Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1092

Chapter In order to reduce the chance of elimination, the game of triple neurasthenia takes the form of two wins in three games.

In the first game, the referee is responsible for shuffling and placing the cards.

The loser in the first set is responsible for the second set.

If there is a third set, then the loser in the second set will wash it.

To make a long story short, after the referee has finished the preparatory work, the first game of "crow" against "black butterfly" starts like this

"You two, it's up to you to guess the order of the coins, right?" After the referee set the cards, he said to them.

"No need." Feng unconsciously said a word to the referee, then looked at the butterfly mask woman and said, "ladies first, attack first or attack later, it's up to you to choose."

Hearing this, the black butterfly snorted in her heart: "hum Do you want to test me in this way? "

I think so, but she won't show it.

The next second, the black butterfly smiled and said softly: "Mr. crow, you are so gentle Then I will be polite We're ready to attack after the election. "

Although she said the word "comity", in fact, she did not give up any benefits. Everyone who knows the game of neurasthenia well knows that in this game, "back attack" actually has advantages.

Take the most basic neurasthenia as an example Excluding cheating, the probability of the first attacker scoring in the first place is very, very low. Because at this time, all the cards have not been turned over, so there is no "memory" factor. The players who turn over depend on 100% luck. Even if someone can score at the first hand by luck, the second-hand even the probability of scoring again is infinitely close to zero.

In a word, first-hand or second-hand The first attacker can turn out a pair of cards even if he or she is in the sky, and at least let the other side see two cards with different points.

When the back attacking side started to flip, at least two cards had been known in advance. At this time, one side of the back attack opens a card that has not been revealed. If the number of points of this card matches those of the previous two cards, you can easily score.

Of course The extent of this advantage. It's far from the point of being the first to play chess; neurasthenia is ultimately a game of luck, and the latter is likely to open two cards with different points than the one revealed by the first attacker. Or I didn't turn to the first card, but unfortunately I turned to the second card. Instead, they will give points to each other.

In addition, the above is just a common case of neurasthenia. In this "triple neurasthenia", the backhand's advantage is even less because of the huge card base and higher scoring requirements.

But An advantage is an advantage, even a fraction of it. It is also possible to influence the final outcome.

To this end, the black butterfly will never let go in half a step.

"Do you agree?" After receiving the reply, the referee turned to look at brother Jue and confirmed to him.

"No problem." The seal, who was lying on the side of the chair, said to him unconsciously, and raised his hand accordingly, "well I'll start right now. "

After all, he has reached out and opened his first card in this round


As mentioned above, the set of cards used is not poker, but special cards.

There are 102 cards in this suit. There are thirty-four kinds of patterns, thirty-two of which are taken from the "thirty-two aspects" in Buddhism, namely: the top of the bun, the brow of the pekoe, the eyelashes of the ox king, the eyes of the cyan, the cheeks of the full face, the taste of the common face, the wide and long tongue, the voice of the Brahma king, the forty teeth, the teeth of the tight face, the teeth of the white face, the upper body of the lion, the straight body shape, the body of the wide and long face, body color, etc Golden yellow phase, bright phase, one hole and one hair phase, hair on the body, two shoulders full phase, two armpits full phase, seven places full phase, skin moistening phase, fingers thin long phase, hands and feet soft phase, fingers net phase, hands over the knee phase, like horse Yin hidden phase, like deer King phase, foot high full phase, heel wide flat phase, foot flat phase, foot round shape phase.

Each of the above "thirty-two phase cards" has three cards and 96 work meters.

There are still two patterns left, namely, "blissful pure land" and "Infernal hell". These two designs are different from others - "Infernal hell" has four, while "blissful pure land" only has two.

According to the rule, in. Players turn three cards each time, and must turn out "three cards in the same phase" to calculate the score, otherwise they will change hands.

All 32 cards have the same score, that is, one card equals one point.

At any time. If someone turns up three infernal Inferno in one round, he will lose the game directly.

When the two sides have turned over a total of 25 phases, either side turns over two pieces of "blissful pure land" in a certain round, and the competition is ended. Both sides will judge the outcome according to the current score difference, and the party turning over the "blissful pure land" will get an additional 10 points plus in the judgment.

