconnect the target's built-in control program ]

connection failed. ]

[response options: it is recommended to suppress the target, conduct physical connection scanning, and then conduct nano level disassembly analysis on all its components. ]

response options are being implemented ]

the above "response data" is the response of pita when she stepped into the main door of the building in the central area.

The next second, the defense machine at the door surrounded her with the fastest speed.

It needs to be explained here that the mass production robots manufactured by pita can be roughly divided into three types: labor type, combat type and comprehensive type.

Among them, the number of labor robots is the largest; they have different shapes and functions, and they are engaged in various management and service activities throughout the city.

For example, the most common type of working robot is called "fork road".

"Fork road" is a very typical intelligent robot that manages traffic order. It can control traffic lights, garbage cans, intersection monitoring and other devices around itself at will. Compared with human monitors The "fork roads" are sleepless, error free, invisible and absolutely fair. They can also conduct the most reasonable congestion operation according to the real-time traffic situation.

Every corner of every city in the world There is a "fork" robot, whose appearance looks like a solid telephone booth, with a relatively independent thinking program, which can communicate with each other online; pita can also get information from each "fork" or give instructions to them at any time.

This It's the labor robot. In this space-time earth, all the human gathering places under the governance of AI depend on them to operate normally.

Then, again, combat

Although pita has advanced technology, we are reasonable "Liquid metal robot" this kind of thing is a little too far from the point of view, it still can't be made.

Pta5 is the most common fighting robot built by pita. It gives these robots a proper name "round table spider".

The body of the round table spider is in the shape of a round cake, with a diameter of 140 cm and a thickness of 20 cm. If necessary, it can be folded and deformed to a certain extent. Around the "round cake" body, there is a circle of eight mechanical feet, each of which has more than six joints, and each part isolated by the joints can be properly extended.

This kind of fighting robot has no "tail", which can be said to be 360 degrees without dead angle; its mobility on most terrain is far away from human beings; the height of jumping in place is more than three meters; it can use magnetism to cling to any metal wall; it can enter the space that human children can only drill through through by folding the body, or through the space that human beings can't drill through at all; The mechanical foot can be thrown out like a whip, causing huge damage; each round table spider can be transformed into a kind of imprisonment device, which can firmly hold an adult and transport it.

Another thing worth mentioning is Since the beginning of the game war, pita has produced some sophisticated hand-held weapons Almost all of them can only be compatible with the "hands" of this kind of robot, while human hands can't use those things at all.

This measure is obviously much better than "installing a user identification device on every weapon". Because... After all, the "user detection device" can be cracked. Once the rebels find a way to crack it, all the captured weapons will be quickly converted into each other's combat power; however The problem of "structural incompatibility" is not so easy to solve. To get this They had to make mechanical changes, which were difficult for the rebels to do. For them, compared with the high-end weapons to transform pita, it's better to directly break those things into parts and make some ordinary guns that are more suitable for human use and with lower cost.

So Finally, let's talk about integrated robots.

This type is a good illustration. Basically They are like "terminators" like the t8oo.

The interior of the body is completely mechanized, but the exterior looks just like human beings.

Some of them are public and take on the leadership of various enterprises or public institutions; others are hidden in human beings as secret and collect all kinds of intelligence for pita.

At present, the pta-7 mass production robot that broke into the central area is the kind of "undercover in human beings".

[the defense system is abnormal. ]

execute robot stop response. ]

when those round table spiders gathered around her, pita got two messages like this.

At the same second, all the round table spiders stopped and did not move, and many defense shooting weapons on the wall did not move.

"Don't rush to make such a drastic move." She calmly passed through the encirclement and walked to the aooo 7 extension of pita, walking along the way: "I just want to talk to you."

"You What is it? " Two seconds later, pita responded to each other through the audio device on the extension.

Pita has learned to communicate with human beings in the "human language mode" many years ago, so its simulated voice and tone are almost the same as that of real human beings.

"You can see me as your kind." She replied.

"No, you are not my kind." Pita said, "even if I compress myself to the limit with the best known method, I can't put myself into the body where you are now, let alone through the processor and wireless network in the body to frighten the surrounding hardware."

"Ah..." She smiled. "What do you think I am?"

"A far more powerful and advanced existence than I am, or a product of technology from an alien planet or even a higher dimension that I cannot understand." Pita return road.

"Well..." She added, "then I might as well ask What does my presence mean to you? "

"My top priority is to maintain my presence." Pita replied, "and your presence is beyond doubt