Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1070


The familiar darkness.

After the title moves, Feng comes to a black space in an instant.

Time and space are stagnant at this moment.

A kind of invisible thing called "nothingness" quietly seeped into brother Jue's marrow, trying to crush his consciousness.

However, Feng is not affected by Qi at all I don't know how long ago, a cold voice came into brother Jue's ear.

At the moment of words, light appeared.

It's black light.

In the dark, there is a black light, which is an unspeakable abnormal scene.

This black and black, dark and dark make up a spectacle that ordinary people can't see clearly.

However, jueger can see clearly by using data perspective.

At this time, he saw a black human figure coming slowly, and in a blink of an eye, he was in front of him.

"How did you get in?" Next second, Chueh Ge asked a very strange question.

Of course, this question is very strange. Normally, he should ask "how did I come in", and his way of asking seems that the other party is the "guest".

"What?" The fighting Demon Under the cover of black mans stopped immediately and replied, "where can you recognize this?"

"Ah" Feng chuckled and said in a natural way, "even if you dye this place black, it's my palace of thinking after all. There's no reason why you can't feel it?"

"Well," he said to the devil, thinking, "yes." he didn't know what he was referring to. "You're very good"

"that's each other." Elder brother Jue said, "you are also quite powerful. Even though you have lost nearly half of your strength, you still have such prestige."

"I don't need your praise." Doumo said, "I want you to keep your promise."

Now doumo's voice is much more normal. In the period after he left the gate of nothingness, he (under the influence of the system) changed the words of "I".

"Don't worry." I don't know. "It's no coincidence that you and I met here."

"I know." Doumo Road, "you used that so-called doumo come?"

His words have revealed a very important message Brother Jue immediately changed his tone. "It seems that you have a deeper understanding of our" foreign tourists "

"Not in depth." "In our universe," Dou said, "it's no doubt that those guys who know you best are the derivatives." He paused, "and all I know is from zhuanjiezun and Dien Wang."

"Well?" The face of the seal does not feel dignified. "You"

"hum, you can rest assured." "I didn't kill them," doumo said in a relaxed tone He seemed to see through brother Jue's mind, and then said, "destruction is only a means, not an end. If your two colleagues die, I will be very troubled."

"Do you belong to the same party?" Chueh said, "Oh, I think so." He smiled and changed the subject. "Well, there's not much to talk about. I have something else to do. " As he said this, he reached out and grasped it. The Black Pearl suddenly appeared on his palm like Yin. "I'll give it to you according to the agreement."

Fighting the devil is worthy of being the devil of the devil.

When such life-threatening objects are put in front of us, it's hard for anyone to keep calm. Even if they don't take them immediately, their looks will change.

However, doumo is not moved.

He looked calmly at the jewel, his third eye. Then he said, "aren't you afraid that I will kill you as soon as I get this?"

"Not afraid." "You know I'm just a projection," Feng said. "It's futile to kill me."

"What if I said I could bring you 'permanent damage'?" The next sentence of doumo. There is no doubt that he will be the first army of Jue Ge.

"Ha! Ha ha ha ha "brother Jue laughed and made a sound. He laughed and grabbed one hand of doumo and put the Pearl in the hand of the latter." you're very good, too. "

Say it. Feng can't help but step back and open up his arms, putting on a posture of "whatever you can do".

He hesitated for a moment, then "Alas" he had to admit that he didn't get the upper hand in this mutual exploration. "Maybe the times are really different." He stares into brother Jue's eyes. "Crazy, there are many 'interesting guys' like you in this new era. You show me the infinite possibilities beyond pure chaos and order. "

"Then you, the most powerful demon from ancient times," Feng asked, following his words, "what kind of" possibility "would you choose?"

"I'm looking for the answer, too." "I still need it," he said, raising his hand and embedding it in his forehead. "Time."

At that moment, juegben thought there would be some earth shaking changes.

But no.

The scene of the devil's eye planting is like a man putting a golf ball into his mouth. The people standing behind him may not know what was born.

"Do you think you've put your eyes on it?" I don't know.

"Yes." Fighting devil's path.

"I thought you would suddenly become stronger and so on," said Feng unconsciously.

"Not at all." Doumo explained, "to open your eyes is like blocking the holes in the dam. That's all."

"Oh," Chueh nodded, "that is to say, from this moment on, you still need to spend time slowly 'storing water'?"

"You can say that." Fighting devil's path.

"What about the power you lost?" Brother Jue asked, "where have you been?"

"The whole universe has" Dou devil road. "Most of the magic Qi is concentrated in the chaotic scorched earth, and other places are more or less affected

"Impact?" I can't feel what I've noticed when I hear it here, "what kind of influence?"

"In the future, you will see it yourself." Constantly answering questions made doumo lose his patience. "Now," he said, his third eye flashed abruptly, "take my strength and go to your business."

At the end of the speech, brother Jue said that a black awn came out of the eye on the forehead of doumo and attacked the former's heart.

For the first time, the experience of "demonization" is repeated again, which is like the pain of the soul refining of the prison fire and the pain of the far system limitation. Once again, it completely engulfs the seal.

He felt the pain of soul devouring clearly and soberly; the process was fleeting but eternal. )◆ mobile phone users can visit m.ysxiaoshuo for one second to remember this website, the fastest updated novel website of biquga!