And in the case of "Infernal hell" and "blissful pure land" not triggered. When the "thirty-one phase" is revealed on the table, the competition is also declared over, and the two sides will directly determine the winner or loser according to the current score difference.

To sum up, in addition to the conventional card scoring, the key point is how to flexibly use pure land card to lock the victory and avoid hell card


"Ooh ~ this is the first one." Feng didn't realize he was smiling when he saw the first card he opened.

He put the infernal hell face up, then stretched out his hand leisurely and opened the second card far away from the card.

Just this "flip" choice is enough to see that brother Jue knows a lot about the game of "neurasthenia"

When playing this game, it's obviously more convenient to turn over adjacent cards at a time, but if the cards are far away from each other, it's more difficult to remember, because the memory will soon blur after the players move their eyes or after a period of time.

Moreover, in the first game, the referee used a disordered and disordered way of placing cards. In this way, the practice of "long-distance unveiling" will make memory more difficult.

Obviously, I'm not aware of this tactic, and I'm very confident in my memory

"Well This one... " Two seconds later, Feng opened his second card.

I have to say that his character is so terrible, with two hands It's all hell.

Seeing this, the black butterfly chuckled: "ha Mr. crow. You're really good. In the first round, you've already turned over two identical cards. "

"Easy to say, easy to say ~" I was so calm when I left the second card. "In terms of probability, although the probability of turning to the same design and color in the first round is very low, the probability of turning to two" Infernal hell "in this" very low probability "is indeed higher than turning to two other things After all, this kind of decor is more than others He made a meal. "As far as I'm concerned, this flop can only be regarded as my 'average level'..."

Speaking, he chose a place far away from the second card, and under the pressure of "in case of another hell card, he would lose directly", he would not want to turn over his third hand.

Fortunately, this time, he turned to a "phase" card.

"Hoo..." Feng didn't realize that he was nervous, but the referee was relieved. "The first round is over, and the right to change hands." The referee announced the result. He turned the three cards on the table back to their original positions.

"Here, I want to emphasize it again." After turning over the cards carefully, the referee said, "my judgment is very strict for the practice of" leaving marks in the process of turning over the cards ". Please pay attention to it."

"Oh -" at this, black butterfly pouted up her sexy red lips, leaned forward slightly and said to the referee, "well If someone else 'accidentally' crumples the card, what can they do? '"

her delicate voice is gently penetrated into the referee's ear. Then combined with the visual welfare of his bent body, the referee's bones are crisp.

The referee's eldest brother swallowed his saliva unconsciously, stepped back half a step, and replied solemnly: "if it's accidental damage to the card.". It doesn't matter if you replace the original card with a spare card. "

"Oh, that's right." The black butterfly said, and began to flip.

She wore a pair of long black gloves on her hands, which wrapped her slender fingers like a light gauze, and made the skin on her arms more white.

"One Two... Three... " In the mouth of the black butterfly, she counted and opened three adjacent cards.

Let's talk about luck

If "turning over three hells at random" is brother Jue's "general level", then black butterfly's "general level" is the same as most people. The three cards she started to flip were all match cards, and the three cards were not repeated.

The duel between the two started like this

In the second round, he used the form of far away cards, and all the cards he opened were not revealed before. In view of that he has turned two "Infernal hell" in the first round, as long as he doesn't move those two cards, and then anywhere, it's impossible for him to "turn to three hells in a row and lose", so he turned this round very fast; after revealing the three cards, he ended this round.

The second round of black butterfly is similar to her first round. She chose next to the three cards she had opened in the first round and turned them three more.

This time, there are also three cards, one of which is the "voice like the king of Sanskrit" turned out by Feng unconsciously in the first round, and this It's the same decor that first appeared in this game except for hell.

Then, it's juega's third round. His tactics did not change, or to turn the card never revealed before.

What's a little surprising is This time, he seems to be lucky, because the first card he turns over in this round is "sound like the king of Brahma", that is to say Now he can take the lead in getting three points only by turning over the "sound like the king of Brahma" revealed in the previous two photos.

"Ah..." As soon as the black butterfly saw the card, he gave a light shout and immediately answered, "Alas It seems that you are going to score first ~ Mr. crow. "

As she spoke, she put on a look of sadness and chagrin, sighed softly, straightened herself up and put her hands on her body