Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1078

Feng unconsciously walked down the stairs and came to the main hall, still observing the surrounding environment and people.

Although the term "dinner party" was used in the previous broadcast, the organizers of the party clearly did not intend to invite everyone to sit around the table and have Chinese food.

Of course, food and drink are still available in the main hall. All kinds of drinks, champagne trees, as well as many instant snacks and fresh seafood All can be taken by the guests themselves.

Or It can only be taken by itself.

Because there is only the suit Sunglasses man who is responsible for maintaining order here, and there is no waiter.

Considering that many guests have chosen the mask of "can't eat without taking off", in fact, the demand for food and beverage here is quite limited, and this arrangement seems to be nothing wrong.

A moment later, brother Jue, who wandered around the main hall for a whole circle, restrained the impulse to take off his mask and rub against rice Find a corner near the wall to stand, and continue to watch it change.

"The unexpected expansion..." Looking at all kinds of guests in front of him, Feng unconsciously said, "even though everyone is wearing masks and has never met before, many people have formed 'small groups'."

His eyes moved quickly and swept over the people in groups of three or five.

"Even if the face is covered, people who are good at communication are still good at communication.

"Body, conversation, temperament; and taste for wine, clothing, even masks These are explicit capital that can express self-worth quickly. "

Thinking of it, he looked at other people.

"And those who are not good at them can only serve as vassals for the time being, or fight on their own like me."

Then he gave a slight hum.

"Hum However, in the long run, there is no difference between the two.

"Those people who are talking and laughing at the moment all know that the" relationship "established in this situation is nothing more than playing tricks on each other.

"When it comes to their own interests, everyone can easily betray each other..."

Feng unconsciously looked up at the second floor of the main hall where There is a gate guarded by many black suits that no one can approach.

"After all In the eyes of the "organizer" who promoted the good play. The people standing in the main hall at this moment are all for fun

"Gorgeous clothes or excellent social skills

"It's better to show off your knowledge and show off your manners

"No matter what we do, we can't cover up the fact that the people who come here have no way.

"If it's not desperate. Would not have come to the ship.

"I would not have gambled on my life if I had not been desperate.

"And these people Different from the bottom people who have never touched the upper social resources, they are all "successful people", "social elites", "winners in life" Their abilities, courage, vision and so on are all different from the former.

"But they are all because of some kind of mistake. Make their lives come to the edge of the eternal.

"They They are more afraid of poverty and loss than ordinary people.

"For mortals, being a mortal is life, but for gods, being a mortal Is the most terrible punishment.

"In the hearts of these people, the 'fear' of the poor even transcends the fear of death, at least before they really face death.

"So, they put all their eggs in one basket

"So. They came here

"In order to escape from the abyss in front of them, they rush to a single wooden bridge, but they deceive themselves and ignore There are only a few people who can cross the bridge, and the rest will fall from the bridge and fall into another deeper abyss... "

When I read about it, I couldn't help laughing.

"Ah Watching these people struggling and tearing at each other in the desperate situation Gradually peel off the layers of camouflage on the body, revealing the dirty essence under the bright appearance, or Nature must be a very pleasant thing. "

His smile has the element of self mockery. There are also some unspeakable emotions

I'm afraid brother Jue himself has realized The reason why he can think of this is that the dark side of his heart is also eager for this show.


Late, ten past seven.

Maybe to put on airs. Maybe it's to give the guests time to communicate in advance, or It's just a matter of nature.

In short, tonight's protagonist, by this time, came to the stage late.

It was a yellow man in a tuxedo, about 1.8 meters tall, with black hair.

Like the guests. The "organizer" is also wearing a mask.

Therefore, people can't see his face; only hair color, skin color, height and body shape can be confirmed.

When the man came to the guardrail on the second floor, the crowd in the main hall naturally quieted down.

[sense of existence]

this is a word that flashes in people's mind at this moment.

He didn't talk, he didn't do anything that would attract other people's attention. He simply "appears" and stands there, giving people a strong sense of existence that can not be ignored.

