Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1118

When Feng didn't realize that he had scared people, he went to the locker with a stab.

And because he has a flashlight, his teammates have to follow him

The locker at the back of the classroom side is embedded in the wall. Its height is obviously to match the height of primary school students, which is lower for adults. Its arrangement The seats are the same as those of the students.

In the top row, from left to right, there are three names: Yuanyuan, 3000yuan and protruding guard. In the second row, there are yekou, Kuo and Yamada. In the third row, there are Watanabe, Kuo and Suzuki.

"By the way After the previous information investigation, the identity of the monitor should be clear, right? " When Feng didn't realize he was in front of the cupboard, he opened his mouth and said, "nine people in this class, six of them are present now, and the rest three of them Suzuki was burned in the year of Zhaohe 47, and Noguchi disappeared the day after Suzuki was burned, so The only "Watanabe" that hasn't appeared is undoubtedly the monitor

"Well..." After hearing brother Jue's words, Ruoyu said, "from the seat situation, it is also reasonable for the monitor to sit in the last row."

"I don't care who is the monitor now." At this time, ghost Xiao looked at brother Jue with the eyes full of resentment. "I only care if the body is stuffed in the box of yekou."

It's obvious that guixiao has been deeply frightened by what brother Jue said just now, so he is quite confused about what will be in the storage box.

"Ah Ha ha... " Small sigh smell words, dry smile twice, "look at the size of that box It's impossible to cram into a seven or eight year old primary school student

"Well, by reason, it shouldn't work." "The size of the storage box is about 28 * 30 * 33 (CM), not to mention the eight year old child, even if it is necessary to install a baby," said the small sigh He said it with a strange smile, "but That's just the general situation. "

"Hello! You have to say something terrible again! It must be said! " Ghost Xiao has been able to sense brother's intention.

"No. I'm just talking about math. " As far as I know. If an eight year old child is crushed into a paste, the volume occupied by the child can be compressed to about 0.024 cubic meters, and the volume of the box... "

"0.02772 m3." Xiaoling gives a very accurate answer almost without thinking.

"Haha That's what happened. " Feng didn't know how to answer with a smile.

"That's all!" "Ghost Xiao immediately surprised again," what is' as far as you know '! How do you know the size of a child being crushed into a paste! You ran over it, didn't you? It's been milled and put into a container, right? "

"No, that's what you said. I didn't say anything." When I can't feel this sentence, I have already parted my head. Ready to open the box.

"You are more suspicious in your guilty reaction!" The ghost Xiao sees the elder brother's reaction and becomes more concerned.

But brother Jue ignored him, just inserted the key found from the platform into the key hole of the storage box with the name of "yekou".

In this dark environment, the metal friction sound when the key is inserted into the lock slot is particularly harsh.

At the moment of unpacking, although the people standing behind didn't speak, their hearts all mentioned their voices. After all, in such an atmosphere Except for the fearless person, others are more or less afraid.

"Well..." After opening the door of the box, he said in a deep voice, "it seems that wild mouth is not in it."

"It's normal if I'm not here, OK?" "Ghost Xiao shouted," what is your tone that seems a little disappointed

"He was just bluffing you." An Yueqin said at this time. "Wooden lockers like this If the corpse is stuffed in it, the smell and blood will definitely seep out, and it will be found that day. "

"Cut So it is! " Listen to me. I also think it makes sense. I immediately said to brother Jue. "You guy This is to increase the fright value of teammates by force! Want to lower my fear rating reward, don't you? "

"Yes." Unexpectedly, Feng unconsciously admitted, "I'm just going to do that. If you are dissatisfied, learn to think more about things Have a mental preparation for any situation, so you won't be too scared. "

"Hum See! " Ghost Xiao feels that he has been "taught" again, which is very unpleasant, but he can only hum and put a cruel word there.

"Well, come back to the point Let's take a look at this. " A few seconds later, he took out what was in yekou's locker. It was displayed in front of the crowd.

"It can't be taken out. It means that it's related to the main line." Small sigh after seeing said.

"But The script hasn't given us the main task yet. " Xiao Ling answers.

Just as they were talking. All of a sudden...


a strange sound suddenly came, which scared five people in the team.

Especially ghost Xiao, he was surprised and instinctively turned on his flashlight.

"What What voice? " Little sigh also hurriedly asked in a flustered tone.

"Voice..." At this time, standing on the other side, Ruoyu replied, "it seems that it came from Suzuki's box."

