Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1128

"Hello! Are you all right? " Two seconds after the entrance was closed, a small exclamation came down across the floor.

"Nothing yet." Feng didn't realize that he was quick to respond.

In fact, for the two people in the cellar, the closing of the entrance did not bring too much fear Because in the headmaster's office, as under here, it is lit by flashlight. So, even if the baffle is closed, they don't feel much darker visually, but the sound of "bang" is a little scary, of course I'm not scared.

"Brother Jue! The baffle is closed by itself! " Next second, small sigh shouted again.

"Ah I guess so. " If you don't feel it, you can't feel it.

This is also obvious. After all, the baffle cannot be closed by a few of them.

"The remote control seems to be out of action." A few seconds later, Xiao Ling's voice rang.

She had apparently tried to open the entrance again by remote control, but failed.

"Well..." At this time, came to the entrance of the ghost Xiao squatted down to check with a sentence, "touch this baffle with your hand, you will get a [sealed by a dark force] prompt."

We all know that the way to open this entrance has changed.

"Hum It looks like, from here on, we're going to split up. " Feng unconsciously smiled and said to his teammates across the floor, "anyway You can check around again to see if there is anything f1ag can touch. "

Speaking of this, Xiaotan must have thought of the "mysterious man on the playground".

So the four of them also walked quickly to the window and looked out again.

As a result

"Brother Jue!" Less than ten seconds later, Xiaotan ran back to the top of the entrance and shouted at the bottom, "the man is gone!"

Almost at the same time that he shouted this sentence, suddenly, from the darkness outside the headmaster's office There was a shout.

"Eh? The one just now Brother Jue naturally heard the voice, and then came to the way Is it the sound of sliding doors? "

"Er..." Small sigh Leng for a second, answer way, "seem to be."

There is no doubt that the source of this voice is not on the second floor; because there are only two rooms on the second floor (the headmaster's room and its opposite warehouse), and both of them are swing doors, so The sound just now must have come from downstairs.

"What to do? Shall we go down and have a look? " After a brief silence, an Yueqin asked.

"Of course, it's obviously the main plot." The seal under the floor said, "anyway, all four of you have completed the puzzle of" a specific role can be solved ", and it's OK even if you take the Bento, so You can go at ease. "

"Then what do you do?" Little sigh asked again, "do you want to Leave someone here to meet you? "

"Absolutely not." Feng unconsciously replied firmly, "to leave someone here to wait is to leave a flashlight here for nothing How could it be? " He paused and said, "you should go to find out about you. We are OK. Maybe we can go out when you have finished the plot outside."

He's right. At the moment, there are two flashlights on each team's hands. In the cellar, the sealed hand is holding Xiaotan's flashlights. If it rains, it's her own. In the outside situation, Xiaoling and anyuqin are holding their own flashlights. Although the power of the above four flashlights are different, most of them have been consumed In the next ten minutes, the four flashlights will go out one by one

"Well We get it. " A few seconds later, Xiaotan and they reached a consensus, "then Brother Jue, take care of yourself. Let's go first. "

"Let's go now. Don't grind." Brother Jue responded in a tone that showed no sense of crisis, but a little bit of impatience.

So, there was no psychological burden on the four people outside. They left the headmaster's office together and went to the first floor again.

And Feng unconsciously and Li Ruoyu are so trapped in the narrow secret cellar

"Is that really good for you?" About ten seconds later, after hearing that everyone was far away, if the rain just said, "you should have noticed From the moment the entrance is closed, here is... "

"I know." Feng unconsciously interrupts him, "but I don't think it's necessary for them to know..." He paused for half a second and said, "even if you tell them that the air in the wine cellar is about to catch up with the gas alcohol, they have no way, let alone So as not to put pressure on them. "

Obviously, both of them have noticed The situation after the entrance blockade is not "light change", but "air change"; the former is a little scary at most, but the latter But it's a physiological effect.

"Then What shall we do now? " If the rain said, "is it true to wait Wait for the entrance to open by itself? "

"It's rare for us to have such a condition. How about mixing alcohol while we're drinking?" At this time, Feng unconsciously turned his head, took a flashlight and looked at his face from the bottom to the top, revealing a Um... How to describe It seems appropriate to use the word "obscene".