In a short time, the whole conference hall was silent, and hundreds of burning eyes were on the man.

People are waiting Wait for him to say something.

The response was quite satisfactory to the organizer.

"As always, these ordinary ants disguised as elites I noticed my difference quickly. "

He arranged a sentence in his heart and was about to speak. Unexpectedly

All of a sudden, there was a very obvious sucking sound.

Because the main hall is very quiet at this time, the sound is very harsh.

So People's attention, which originally stayed on the organizers, was immediately attracted by the sound.

But see, the source of sound A man wearing a crow mask is holding a drink, and inserting the straw of the drink into the "eye" part of the mask, snoring, walking and breathing

In the face of the crowd, the goods did not mean to stop this wonderful behavior.

He just drank the drink slowly and casually, then put down the cup, and slowly closed the "glasses" on the mask (the two eyes of the crow mask are two round glass designs like the porthole; on the mask that Jue Ge bought, the two glasses can be opened separately).

"I said ~ big brother." After drinking. Feng didn't realize that he turned around and took two steps to say hello to a man in dark suit who was nearest to him.

The suit man was also stunned. After two seconds, he hesitated and said: "what What's up? "

"Don't you have a flexible straw here? How inconvenient it is to be straight. " I don't feel like complaining at the convenience store counter. I told him something that didn't matter to everyone.

But Judging from the actual situation, his opinion is indeed well founded.

Because the mask's mouth couldn't be opened, he could only fold the straw into an angle of nearly 60 degrees just now and lift the drink to the height of his face. Let the straw through the hole in the eye into the mask, and then put it into the mouth

In this case, when the straight straw is forced to bend, it will be very difficult to suck things, and then it will make that very unpleasant and obvious sucking sound.

Of course Normally, when the mouth of the mask can't be opened, people just give up drinking and eating. If the mouth of the mask can be opened, the straight straw has no effect.

"Here This... " The suit man was asked a bit muddled, as a small man, in the focus of so many people. He got nervous involuntarily.

"Ah Ha ha ha... " Fortunately, two seconds later, the organizer standing on the second floor laughed.

His laughter drew people's attention back.

"Oh? Younger than expected. " After hearing each other's voice, Feng immediately said to himself, "I have just deduced from his walking gait, exposed skin and standing posture that he should not be more than 40 years old. Now listen to the laughter He's probably under thirty. "

"Hello! Who is that? " Before the smile was over, the organizer called out to the man in the suit in his slightly noisy voice.

"Ah Ah! Yes! Sir! " The suit man hesitated for half a second, then stood straight at once. Answer loudly.

"Now go to the logistics department and confirm for the gentleman beside you whether there is a straw he wants on the ship." The next second, the organizers quietly ordered. "If not, you can go back to the city by helicopter and buy some for him."

"Er Yes! " The suit man responded with an expression of "saved". Then he gave brother Jue a proud look and left

What happened in a minute. The first round of "battle" between brother Jue and the Organizer

Feng didn't realize that he saw the time when the organizer was ready to speak, and he disrupted the rhythm of the other party with some unreasonable behavior.

But the organizer solved the other side's demands with a simple and direct way, which ordinary people may not think of.

In this way, brother Jue 's situation at this time seems to be a little embarrassed However, after all, he is cheeky, and today he has a mask bonus, so he doesn't care much about the crowd's onlooking.

Anyway, this first "trick" It seems that the organizers have won.

"Hum..." After a slightly awkward silence, the organiser cleared his throat and said again, "ladies and gentlemen..."

His words let those who still despise Jue Ge turn their eyes back.

"Welcome to the song of songs." When the host said this, he didn't have any enthusiasm, but his tone showed a faint chill, "I'm the host of this banquet, just call me" the host "directly."

He paused for two seconds, looked at the reaction of the crowd below, and then said: "you are all smart people. If you are hypocritical and roundabout, I will save......"

He was not a man who could have said that Because "hypocrisy" and "roundabout" are the rhetorical devices that people use when they have the desire for others. And this organizer, there's almost no chance