She was right. The source of the sound was not elsewhere. It was from the locker.

"It must be the act of" getting the flute "that triggers something." "I don't know," he said Ghost Xiao, since you have turned on the flashlight, please take a picture of the situation in the rear of everyone by the way. " Although brother Jue didn't look back, he only judged by the sound and the radian of the light behind him, and he also knew who turned on the light. "In case the movement just now is a kind of snare, we also have a guard."

"OK OK. " Ghost Xiao replied, and quickly turned his flashlight to the rear, scanning back, and watched the corridor windows and the entire classroom.

"Then I'll see what's going on in Suzuki's box. " Seal not to feel a side to say, side already extended hand to that to send out a sound storage box.

It's late, it's fast!

When brother Jue's right hand approached the box, the door opened itself. Then a pale little hand suddenly came out of it and grabbed brother Jue's wrist.


this sudden scene. Let an Yueqin scream again.

The ghost Xiao who heard the shouting turned back immediately and saw the scene which was extremely penetrating.

"Ho ~ what are you going to do?" Feng didn't realize that he was very casually reciting a sentence, and slowly squatted down, so that his vision came to the same height as the storage box.

After squatting down, brother Jue raised the flashlight on his left hand and went straight to the box.

The next second, people saw a slightly green, child's face.

That face It can be said that it's like a ghost and only a person; its pupils, abnormal skin color and horrible face are typical evil spirits.

"Ga" is illuminated by the light of flashlight. The face gave a sharp howl and immediately drew back.

Physically, it should have no space to retreat, but In this kind of miraculous script, it's a common thing that Newton is raised and ignored by all of us.

In a word, the monster quickly retreated back more than 30 cm, and the small hand holding Jue GE's wrist was released, and with that face, it shrank towards the space in the box.


At this moment, I only heard "pa".

But see I can't feel the backhand. He grabbed the monster's wrist with his right hand.

"You want to run when you're done with it?" I don't know who is the villain either. Feng unconsciously takes out a bully bullying attitude and talks rubbish at the same time. Pull the other side out.

For a while, the crying of the baby in the box kept on. It's like a little animal injured and running away.

"I'll go What kind of trouble is it... " Seeing this scene, ghost Xiao seems to have a broken string in his mind. In these ten seconds, his fright value has dropped to zero, because he really can't understand what the situation is in front of him.

Take an inappropriate example. It's like watching the animal training performance in a circus. Half the time, the animal trainer on the stage suddenly went to drill a fire ring himself, and then his lion gave him a piece of meat to eat. By the way, I touched his head

In a sense This performance is more powerful than the lion drilling the fire ring.

"Small sample ~ compared with my strength?" For a long time. Feng unconsciously dragged the monster Sheng Sheng, who should have escaped according to the normal plot flow, out of the storage box, and proudly said a provocative line to the monster, who was about the size of an eight year old.

"Take it for me." Then, brother Jue said again, and threw the flashlight to the little sigh behind him.

In this way, he can free up his hands to wrestle with the one he caught

"Say! Who is your name? Why die? What is the date of death? " Feng unconsciously asked each other three questions, and added the eight word policy, "be frank and lenient, and be strict in resisting!"

"You are still a party member..." If the rain seizes the opportunity to spit out a slot in brother Jue's behavior.

"What the hell?" Feng Bujue said, "no matter how you say it, you have to be a judge Oh no... The king of hell! "

"Zha" can make complaints about their mutual Tucao. After deciding the struggle is useless, it screams in a more shrill voice.

This voice It's really harsh. How harsh is it? Players' survival value has been roared down by 5%

Once you see the blood, can you bear it again? He immediately made a response, with his right hand to the little ghost to the top of the locker, left hand is struggling to cover each other's mouth.

It really works. It really puts the little devil's howling down to a level that doesn't make people lose blood.

"Little sigh, move the light of the flashlight a little bit, don't face it directly." After two seconds of consideration, Feng unconsciously gives Xiao Tan an instruction.

"OK..." Little sigh is not very afraid at the moment, mainly because a teammate who is more terrible than ghost has controlled the situation. After he answered, he quickly shifted the light of the flashlight a few times, and no longer aimed at the monster.

Almost as the light moved away, the monster's howling slowed down and gradually disappeared.

"Well, I'll give you another chance." Feng can't help but look directly at the blood pupils of the monster and read, "now I am