Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1113

"What impact has this ability brought to me?" Asked Feng unconsciously.

"Hey, hey, hey..." First of all, the cage that you used to keep people in the hall of thought has disappeared, hasn't it

"Oh That... " "I have the key to the cage from the beginning, even if it doesn't disappear," said Feng

"Haha How can it be the same? " Woody said, "you can find and master the key because your spirit is strong, but the body of the cage disappears It indicates the awakening of ability. " He paused. "And Don't think it's natural for you to be safe after the cage disappears. There are limits in the body and mind of normal people. If it wasn't for the ancient dust and Qi Zhi that they strengthened your spirit body, even you There is also a risk of mental breakdown. "

"Well..." It's no wonder you said that they have made a lot of efforts He said thoughtfully, "in fact, I have thought about it It's reasonable to say that just being able to feel the rotation of the earth all the time is enough to drive a person crazy. But... I quickly adapted to that perception. " He paused for half a second, and then said, "in fact, I not only got used to it, but also felt comfortable, so I did all kinds of experiments. "

"Oh?" Woody raised his mouth and asked, "like?"

"Take perception..." "In addition to the movement of the earth, I can also feel various physiological phenomena in my body, such as blood flow in the blood vessels, air into the lungs, and the digestion process of food in the intestines and stomach."

"I know that." Woody replied.

"And on that basis." I also tried to feel more external and specific things, such as air flow, water flow, blood flow in other people's bodies, other people's breath, other people's heartbeat, etc

"Hey hey Is there any gain? " Asked woody.

"Combined with my trained detective skills..." "I can tell whether a person is lying or not," Feng said With that, he paused for half a second, adding. "Oh, of course, I'm talking about human beings in general. Specially trained agents or guys like you are not in this range."

After listening, woody said with a smile, "haha Your attempt is based on "practical application", which is very good. But... Because of this, your exercise method is crooked. "

"How do you say that?" Asked Feng unconsciously.

"Very simple." Woody replied, "from the perspective of exercise ability Since you need to practice "perception", you just need to focus on the "perception" itself. There is no need to combine your sophisticated observation and reasoning abilities to use. "

"I see..." I can't help but grasp it very quickly. "The analogy of fitness is I don't need to think about the use of the muscles I've developed. I just need to practice. "

"That's right." Woody said, "now that you know the truth about ability, you need to pay attention to it later; you want to practice 'perception'. Don't think too much You don't have to use it with purpose, that's the right way. "

At this point, he seemed to remember something. After a few seconds' pause, he said with a smile: "hey hey In other words, I've been given such a suggestion before... "

"Oh? Do you have a day of being instructed? " I didn't realize I was interested in this, because woody seldom mentioned his own things.

"Hey hey That's right. I wasn't born in hell Woody went on, "when I first became a devil. A senior told me Apart from some extreme examples, in most cases, people like "we" are not as good at practicing or improving their abilities as those fools. " He paused. "God is just He has given us excellent brains, and we are used to using "brains" to solve problems, but in the practice of this matter. Sometimes it's easier to improve if you don't want to do anything. "

"Well..." Brother Jue nodded in response and thought it was true. Although he didn't practice much now, he could understand what the other side said.

"You know guchen, don't you?" Woody's words continued, "he was a monster when he was young. A genius in the general sense can only be regarded as an ordinary person when compared with him. But... The level of their spiritual ability has not been improved for a long time. Why? Naturally, it is not because of his talent, but because He lacks the motivation to become stronger. "

"You mean frustration?" I can't feel the way.

"Hey hey Frustration is also part of it, but the key problem is that there is no sense of crisis... " When woody said that, his tone was a little helpless. "Can you understand? The opponent that others can win with the powerful Vajra palm, we can get it with a set of Luohan fist, because we are such people You can use your intelligence to wield the power of Luohan fist like 18 dragon subduing palms. So... We've been using arhat

"Ah I have a deep understanding. " It's obvious to understand.

