Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1115

This is the end of Title g. at that moment, six players appeared in the classroom.

There are nine pairs of desks and chairs in this classroom, which are just divided into three rows and three rows.

At this time, the players are all sitting: from the perspective of facing the blackboard, the first row is from left to right, with Ruoyu, anyuqin and Xiaoling girls in turn; the second row is empty on the left side, with the sixth member of the team sitting in the middle and right side respectively; and Xiaotan A man sat in the middle of the third row.

"Ah, it's really an acquaintance." Xiaoling looks back at the sixth member of the team at the first time, and then blurts out this sentence.

The reason why she said "sure enough" is that she had foreseen this situation.

After the new version is launched, everyone is busy with the rush, and the important thing about rush is "efficiency" There's no doubt that it's more efficient to brush a few more common scripts with a higher probability of clearance than to row out high-risk scripts like "team nightmare".

Therefore, there are only two kinds of people who will come to the single row nightmare team, one is the player without studio background, the other It's the best.

Plus the condition that "the rank is not much different from the whole hell front line team", it can be predicted that "meeting Acquaintances".

"Seal! No Jue! " About two seconds later, he yelled. Ignoring everyone, he shouted at brother Jue as if he had seen an enemy.

"What to shout..." Feng didn't realize that he was staring at the dead fish's eyes, looking at the excited ghost Xiao on his face, and he said weakly, "are you going to take me back with purple gold red gourd? Call me by name. Dare I say yes? "

"Cut..." Make complaints about each other, ghosts Xiao also feel a little overexcited, and his mouth. "I'm so calm Didn't take me seriously... "

"My eyes can't hold your one meter six figure." "I always respect you in my heart," he said

"I am one meter six nine! And it's still growing! " Hearing the topic of height, ghost Xiao couldn't bear it. He raised his voice again.

"It's OK. I have a broad mind. I can fit another 0.5cm. " Brother Jue waved his hand and said with a smile.

"How long are you going to discuss the height issue?" At this time, if the side of the rain a bit can not listen to, stopped the two goods of the bullshit.

When the voice is not down, a system prompt just rings.

[your role ability has been limited. Now you are playing an ordinary person. ]

the same prompt sounded in the ears of the six players. They just exchanged their eyes and knew this.

"Alas I hate this kind of limited edition the most. " "Ghost Xiao immediately expressed dissatisfaction," every time encountered this type of script will fail

"Then you're lucky today." Chueh said with a smile. "Today, my brothers and sisters will take you through the pass and enjoy the fun of setting a lower bound."

"Hum..." The ghost Xiao's hands are crossed in front of his chest. "Listen to you..."

"In a word, let's confirm our identity first." At this time, an Yueqin turned to all of them and said, "if there is no accident, the roles we play have been assigned..." She said as she spoke. He pointed to the top left corner of his desk.

Just where she pointed out, there were three words engraved on it.

The word It's carved with a knife or something. It's not like the handwriting is carved by adults; of course, the lettering is not writing after all. It's because of the difficulty of lettering that the font is out of shape.

"This is the last name of our character." Xiao Ling has long noticed the words carved on his desk, which are also in the upper left corner and the same handwriting, with the words "protruding and guarding", saying It seems that I got a very rare surname at random. "

"Oh! I have it here, too. " Xiaotan is obviously reminded by his teammates before the lettering on the table, "it's called Takeda."

"What I have carved here is the source." If the rain meets.

"Ha ~" ghost Xiao also saw the lettering on his desk. "Yamada I always think it's a bad Street surname. " He was somehow lost.

"Well..." After all of us have reported the last names engraved on our desks, brother Jue said slowly, "here I am It's carved with "Kuo"... "


A long silence.

I don't know why. After brother Jue reported the two words, another five people cast weird eyes at him. And they didn't talk.

"Then what..." After nearly a minute, I still couldn't feel myself breaking the silence and changing the topic, "say, at the end of the first g of the film, didn't someone shout, why didn't I hear..."

"Er Maybe... When we load the characters, it's over. " Small sigh is also very interesting, casually picked up a sentence.

"Well..." Feng unconsciously felt his chin and said, "the main task has not been refreshed, that is We need to touch 1ag. " In the middle of the conversation, he stood up and walked to the platform. "Let's look around for clues."

Smell speech, everybody also didn't say much, each started to search.

