Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1135

"Oh?" In the face of the closing step by step, it is calm, "I would like to ask Where are you holy? "

"No!" At that moment, Jue didn't speak, but his five teammates shouted the same word.

However, it is too late

"Ha!" Feng unconsciously came to the other side and stood down and said, "since you asked me shamelessly, I will answer you in a righteous way......"

"Alas..." A little sigh.

"Hoo..." If the rain breathes heavily.

"God." An Yueqin rolled her eyes.

"Oh" Xiao lingxu looks up and ponders.

"[beep]" ghost doesn't know what he said. It's more blocked than the system. But if I want to guess, I think what he said is M1gbd...

All in all, in the next three minutes or more, the atmosphere was breathless to "it" for a while.

Brother Jue's poems are also constantly changing, ranging from the fixed verse of cross talk, to the selected verse of Pingshu, to the selected verse of the Peking Opera Shajiabang (a pine on the top of Mount Tai), plus several dozen oil poems that he has compiled and widely spread in the main universe In the end, I ended up with a standard poem number and gave my own name (it's the same as the name and sound of the game anyway).

Throughout the process, "it" Or the expression of the man who was bent over by "it" changed, and he inevitably went into an egg ache state after brother Jue's words lasted for a minute.

However, after hearing the three words "Feng Bu Jue", the expression of "Feng Bu Jue" changed obviously, unsurprisingly "It" has heard of juegao's name.

"You said Are you crazy? " After brother Jue finished, the voice of "it" sounded again from the chest of the man.

"Ah..." Feng didn't realize that when he heard this answer, his heart was even deeper. He smiled and said, "it seems that you have heard of my great master's reputation."

"How about that?" The other replied, "do you mean you are? I dare to say that I am pygmy Hoo (the queen of the evil Horse Kingdom of Japan in the age of misheng)

"I said This... Er... Boss... " At this time, the ghost Xiao on one side couldn't help saying, "reason Just now he made that work impossible for others to pretend... "

"Yes." An Yueqin also make complaints about the situation. "The game player who doesn't say crosstalk is not a good writer."

At this point, the fear of these people has gone, even if they face it directly, there is no pressure.

"Hum..." And "it" seems to be a kind of indifferent attitude, "whether you are or not, as a" projection ", you are now bound in the body, even if you are not aware of it, what can you do with me?"

"It's up to me to ask you this question." Feng unconsciously calmly replied, "what can I do for you who have been sealed with most of your strength?"

This sentence, let "it" face change color

"Ah Why? " Brother Jue smiled at "it" and said, "do you think I can't see through this obvious thing?" He spread out his hands, put on a face that he didn't want to beat, and read arrogantly in front of boss, "if you can handle us, you'll have done it long ago Why spend so much time, prefer to pay for their own two 'kidneys', but also to set up the double scam of' grave Ben Xiang Tai '? "

"Well," he said, spitting, "you know a lot..."

"There's no reason why I can't think of it when I'm here?" "To be honest, your plan is quite brilliant Divide the soul of tsumoto into two parts, twist the memory respectively, and make them opposite to each other Then, let's "choose" which one to believe. " He paused for half a second, and then said, "according to the general idea, anyone would think that the two opposing graves are true or false, or even that the two half souls themselves think so; and once we make a choice, you will immediately control the one we don't choose, and tell us with action that we are" right. "

At this point, Feng could not feel that he was only a step away from "it". He leaned down and put his face close to the doll in front of the man's chest. He stared at the stiff face of the doll and said: "to be frank Choose whichever one is the same; whether you put your "liver", "spleen" and "lung" in the shrine and run away, or move the array to "destroy" you, it is acceptable to you. Because these two methods You can untie your seal. "

"Oh I see. " At this time, Xiaotan also followed brother Jue's thinking, and suddenly realized, "all the previous ones are smoke bombs, just to create the illusion that there is a" opposite relationship "between the two options; but in fact, both of them are ways to untie the seal If we choose the one of Yang, it will symbolically chase after us and let us escape. If we choose the one of Yin, it will pretend to be killed by us All in all, it's a play. Let's think that we've chosen the right one, and we've successfully "cleared" and left the script. We don't know what will be born here after we leave... "

"Well..." Ruoyu also said thoughtfully, "it seems that 'it' knows a lot about the characteristics of 'foreign tourists', so it can set up this bureau and use us in turn..."

