Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1126

"Because he is wearing a white coat, he must be a biology teacher, right?" Ghost Xiao receives.

"Ha ha..." Feng chuckled and said, "what you said It's called stereotyping, not basis. " He paused for half a second and said, "I can be sure that the real basis for him to be the one in the biology classroom is the birthmark on the back of his hand."

When he said this, his teammates all instinctively looked at the photo; because the photo was very large, the above details showed clearly that the man in the white coat had a different color skin on the back of his hand.

"You are so strong..." "In front of the music classroom, you can remember each other's looks in the face of a sudden female ghost hanging upside down. In the biology classroom, you can also notice the marks on the back of your hand when you wrestle with an arm."

"Yes Normal people don't usually notice this kind of detail at that time. " I can't feel the way.

"You're going around saying you're not normal, are you..." Ghosts make complaints about the way.

"Hum Don't care about the details. " Chueh Chueh chuckled and continued to point to the photo, saying, "let's focus on the photo..." He moved his finger away from the surface of the photo and said, "there are 13 people, nine children and four adults in this photo. Now we have identified two adults and one child. As for the rest of these people How about a reasonable guess? "

"Isn't it hard for those two adults to guess?" If the rain immediately said, "in my opinion, the younger man has a high probability of being the head teacher of class A in the second year, and the remaining fat uncle is undoubtedly the principal of this school."

"Well, I agree." "According to identity, it's also reasonable for the headmaster and head teacher to appear in the photos," said an Yueqin

"But Is it possible that the head teacher of this class is a biology or music teacher? " Ghost Xiao then put forward a guess.

"That's right." Feng Bujue said, "although it seems natural for the teacher in charge to be the head teacher in our country, the script was set in Japan during the reign of Zhaohe, and that kind of thinking can not be taken for granted. Moreover In rural primary schools like this, teachers are usually weak, and it is possible for teachers of any course to serve as class teachers. " He raised his hand to the younger adult man in the picture and said, "but..." But the next second, he turned the conversation around again, "to be honest, is this the head teacher In fact, it doesn't matter. Since he appears in this photo, it means that he is also regarded as a member of this class. Judging from the urination of this script, maybe we can see him in a certain plot later And he's probably dead; so, whether he teaches mathematics or sports, even if he's a physical education teacher, it doesn't matter to us. What we need to focus on is his "destination", or "ending"

"That's what you say..." Ghost Xiao followed brother Jue's way of thinking and looked at the oldest fat uncle in the picture. "Is this uncle the principal's business, don't care too much?"

"He is the principal." At this moment, Xiaotan suddenly put in a word and said in a very definite tone.

"Oh? How are you sure? " Hearing this, Feng unconsciously turned his head to look at the little sigh and asked with an interested look.

"Isn't that obvious?" Xiaotan looks down at the photo and says, "look At the moment of the photo, he was just finishing his tie, wasn't he? "

"You mean..." In his reminder, Xiaoling stared at the picture for two seconds, and then he also reflected, "he is a left-handed?"

"That's right." "It's obviously more convenient for him to use his right hand to tidy up from his standing position, but he uses his left hand, which shows that it's a habit problem..." sighed Xiao He paused and looked at the phone on his desk. "Then, let's see the layout of this office The desk is placed on the right side against the wall. The telephone is placed on the left side of the desk. The light switch Although I can't open it now But it is also installed on the left side after entering the door. In addition, the arrangement of the documents on the bookcase and the abrasion of the slide under the glass door (double-layer glass door) of the bookcase show the people who use this "director's room" That is, Mr. principal. He is left-handed. "

"Ho ~" after listening to this passage, ghost Xiao widened his eyes and exclaimed, "it seems that you are all big detectives in the front line of hell. Are all kinds of observation and micro reasoning like gods?"

"Haha All right. " "Small Tan Shan Shan a smile," this level of reasoning, are juega primary school taught me He said, pointing to the chair behind the desk. "By the way, we can see from the wear and tear of the chair that the man sitting on it is a left-handed fat man."

"Not bad." "That Have you checked the scratches around the key holes of those drawers? "

"Well." Little sigh nodded. "I've checked it. There are many scratches."

"What do scratches mean?" Ghost Xiao listened and asked curiously.