According to the habit, people usually confirm the closest thing to themselves at this time, such as Inside the desk.

But soon they decided that the inside of the nine desks was empty, and there were no scraps of paper.

Then, according to the "degree of suspicion", we launched an investigation one by one of the things around us.

At the same time, Feng unconsciously picked up an old newspaper on the podium. I don't know if it was a reading addiction. Standing there, I read it

Five minutes, in a flash.

The results of the survey are as follows

The sliding door of the classroom was locked and could not be opened. When the door was pulled forcibly, there was no prompt such as "key required".

The windows towards the playground and corridor are all closed. When approaching, there is a hint of "sealed by some dark force". When looking out through the glass, it is dark, and you can only see your own shadow.

The arrangement order of lockers at the back of the classroom side is the same as that of desks and chairs. When trying to open the lockers, the prompt "key required" appears.

There is a wooden bookcase on the right side of the platform. It can't be opened.

There is a picture on the wall on the left side of the podium, on which there is a huge face. It seems that the painting style is not as good as that of primary school students, and it needs to be more specific and abstract.

There is also storage space inside the podium, but it also "needs a key" to open.

To sum up, after preliminary exploration. The clue is still concentrated on the old newspaper on the stage. If there is any hint It should be up there.

"Then What's the matter with you, commander? " Xiaoling simply tells brother Jue about the information collected by all the people, and then asks.

"Well First... " "This is a newspaper in May. The date is May 19," said Feng

"What does that say?" Ghost Xiao asked.

"Do you remember that the first sentence of the narrator was' this is a summer evening '?" I can't feel the way.

"Oh..." "Ghost Xiao nods," so

"From the layout of the classroom, the names on the desks, and the atmosphere of the script..." "This is undoubtedly a horror story born in Japan, and Japan and we are all in the northern hemisphere, so its' summer 'should be in June, July and August every year," an Yueqin explained at this time

"That is to say..." If the rain also receives. "This newspaper was a month or two ago?"

"Not necessarily..." Feng chanying said, "the year in the newspaper is the 47th year of Zhaohe, that is, 1972; it may be a newspaper a month or two ago, a year or two ago, or even a newspaper a decade or two ago..." He paused. "We have no way to speculate on the age of the play, the specific age of these characters, the year of graduation and other information Because the narrator didn't mention the specific time of "the present", only said "not seen for many years", and this "many years" It can be more than a decade, more than two decades, or even thirty or forty years. "

"But..." Small sigh smell speech, the face shows doubt color. "Didn't he say 'no one has changed much'?"? Doesn't that mean it's not too long? "

"Not necessarily." Feng didn't realize that he immediately answered these two words and received them. "Most people will say that when they meet their childhood partners after many years, because people's memories in childhood are the most profound, as long as they recognize the person in front of them, the memory at that time will be awakened, and then the face in memory will coincide with the face in front of them Plus some emotional factors, it's natural to say "unchanged."

"Yes. That's the most common line you hear at a classmate's party. " An Yueqin immediately answers.

"Hello I said Guixiao is a little impatient now. "What are you doing with that? Is it necessary to be so meticulous about the background of characters? Isn't the point now to touch 1ag and get the main task first? "

His words immediately attracted the whole front line of hell.

"You Why do you look at me with such eyes... " "Ghost Xiao read," strange infiltration of people

"I think I know why you can't get through the script of limited ability." Feng unconsciously shrugs and shakes his head. "Patience is too bad."

"Cut..." When ghost Xiao heard this, he read, "this line and tone are familiar to each other I always think brother Chan has said something similar to me. "

The "Zen brother" in his mouth, naturally, is to smoke and drink Oh no... Dream startles Zen.

"Eh? By the way, why don't you arrange the books with your studio teammates? " When I mentioned brother Chan, Xiaotan also thought of something.

"Er This... " Ghost Xiao hesitated for a moment.

"This may be related to the secrets of other people's studios. You'd better not ask." Xiaoling's ability to observe words and colors is also very strong. After seeing the situation, he used his elbow to hold up a small sigh to remind him.

"Oh! I'm sorry. " Small sigh chat up a smile, "when I did not say hello."

"Well In fact, there is nothing to say. " Ghost Xiao left his mouth and said, "anyway, you are not professional players. As long as you don't talk about it everywhere, it's OK to tell you about it..." He paused for half a second and said, "when we rush, our studio will follow everyone's characteristics