"To sum up, it is..." Woody shook his head and said: "with the existing conditions, combined with his own wisdom, we can solve the difficulties in front of us and enjoy the whole process That's what's wrong with us. " He spread out his hands and said with a smile, "by contrast, people with simple personalities and brains On the contrary, there is no such defect. Although, under the condition of complete equivalence, they often lose the more talented people, it doesn't matter They will gain momentum in failure, and then become stronger in the most direct way they know. They don't want anything else. "

"Well The road ahead is limited, even if there is only one On the contrary, we can walk faster. " Feng unconsciously sighed.

"Hey hey What you need to learn now is to 'ignore some paths' and' speed up on the right path '. " Woody answers.

"Ha ha I'll do my best. " Feng can't help but turn the topic back to the part he didn't finish just now. "OK, I have roughly known the training direction of perception. Next, I'll talk to you about" seeing through the operation law of things... "

He paused for a few seconds, thinking for a moment. Again: "at first, even some simple things, I have to focus on them and observe them for a while before I can analyze their laws; and in the face of those more complex things beyond my knowledge, I have to open them or break them up before I can see them. But... This period of time, after repeated attempts and practice. I'm almost at the level of staring for five minutes, and then I can tear up and reassemble a smartphone. "

"Haha Not bad. " "It's really a good idea to use precision machinery to exercise this part of ability," Woody laughs

"I feel like you're about to say 'but'?" I can't even guess that's true.

"Hey hey But it's also not right to practice focusing on one category of things. " Woody said as he expected, "it's not that the more complex you observe, the more intense you exercise your abilities "Ability" is not a science exercise. There is no need to follow that train of thought. There is a lot of material in this world. "To see complexity from simplicity" is what we call "understanding."

"Well I'll try to observe something simple from today? " I can't feel the way.

Before his voice fell, woody smiled maliciously: "actually "Nothing in the world is simple." when you can understand this sentence, your ability is not far away from the "merge" level He licked his lips. "As for what you should observe from now on, my advice is animals, plants, ecosystems After you've seen all this. It's almost possible to start working hard in the direction of returning to nature, such as observing "a drop of water", "a lump of shit" It's all great exercise. "

"Or you can take a picture of yourself. It's useful when I'm back to basics. " Without thinking, brother Jue came to make complaints about it.

"Hey hey Believe it or not, I can turn into a big shit and wrestle with you. " Woody answers.

"Well..." In the face of this very courageous threat, Feng unconsciously thought for two seconds, "I lost..." Decisively, he chose to give advice.

"Haha All right. That's the end of the joke. " "That's almost all about the ability part," Woody said. "It's better to wait until you're promoted to the next level." He pushed his glasses with his middle finger to connect. "Then In the end, I'd like to finish talking to you about this. "

His "this" is undoubtedly the yadali crown in his package.

"Ah From the beginning, it's said from the beginning. " "Up to now, I haven't been told what it has to do with the candidate game," Feng said

"Hey hey This is one of the props of the last candidate game. " Woody replied, "in addition to the crown, there are three props: the sage's stone, the amulet and the Holy Grail And those who collect these four things can get... "

“…… "Holy sword" right Feng unconsciously took over the other side's words directly, "I know that in the '80s, yadali's' sword hunting' activity. I knew the origin of Yage when you asked me to take the 'crown' on the Yage number a few days ago." He asked, "well Didn't that activity die because the company went bankrupt? Did you recreate it in the candidate game? "

"Haha That's right. " And We will still use these things in this candidate game. "

"Oh ~" I can't help you to get the crown... " He thought for another two seconds, "but Why did you grab it yourself? For you, move in a moment, take it and go It's done, isn't it? Why bother to let me do it? "

"Hum It's not that easy. " Woody sneers, "as you say, there is almost nothing in the world that I can't make sure with" one moment moving ". If there is Just two. "

"So Are you also restricted? " At last, Feng unconsciously explored the problem step by step.

"Hey, hey, hey