"OK, you start." unexpectedly, Ruoyu gave a positive response, but The expression on her face is dead fish eyes and face paralysis, and the tone is a kind of satirical reading.

"Ha ha No problem ~ "Feng imperceptibly smiled a few times, and then used that kind of TV series rogue ruffian on the street to flirt with a good woman of the tone," beauty, a person? "

"Yes." If the rain returns.

"Haha......" Don't you want to find a place for me to talk about life

"Do you mean what we are doing now?" If the rain meets.

"Er..." Brother Jue can't stand it. Whenever he is in crisis, he will instinctively use a response measure to further reduce the lower limit, "ha ha Well, otherwise Let's just do something wet and ashamed. "

"Spit in your mouth?" If the rain continues to use her cold tone, and sharp on-the-spot response, hitting brother Jue's incorrigible words and deeds.

"Ha" finally, brother Jue sighed, "OK ~ I'm not kidding you..." When he said this, he finally regained his formal (relatively) attitude, "let's move on."

After that, he didn't wait for the rain to respond, so he turned around and moved on, and within a few steps he reached the wall at the other end.

"There's still a way out there?" If the rain keeps up, he asks.

"There is no way, but there is an obvious puzzle..." Brother Jue said, turning slightly, revealing a row of wine racks in front of him.

This wine rack has three layers, each with five wooden slots. At the moment, there are five bottles of wine in the 15 wooden slots, the first row of two bottles are on the left most; the second plate of one bottle is on the fourth grid; the third row of two bottles are on the first and fifth grid respectively.

"This..." If the rain's response is quick, "it's in response to the" doodle of Hanoi Tower "prompt in the women's toilet, right?"

"It should be." I can't feel the way back.

"But You can solve the puzzle, too. " If the rain received, "is Kuo Yu a girl in setting?"

"Why There should be only two tips for the men's room. " In my opinion It's because it's the same as the prompt itself. " He paused for a second, and then said, "the nine palaces implied by tic_tac_toe, and the hint of" pay attention to your feet " I figured it out, didn't I? "

"So?" If the rain beckoned him to go on.

"So A hint is a hint. It doesn't matter who makes the connection. " The key is There should be a problem that can only be solved by a specific role in the place indicated by the hints. " He immediately gave an example and said, "let's say Where the "tic tac toe doodle" prompt is used, a person who can play the piano is needed; where the "careful pool" prompt is used, an anatomic person is needed; where the "pay attention to the foot" prompt is used, a one meter six...... "

"Well..." If the rain hears here, if have thought of the way, "have reason Where we just used the "pattern pattern" prompt, we need a person with strong mathematical ability. "

"Yes." Feng unconsciously nodded and said, "what the prompt points to is not necessarily something that requires specific skills to deal with, but When that happens, it means that the puzzles that need specific skills to solve are nearby. "

"I see." If the rain said, and looked at the wine rack, "in this case, this' Hanoi Tower 'puzzle will be handled by you."

"I think so, too." "You can help me keep an eye on it," said Feng. "If any monster comes out of the surrounding walls, ceiling, floor or even the bottle when I move the bottle, you can help me fan it."

"OK." If the rain very calmly agreed to this request.

Later, he was ready to move the bottle.


"Eh?" No sooner had he picked up the first bottle of wine than he froze in disbelief.

"What's the matter?" If the rain asked.

Seal didn't realize there was no reply, but silently turned the bottle in his hand half a circle, and displayed the wrapping paper on the bottle in front of Ruoyu.

"This is..." There is not a word on the packing paper that reflects Ruoyu's vision State brand, name, description, year None of them; what's printed on the wrapping paper is like a picture.

"Ah..." After a little thought, if rain sneers, "it's so."

"That's what it's like to pick it up." Feng unconsciously shrugs, puts the bottle back on the wine rack, and turns around from the back of Ruoyu to give up the position in front of the wine rack.

If the rain didn't waste time, after two steps, he picked up the five bottles of wine one by one and began to recognize the painting printed on the bottle.


Here, let's talk about the rules of the so-called "hannota game".

This game originated from an ancient Indian legend. The content of the legend will not be detailed here In short, the rule is to support three columns first, and put some disks on one of them. The size of the disk must be from top to bottom, from small to large. The goal of the game is to move all the disks on one column to another on the premise that only one disk can be moved at a time, and the disk above the small disk cannot be enlarged