"It means that this man's hands are shaking all the time." I can't feel the way back.

"Parkinson's?" Ghost Xiao receives.

"It's the drunkard!" Xiaoling corrects the way and squints the dull ghost Xiao with a disdainful look.

"Oh Yes, there was a hint when I opened the door. " Ghost Xiao also some embarrassed, oneself is really too pit daddy in the inference aspect.

"OK, let's talk about the identity of adults." Feng unconsciously changed the topic at the right time and said, "let's see those nine children again..." Speaking, he looked around his teammates, "there are six boys and three girls in total Fortunately, all three girls are here, so the immediate problem is focused on the six boys In other words, there are five boys besides yekouying II. "

"What is certain is Of these five, three are Yamada, katada and Kuo that we play. " "Ghost Xiao at this time," and the other two, one is the monitor Watanabe, the other is Suzuki

"By the way, brother Jue." Little sigh also thought of something at the moment, "is there any more specific information in that old newspaper? Like a physical description or something? "

"If there is I've already figured out who they are. " "It's obvious that the system didn't intentionally leave any personal information in the newspaper, but..." He said, and then moved his eyes to another picture on the table, "does this faggot's identity look better?"

"He is Suzuki." Ruoyu was the first to say, "according to the information so far, the plot of the previous fire was that the principal was drunk in the daytime, so he didn't even notice the fire in the opposite warehouse It led to Suzuki's being burned alive. After that, the headmaster was condemned by conscience, or entangled by the ghost, and finally hanged himself at home. "

"Well It makes sense. " Xiaoling also nodded and said, "no matter it's a matter of conscience condemnation or a ghost demanding his life, it's not surprising that this picture appears in his drawer. The difference is In the former case, the picture is put by himself; in the latter case, the picture is ghost... "

When Xiaoling said the word "ghost", suddenly! The phone rang on the desk.

It has to be said that this bridge section Sincerity is full of malice.

First of all, the ring tone of the phone is very loud, which is far higher than the decibel generated by the normal communication of players.

Secondly, at this time, all the players are gathered at the desk, and their attention is also focused on the two photos on the desk, with almost no psychological protection.

Third, after the first shock, the fact that "this phone doesn't have a phone line at all" will naturally come to the mind of the players and create a further sense of terror.

To sum up, although this plot does not add any visual terrorist impact, but under the mutual influence of multiple factors This sudden ring still scares the players around.

"Cut..." Even an Yueqin blushed, pressed her undulating chest with her hand and spat, "it's really beyond defense!"

"Let me go..." The frightened ghost Xiao just sat on a chair on the outside of the desk. "Just now, I thought my heart stopped for several seconds..."

"Well In those seconds, I forgot the pain of the wound. " Small sigh also took a sentence.

When they talk, the phone doesn't stop ringing.

At this time, he still stood at the table and looked left and right without being scared at all. After confirming that no teammate was scared off the line, he conveniently pressed the "hands free" button on the phone.

"Moximoxi ~" Chueh elder brother, after pressing the key, also lengthened his voice and used a lazy tone to speak Japanese.

"Damn it! Answer the phone! " On the other side of the phone came a man's shouting. Judging from the voice and language, it should be a young man, "Mr. principal! Did you drink in the daytime again! Wake up! The warehouse opposite you is on fire! I know you have a secret cellar, in case the fire goes there... "

The call on the phone came to an abrupt end.

There was no busy tone or hanging up. It was such a sudden interruption.

"No accident..." After a few seconds, Feng could not feel it and looked at Ruoyu Road, " Your analysis just touched the plot. "

"That is to say Suzuki's appearance can also be determined. " If the rain meets.

"Yes." Feng unconsciously nodded and said, "besides, that phone call just now has already told us the next clue very clearly."

"Secret cellar..." Even if it's ghost Xiao, I can also hear the key words in that sentence, "but We just looked very carefully. There is no entrance to any wine cellar. "

"Yes, I've moved everything in the bookcase." An Yueqin answers.

"I have also checked the up and down of the desk. There is no such thing as a switch." Small sigh also way.

"Well..." "So The rest is to knock the wall and floor inch by inch... "

"No!" At this moment, Xiao Ling suddenly answered, "I will soon find the entrance."

Then she turned on her flashlight, took a picture on the floor, and revealed