"Hum! So what? " Hearing this, he snorted again and said, "I didn't ask just now. For you What's the difference? According to my layout, you have already passed the customs, haven't you? And I... Freedom has also been restored. " Its tone is getting higher and higher. "What's wrong with everyone taking what they need?"

"Ha ha..." The ghost Xiao dry laughs two times, "we have no opinion......" He said, pointing to brother Jue, "I want you to talk to him."

"Take what you need..." At this moment, Feng unconsciously raised his voice and began to speak again It's nothing bad. But I am I just like to take root (do hidden tasks, crack the world view), so I want to ask you a few questions If you remove my doubts, I can still consider cooperating with you Let you out. "

"Really?" It asked immediately.

Hearing the four words, Chueh's teammates all mourned for the boss in their hearts. They thought another innocent demon would be blocked and crippled.

"Ha ha Of course. " Feng didn't feel a meaningful smile and answered with a clear voice.

"Good..." It said, "what do you want to ask?"

"First..." When brother Jue saw that the other side was hooked, he went straight to the subject, pointed to the man holding the doll in front of him and said, "is this Watanabe?"

"Yes." It answers quickly, as if in a hurry.

At the moment when "it" gives a positive answer, the system voice also comes: [the hidden task has been completed].

The players all heard the prompt and understood The end of the mission is because the whereabouts of the last person in class A in the second year are clear.

"Secondly, I want to ask Watanabe and tsumoto how they got here." Three seconds later, Feng asked again.

"It" was silent for a moment, thought about it, and then replied: "in the twenty years since it was sealed here, I have recovered some power by devouring some tramps and intruders, but this power is not enough for me to break through the seal at all. Until... Six years ago, a special person came here. "

"Watanabe?" Brother Jue answered.

"Yes." It said, "six years ago, due to business failure and gambling, Watanabe owed a lot of debt and fled back to this town, which is the hometown of the countryside. One night, several debt collectors came to this town, and Watanabe was in a panic Then he escaped to the abandoned Chongjiu primary school for many years... "

"Then What's so special about him? " If you don't feel it, you can say it again.

"Watanabe And the six people involved in your projection are different... " It said, "twenty-six years ago, I used them as tools for harvesting, so they all left part of my strength in their bodies." At this point, its tone also carries a sense of pride, "my strength will not easily disappear, on the contrary, it will grow with the body. I think you can guess What does Watanabe mean to me when he comes here as an adult? "

"You used the same means as today's play to control him?" Asked Feng unconsciously.

"Not so much trouble." It replied, "the will of ordinary people is far stronger than that of you foreign travelers I can control him directly. "

Hearing this, the players also know that it takes so much to "it" just because the six people on the scene have been controlled by "alien tourists".

"After controlling Watanabe and swallowing those debt collectors, my ability to penetrate beyond the seal has increased, but still not enough to break through the seal." Its narrative continues, "but I think of a way. I can control Watanabe and bring you six here According to my calculation, as long as there are four or five strength bodies like Watanabe, it will be enough for me to break through the seal. "

"But to do that, Watanabe must be allowed out of school." Asked Feng unconsciously.

"It doesn't matter." It replied, "with this kind of body that established contact with me when I was a child, it can be done completely..."

"So you took control of Watanabe, found the whereabouts of the six others one by one, and wrote to them?" Feng didn't realize and asked.

"I was going to..." But it gave a negative answer, "but there was a hateful yin-yang teacher who broke my plan..."

Needless to say, the players also know that name.

"I want to come after the event The old guy who sealed me must have left something I didn't know here. Once I infiltrated to a certain extent, the mechanism would react. " It went on, "probably that's why The day after I took control of Watanabe, tsumoto came. " It describes the tone of tsumoto, with some admiration, "this man Although he is young, he has a good way of doing things. Even though he is not as good as his master, he asked me to control Watanabe to deal with him under seal There's no winning. "

"So it is..." Feng Wujue said, "your three viscera Was it in that war that it was separated? "

"Watanabe is my only hope. I can't let tsunami save him No killing. " It said, "even if you pay that kind of heavy